Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by darkgamerone, March 7, 2011.

  1. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Halo: Reach.

    That's the only one I can name.
  2. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    i've just seen the pax east patch on the PC version

    yep, this game on our box is done for.

    we'll most likely get one more update and then done because of stupid microsoft and their stupid policies.

    oh well, i might get the PC version, maybe...
  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Please tell me you read the thread before you posted that?

    Or, tell me you didn't. Then I'd feel less compelled to slap you.

    DEADPOOL. Give him your chicken suit.
  4. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Tis' alright. Bought this P.O.S at a thrift store for 5 dollars. Take it bruddah, you be needing it more than me.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    This game will recieve an update ported from the steam goodies. It may be limited depending on microsoft, but it will get something and will probably continue to be a good game on xbox no matter if it gets patched or not because:

    -doesn't require a disk tray
    -equal functinality to most disk strategy shooters

    People will continue seeing this game, buying this game, playing this game, probably for years, even if no more than 2000 play it at any given time the game will fill the drop off rate with new blood very often due to these perks.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Reach is about to get map pack number two. And it came out after Monday night combat.

    But then again, it was a bigger title and Microsoft first party one at that.
  7. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    You can tell it's MS first party aswell, a map pack with three maps (and shooters, in all honesty do not benefit well from extra maps) for... wait for it 6.85 or $10.00
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Lmfao, I would only pay that price for 3 maps if it were Uber's maps for MNC. Don't get any ideas, Uber. Just saying that game isn't worth nearly as much as this lol.

    ...but if that is the only way to get us that kind of content, 2100MSP it is Uber. We just want it lol.
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I would pay for MNC DLC easily. POLL TIME!!!
  10. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    However the second DLC is made by 343 Industries(the original HALO heads if you didnt know, they left during HALO 3 to make 343(343 Guilty Spark))
    So really in the amount of time it would make sense, 2 developers making 2 map packs in a small window. Microsoft would just bend backwards for the size of a HALO update tho, and if its to big for download it would be made into a disc, *cough*ODST*cough*
  11. darkgamerone

    darkgamerone New Member

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    this has nothing to do with halo aka Gay-lo so that is all pointless. Fact remains MNC is a great game i will always have the great and bad times that come with it but i think that steam basically filled ubers pockets so well that it killed XBL MNC that is not ok with me at all. I feel like we got the sort end of the stick and saying that ms policies is why is not a excuses to let uber off the hook for this Negligence and the response we get is "our loss" ??? not a good way to approach this. the people that work at uber are great helpful and nice but unless you guy are willing to work around ms policies well things will always be this way. i don't think anyone is asking for free DLC or updates but i don't see why you cant pack some updates into a map pack make 2 maps sold separately and pack all the updates into them simple as that. at this point i don't think there are any non hard core fans playing this game anymore being i keep seeing the same people on MNC so i cant see how we would complain about paying for updates and fixes i would.
  12. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    Eka gave a reasonable explanation of why the xbox has been so long without a patch. He's been building a cabin out of gold bars from the billions he made off the PC version.

    Seems kinda weird linking to a thread directly above this one but here goes.

  13. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Ive been bringing my xbawks to my buddy's house to play. This game was really fun. Im gonna miss playing it.
  14. darkgamerone

    darkgamerone New Member

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    thanks i didn't see this lol helpful
  15. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    It was a good run. I imagine there will be an update within the next month or so, as a direct result of the, "OMG where did half our fanbase go?"

    Necro-raise for the win!
  16. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    Balance issues got the best of me...Stuck it out as long as I could. It was fun in the beginning, but once Spunky Cola came out, things went down hill. Mortal Kombat pulled me away.
  17. 13ip0lar

    13ip0lar New Member

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    I just wanna say I am well aware of MS patch and update issues, and how things can take ridiculously longer than they should. However, it's been a long *** time since we have even heard if we are gonna get the new DLC anytime soon, or when. I mean I'm patient, but not even a hint as to when we should expect it, or trying to calm the masses is a bit ridiculous in my opinion. Anyways, here's hoping. I still play this fairly often, although I have noticed I run into a few of the same people now and then, which concerns me to how many still actually play.

    Appreciate the link, but I will state again, still kind of ridiculous it takes that long, just to get a "Don't worry!" response from the staff. Sigh... I'm still holding in there though. It's a great game. :3
  18. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    They've said more than that. I don't feel like digging up the link but they have also admitted they've made a mistake waiting so long and it's been a learning process if I remember correctly. It does suck and I wish there was more content but I think they've handled it better than %99 of the developers out there imo.

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