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  1. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    At least ONE of the competitive teams need to stay in MNC so feedle can never say he has the best team in MNC.

    that is all.
  2. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    FoH will make sure that'll never happen :mrgreen:
  3. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    you know you love us.
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    could that be royal flush instead? i dont know how i feel about agitating (#1 MNC GUNNER!!!) having the #1 slot either.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    Feedle and his party of 4 just rage quit out of a match because they got smashed.
  6. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    They certainly did ;)
  7. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    lol you're one of the guys who was in a party of 5 and killing me on my spawn ring. Then I had tom and TheBoom come in and we wrecked you guys 3v5 and you left. Then when I sent you a message accusing you of rage quitting you said you lagged out.

    Then the same thing happened a week later.
  8. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    jester is one of those pub assaults who still chases to the ends of the earth to get a kill.
  9. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    I quit? When? I stayed until the host left and I couldn't connect and then you'all were appearing offline. They also forgot to mention a certain someone who got on our team to build lazer blazers and overheal them. It's pretty sad when a jackbot feels good about killing a couple of slimbots. I hate to see how bad you get beat when you play people who are good.

    and I wouldn't have to chase people to get a kill if they didn't run.
  10. Risk

    Risk New Member

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    Typical Excuse... and if you can't kill people fast enough while playing assault in a pub match you should be ashamed.
  11. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    You're right it is a typical excuse because the host migration in this game is terrible. I really should be ashamed but it is my experience that people in this game have no shame? I mean bragging about winning a game against people 6 bots below you is peanuts compared to having to reload and finish a pro off. I certainly don't go waiving my **** around when I beat up on slimbots, but I guess ya'know people's low self esteem need a boost sometimes.
  12. Risk

    Risk New Member

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    Bragging about making a team of 5 rage quit isn't "peanuts."

    And you caught me.. my very low self esteem needs a boost, so do you mind adding me so i can face your team of 5 and wave my **** around when i win? :D ;) :p

    Agitating doesn't call himself #1 Gunner anymore.. now its #1 Support :lol:
  13. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    FOR DAYS!! :lol:
    My Gunner + His support = almost Unstoppable

    FoH beat RF in the friendly scrim (if it was even that).
  14. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Lmfao scrim? It was a lag fest followed by your team talknig ****, while two assaults stood outside the spawn not shooting the ball. Just played like pub team with the shittiest host ive seen in a long time, dizzys x box froze, tom # had frame rate problems and i couldnt place one rail gun shot.

    Also good job on the sig, im sure you are in thombows good books now you are trolling fluff as well.
  15. Risk

    Risk New Member

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    Hmm lets break this down a bit.

    1. Exactly "Lmfao Scim" is right. It was basically a pub match.

    2. Who was talking ****? I personally was telling my team to calm down and not talk ****, then when the game ended you guys started to complain so i said "Calm down" and someone from RF called me something which sounded like "Melon Head" making us laugh... :lol:

    3. Me and skill were probably sitting outside your spawn (mostly in the second game), because you guys had two assassins in the bot lanes trying to keep our bots back. Of course when your ball went down we did shoot the money ball.

    4. Don't even try to blame host, most of the team is from around the US East Coast, except Wildman, and as far as i know he hasn't complained about lag while playing with us.

    5. We have played with/against tom before so i doubt it was the host causing him problems.

    6. Your rail gun was missing because your bad? rail gun misses when you play tank off of the host, it happens to everyone.

    When the first game ended and you all complained about lag we even asked if you wanted to make a new lobby and get the host, but you guys just couldn't stop complaining. So we just began the game.
  16. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    I offered about 10 times for RippeR to host, or tom #'s, or ANYONE to host so you guys could stop complaining but no-one wanted to, so we started another game because you guys weren't doing anything soon.

    As soon as the game ended Fluff started talking a LOT of crap at us. The first thing he said to us was to "shut your f****** faces you pikey f****** bas******!!!". We kept telling him to calm down and we didn't say anything rude, but he carried on having a go at us so we just started laughing at his ignorance. No-one on our team talked s*** about yours, we were actually nice.

    I tried to reconcile with him (because i'm nice like that :D) but Fluff just kept talking s***. Whenever he meets someone new he ALWAYS shouts out crap at them from what i've noticed. He keeps acting as if he is better than I because he's 2 years older but from the amount of swearing he does and his attitude I just cba to try to be friends with him. At least I tried.... So that's why me and THOMBOW are trolling him.
  17. Govnerplatypus

    Govnerplatypus New Member

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    All of this makes me feel good about missing the game
  18. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    I wish we could find a game with 5 people it always takes like half an hour for the lobby to fill up when you have any party above 4, it's ridiculous.
  19. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    If I join a game and the moment I come out of the spawn ring I get assault bombed back into the spawn, and then hit by an ice trap around the other door or killed by a deployed gunner, I am going to talk trash when I have a team of 3 vs. their team of 5 the following game and still pull off a win.

    And I'm going to talk even more trash if they quit immediately after said game. Maybe you did lag out. But if you're pub stomping and kill farming against bad players, and then your team leaves at the sight of better players, you're going to be trashed in this community, even if it wasn't your fault. If you want to avoid this...don't team up with 5 and spawn kill.

    And I'm not claiming to be the best. Teg has been beaten by Destiny and GP mixes all the time. I think we're something like 2-15 agains them, and 1 of our losses wasn't anywhere near legit because their gunner lagged out.

    What I will claim is to know the metagame enough to be able to explain to people how it works. And we're also good enough to say that other than those guys, and maybe **** (we haven't played them yet so we don't know for sure), I don't think there's anybody who could beat TEG at our best. I'm not talking trash or trying to turn this into a "WHOSE TEAM HAS A BIGGER PENIS" thread...just saying my honest opinion.
  20. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    I'm confused you talk trash when more skilled players beat less skilled players but then say I'll be shunned if I beat up on less skilled players? What am I supposed to do bend over and let some jackbots take turns on me? My point was I play against slims, buzzers, and gremlins because I'm a buzzer they are within my skill range I find it odd that I'd be shunned for beating people who are in the same bot class as me.

    If you want to have another scrim with full team v full team that's fine it would be fun but don't pretend that jumping into our game when we are just dicking around with our non-competitive friends a win.
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