A list of essential improvements...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Ace42, April 29, 2011.

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  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    It doesn't ruin all games. It only ruins games where people don't know how to act when they know that a player is juiced or has juice.

    Get better, deny players the ability to buy juice in the first place. Not hard in pubs.
  2. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Also, grapple+headcrabs, suicide airstrikes, lvl 3 deployed gunner, counter-juice as any class (even if you fail to juiced guy, he'll spend 87% of his juice time to kill you). There's an endless amount of ways to deal with a juiced guy, that's why we rarely see a successfull juice in skillplays (assassin who's taking down lvl 1's early in game is okay). A bigger problem is dealing with 2 and more juiced guys, but if you have 2 enemy gentlemen juiced without a juice of your own then you're doing something wrong. Sadly, but l2p.
    Let's be honest and face it. Sniper on PC is overpowered, but the balance is in such a state that nerfing the sniper ever so little might make him underpowered or give too much power to someone else (e.g. taking away the ability to pierce tank/gunner shield might seem fair, but it'll make tank a lot more dangerous). But I saw a thread where devs said they are just testing stuff on PC that in the long run will be ported back to xbox, and on xbox sniper is fine so we might not see any changes on PC. Which will be sad.
  3. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    I never had too much of an issue with Snipers, but yeah, can't really bring the skilled players down to a manageable level without really killing the class. Maybe a buff to Assassin in some way that will allow her to disable his traps or otherwise harass the Sniper. Perhaps allowing the Smokebomb to be thrown might be an alternative.
  4. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Assassin can smokebomb near traps to set them off. Also, why would you ever want to throw a smokebomb? The blind is a fraction of second (on players) and 90% of the time you'll use it to get away, not to blind something.
    I think I alredy mentioned the possible fix for a sniper. Ever played TF2? You know thre's a revolver for a spy called ambassador, unlike other revolvers it does less damage and has lower ROF, but can headshot. If you miss a headshot then you have to wait a second to try again or continue fire without headshot property.
    My point is, if you want to headshot a guy then spamming shots shouldn't be an option. You have to wait a full second after your last shot to regain the ability to actually headshot, but you can spam bodyshots as much as you like. To compensate for that, bring his bodyshot damage up to 200.
  5. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Smokebomb triggers traps? :shock:

    I always avoided getting close to traps to begin with.
  6. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Yup. Just learn the traps AOE and smokebomb right outside it, dunno about lvl 1 but lvl 2 and 3 definitely do it.
  7. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    U so pro
  8. Robinson

    Robinson New Member

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    Level 1 has a very slightly larger range than the traps, so ou have to be very close, level 2 and 3 you can be pretty safe to disable it, it will still drain your skills and slow you if you walk over it though, just like if it's shot by a sniper rifle.
  9. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Don't listen to him, he's a horrible assassin (like even worse than me). Smoke bombs do not disable ice traps.
  10. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Nobody can be that bad, not even Hick
    AHAHAHAHAHAHAH +100 Ashole points
  11. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    Because we're talking about "pushing bots" not "taking out turrets". I concur that pushing a bot lane is a vitally important game-winning strategy when *IT'S COMPLETELY CLEAR STRAIGHT TO THE MONEYBALL*. But, by that point the game's won anyway; and your entire team should be shepherding those bots forward to guarantee the ball gets down and they're ready to pounce.

    That's what, 25 bot kills total? 5 waves of 5 bots between your spawn and theirs. Any monkey can wipe out 25 bots in a match quite comfortably; there's no need to have an assassin dedicated to such a trivial task.

    Also, while you're grinding bots to no effect, it's easy for someone to construct, overheal, upgrade, hack new turrets.

    And yet you're the one who can't understand what is a very simple concept: There is nothing stopping good players from joining pub games; and indeed any "good player" who refuses to ever play in publics (especially given the barren state of the game at present) sounds like precisely the petulant cretin who I'd not want to play with on any server under any circumstances.

    And you've never had your team lose because the opposition had stronger players and your team was out-numbered 6 to 5 because you were off picking daisies while their assassin was helping guarantee tactical dominance? Sounds like you're the one missing vital game-play experiences then...

    Your assumptions about my level of competence, experience, knowledge and insight are irrelevant to the point.

    Feel free to continue relying on ad hominems if you can't argue your case effectively though; the weakness of your arguments is quite distracting from any "weakness" in my playing experiences quite conveniently.
  12. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    Love the game alone then; because a lot of us have trouble finding populated games to play in, and the game's nearly dead because of these balance issues.

    You don't think the knee-jerk assumption that anyone who isn't desperate to be in your clique must be a "nub" is reason enough to go elsewhere away from the elitist asshattery?

  13. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Which should be taken down immediately with juice (gotten from the two botwaves you didn't kill).

    This is completely out of context, was a waste of your time and nobody I know does this.

    Gonna give you a little run-down how skill play normally works:

    -Myst goes for bots
    -I go for bots
    -We both rarely go for players and are never on the same team
    -It's pretty much a 5 vs. 5 situation because every second we are not killing bots, but rather hunt players like a retard, is a second the other person has to actually do what he's good at

    An assassin is not a class that has an easy time killing people (unless juiced). Slashing leaves you completely open and scoring a backgrapple is also rather difficult when people are constantly jumping.

    Not when you pretend that you actually have all these things.

    And to end this I'm gonna post something that a person sent me yesterday on Steam (condensed form): "Ace is terrible and I curbstomped him several times because he played uberleet ninja"
  14. Ace42

    Ace42 New Member

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    It's quicker to farm juice with melee; assassins get no bonus to damaging bots with melee compared to other classes; ergo any class could achieve that equally well.

    You don't know anyone who plays in pubs ever? Then how do you know how good or bad pub players actually are? For all you know, they're superior and your little clique is the B-grade group who require co-ordination just to remain viable...

    You're confusing your status quo with a Nash Equilibrium. But I suspect that is down to your clique being so small that your playstyles have gotten stagnant.

    Circular logic here; if you recall this debate cropped up because of a proposed fix to "jumping renders grapples unnecessary". "Grapple shouldn't be fixed because Assassins shouldn't be grappling - assassins shouldn't be grappling because grapple hasn't been fixed."

    Nice work there, Potzie.

    You don't seem to understand why ad hominems are a logical fallacy; the point being I could be suffering from congenital mental retardation and be unable to tie my own shoes - that has no bearing on my argument, which should be assessed on its own merits.

    Thought-terminating clich. You don't know how good or terrible I am, as you've never played me. And even if you did beat me soundly in a match, that doesn't prove you right; anymore than that being able to beat someone in an arm-wrestle proves the winner knowns more about the biology of muscle growth and development.

    Leela: That's it. I'll take you on right now.
    Fnog: Very well. But, you see, I have the will of the warrior. Therefore, the battle is already over. The winner? Me! Ha ha! Rematch? You lose again! Had enough? I thought so! Ha ha ha ha!

    You're Fnog.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Assassins gain juice way faster and don't stay still for as long when she lunges into bots. All it should take is two bots waves for her to have a full juice bar. Also with competent players standing there and meleeing will have you dead. Melee bots does get you juice fast but you are a sitting duck when doing so.
  16. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Every class can, but no class has an easier time doing it.

    How you didn't understand my post is beyond me.
    Are you lacking comprehension skills?

    You do realize that that is how it goes right?
    Oh, and I've won every pub game with that playstyle as a sin, which is the reason I don't play sin in pubs anymore.

    Every good assassin can grapple a player who is constantly jumping. Only assaults are able to counter grapple as long as Fly lasts.

    It has no bearing, never said that, but you have absolutely nothing to show that you have the things you claim to have.

    I could beat you several times, proving that I'm far superior than you (I am by the way), and it wouldn't count? Makes sense...

    You're right, except for that fact that I told you that you could play with us anytime. You forgot to that tiny little thing which makes the quoted a waste of your time (you really like that apparently).
  17. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Girls, I will let you to your hair-tearing, face-scratching assassin argument with hidden screaming in each word, but I feel obliged to state my opinion on one topic.
    Whenever anyone from the Skill Play gentlemen joins a public game, he usually goes no less than 30-4 as any class and keeps doing it unless kicked or left alone on an empty server by quitters. Doing it involves no skill, no brain and I think I can do it solely by randomly slapping the keyboard with my manhood while covering myself in feces with my hands.
    Basically, it's pubstomping and it is no fun, unless you're wasting time waiting for someone to finish some important business. Also, it makes new players rage really hard, calling you a hacker and making votes against you, which is not a good thing if you're trying to bring more people in the game.
    To be honest, after the first round of epic keyboard slapping some Arsonist or Vlane comes to ruin all my fun and I have to put some effort into my perverted style of pleasuring myself to struggle over the victory. Which brings me to my point.
    Why would I want to waste time, running around and making new, valuable people ragequit, when I can attend to more classical ways of self-satisfaction that don't involve a keyboard?
  18. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    So...they ported MNC to the BlackBerry too? I just say this because that is the only way your "manhood" is big enough to slap a keyboard and have anything actually happen.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  20. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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