The support class is insanely overpowered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Payattention, August 13, 2010.

  1. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    I don't know, I've never died to a Air Strike that is placed on the ground. Only time I really die to Air Strike is if someone gets tagged with it and thinks it is a good idea to stand next to me.
  2. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Tank needs to lay off the twinkies, that would fix the problem.
  3. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    I'm sure His armor weighs a lot....He isn't THAT fat.
  4. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    **** his firebase, that is all.
  5. Nicochara

    Nicochara New Member

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    You my friend, must be a ******* moron, enough splash damage to keep you away from the firebase to heal it? Are you kidding me? Do you know how far the healing coil can reach? Stop making retarded excuses for a class clearly ripping off the Engineer and medic from TF2, its massively overpower. A turret that can take **** loads of damage, and needs more than 1 guy on it when its being healed? A shot gun that is basically an instant kill when only a few feet away. A gun that can not only heal your team mates, BUT HURT your enemies as well, no ammo for a clip, no need to aim. And heres the retarded kicker. Able to use and instant kill air strike ability 3 times in a row? Can someone say retarded spamming? I can, I've ran into that bullshit countless times. This whole thing would be simply balanced out by doing this, want to know what? Simply increase the health of the firebase, and not allow it to be healed, I can understand a firebase being healed used for defense, but when I see 3 of them, right at the entrance of my base, making it impossible to exit it, theres problems right there. Stop making retarded excuses.
  6. OveRDriVe

    OveRDriVe New Member

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    This thread is a lie. Support class is basically the class to pick off people who are terrible at looking around them and don't know how to position themselves. Also people complaining about the airstrike are completely blind. It's almost impossible to not see it and if you get stuck by it you can go under anything and it stops it from killing you. What I'm trying to say is the only reason you guys are complaining about the support class is because you clearly don't know how to play the game yet.
  7. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    IMO, the only thing that's stupid is that you don't have to aim with the Hurt/Heal gun, especially with Hurt mode. That should just be a straight line fire. The Heal part is fine, I guess, but I'd like to see it lock on much less.
  8. Nicochara

    Nicochara New Member

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    True, you would have to be blind not to see the giant bomb, but think of this, your in the heat of combat, owning everyone, focusing on the bots and players, all of a sudden, you die instantly. Only to realize it was an air strike, the support gets a cheap kill basically. Its almost like Martydom or however its spelled on CoD. You kill a support, and he sticks you with air-strike, your fucked. And theres also this. This guy put an air strike near me where there was a roof above me, I thought, I'm safe, its gona hit the top floor, no, it doesnt. It goes through the ******* ceiling and hits me. But thats not what pisses me off. Later on in the game, I'm on that same floor that was above me, I die out of no where, guess what, it was an air strike from the SAME GUY from below, putting an air strike on the floor below me. I dont really call out modding cause most who mod are obviously doing it, and this noob had 16 deaths and 6 kills. Sooo your telling me the air strike goes through ANYTHING? Buuuuullshit. *Finishes angry wall of text*
  9. Nicochara

    Nicochara New Member

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    And these posts I'm putting makes me sound like a noob rager myself. I'm not saying the support class is totally noob. I've met some very skilled players that pull off the Support very well, doing what their class was made to do. But what I'm saying that this class is for most the idiots who cant play. I've ran into so many idiots running into the heat of combat to get owned seconds later. And the same people just over use the Firebase, and still get owned. If your support and actually heal your team most of the time. Props to you, you know half the basics of your class. If your a support who is next to a few allies, in dire need, yet you heal your turret which isnt even taking damage. Heres a message to you. "Get the **** off the game you greedy bastard."
  10. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Either you hit a strange glitch that I've never seen before in all my time playing and playing against support or I call bullshit. I have thrown countless airstrikes and been hit by countless airstrikes from the floor below and I've yet to ever see one go through. Now maybe you thought you were safe and weren't completely under the cover, that's a likely explanation.

    Also Airstrike is nowhere near as ridiculous as martyrdom. To use an airstrike first it has to not be on cooldown. Second it takes a small amount of time to throw, I've been killed mid-throw before and had it not work. Third in order to spam them the ability has to be level 3 otherwise you'll get 2 at most. Martyrdom had no cooldown, no use time and was instantly ALWAYS dropped when the person died. Also outside of running from it (like you can do with airstrike) it could kill you inside of buildings too!
  11. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Support isn't overpowered, he's just much more effective in combat than anyone was expecting. It hasn't even been a week and there's already been a sharp decline in supports stomping all over the arena. Instead of "support" they should have called him "surprise", since no one uses the heal gun (except for their turrets) and all of his kills require more stealth than the assassin.

    Edited for typos, because I only see them when it's too late.
  12. Nicochara

    Nicochara New Member

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    No no, thats not what happened about the cover, I was completly in cover, it was under the the floor on the side of the base, where a huge walk way is above, and that covers the bottom, I think the map is called...crap -.- I cant recall the name -.- bleh, well, hmmm. How should I explain it, it sort of has an orange hue to the whole map. The opening has that hover car thing going through the desert, and I'm pretty sure it has those giant statures of the sniper and assault, if you know what the map I'm talking about is. good.
  13. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Minus the glitch I've never encountered before (you sure you didn't lag or something?), I totally agree with this post, the airstrike's warning noise doesn't always go off 100% of the time and the node (hey, I can't see it if it's behind me can I?!?!?!) needs it's radius ring for everyone to see so it was painfully obvious.

    And holy balls this thread got long...
  14. Nicochara

    Nicochara New Member

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    Theres also the really annoying glitch or maybe non glitch I've been running into a lot :p When my charge isnt fully maxed. (I always play Assault) Without the grapple, when I charge into the assassin, she/he sometimes grapples me and they take no damage, when I clearly run into them, but its like a split second after I charge. So its either a glitch, or thats just something very hard to resolve, kinda like when two players melee each other in Halo and both die, kinda hard to fix that issue but its not completely bad.
  15. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Not to go off-topic here, but is Bungie keeping the "two-players melee eachother and die" feature? I played the Reach beta, and I found it kinda annoying at times. But I suppose it's more fair to go down punching, and have both players reach the same result.

    ...Back on topic, I still think the Support is a bit IMBA, esp when using the right perks. His +healed lvl3 turret is just too hard to kill, esp when he continues to heal it, and it's been hacked up. Not to mention his shotgun rapes-face at point blank (which is fair IMO).
  16. brendy

    brendy New Member

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    Support could use a small nerf imo. Make it to where the firebase can only turn 180 degrees (like gunner in deployed mode).
  17. f8t4l3rr0r

    f8t4l3rr0r New Member

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    After a week of playing, I think that support is OP and that generally when I see a higher lvl char in the lobby, I assume that they will be the "support only guys." All you guys that are support only have already made this game very un-fun for me. Not only can you overshield, heal others, you can drain people's life, shotgun their faces off, call the strike in on people from insane distances, and place turrets in areas that make it very unlikely that it will be killed (not to mention 360 shoot range). I can't believe the amount of people sticking up for this class, just because they want to play the OP class. Support turrets do WAY too much damage or take too much damage...Something has got to freaking give. I read one person suggested using a gunner counter to smash the turret and the support laying on the turret...are you ******* kidding me? no gunner is going to be fast enough to run up to a turret and smash on him before A. the turret Kills him, B. The support life drains him to death, or C. gets striked on. I ******* hate you guys that support this, and hope that Uber does some nerfing on the part of support.
  18. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    A few small changes would make the Support more balanced.

    1) Only allow the Support to throw one Air Strike at a time. Each level upgrade decreases the recharge time only, starting at 60s for level 1.

    2) Don't allow the Hurt Gun to auto-aim around objects forcing the Support player to actually aim at the player they are trying to damage.

    3) Add a maximum heal rate to Pros, bots, turrets and firebases. In this manner a group of Support players can all still heal the same object but it will not exceed the maximum heal rate.

    4) Allow the Rate of Fire endorsement to increase the rate at which the Heal/Hurt Gun heals or causes damage. This will work in conjunction with #2 and 3 allowing the Support to remain balanced despite these changes.
  19. inc0mplete

    inc0mplete New Member

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    Hmm. I'm pretty sure I see a lot of assassins run in a rape the turrets then leave. Well, I am the assassin, but when I play support some times, I see this a lot. So, it's just like wasting a lot of money for nothing I guess.
  20. Bryceybryce

    Bryceybryce New Member

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    Support is actually pretty easy to kill with an assault. I mean I've been killed by the healhurt gun a couple times and have ran *** backwards into a few firebases, but who hasn't? And as for the airstrike I've been stuck once and have been killed twice buy it, but that was when I first bought the game (2 days ago). After that you learn to look for the airstrikes (super easy to spot) and since they're so slow coming down, they're ridiculously easy to dodge. The firebases you can pretty much go around and get to a high vantage point and drop a bomb on that support, if you stick it, instant kill on the support and the turret takes pretty decent damage, if it doesn't stick, the support is pretty low on health, disoriented, and knocked away from his base, making him an easy kill with your rifle and just leaving the already damaged turret an easy target for the grenade launcher.


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