My Suggestion List

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Galaxy010, August 16, 2010.

  1. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    This game is really good, but there still are quite a few things that need to be adressed. Here is my "wish list" so to speak.

    Class Count Limit
    Far too often I see far too many Assassins on a team. Many games for me have been lost because of four Assassins running around going for kills. I think the Assassin, Sniper, and Support classes should have a cap of two. Assassin because they generally aren't team playetrs, Snipers because too many can tear enemy turrets to shreds too quickly, and Support because too many Supports make a base near invincable thanks to Overhealed turrets.

    Players shouldn't be able to hurt the moneyball.

    This is a biggie. Many games my team has been dominating and lost due to Overtime. Plus most games enter it, ruining it's specialness. Overtime is also ruined by a couple guys buying Juice and destroying the moneyball in seconds. For this, I have a couple of suggestions:
    1) Juice cannot be bought during OverTime, it must be earned
    2) If a team is winning by 25% moneyball health, the game should not go into Overtime since a winner is clear. So if my team brings the moneyball down to 75% health but no further, we should win and the game should not go into overtime.

    In-game Unlockables
    Besides ProTags and Class Slots, there isn't much to earn by leveling up in MNC. I think that you should unlock astetic (sp?) things for characters after using then enough or doing special things, similar to CoD's gun cammos. For instance, get 100 minigun kills gets you a Flame-skinned minigun, or 25 sniper headshots gets you an eyepatch (idk, wierd but eyepatches are always cool), etc.

    Nerf the Charge 3 grapple. It becomes a lot like the "panic knife" in CoD, where you press it in a CQB situation and you have no idea what to do, but end up winning.

    The Deploy ability seems pretty useless on a tank, unless it's taking out the Moneyball at point blank range or something. While deployed, the range of the guns should increase or something.

    Needs to reduce amount of juice gained from turret destruction. Often I can just snipe a turret, get juice, then go on a rampage.

    Needs a serious Juice nerf. One juiced Assassin can deestroy every turret in a base or pretty much take out the moneyball alone.

    This guy needs a serious nerf. Airstrikes are far too powerful right now. The blast radius is huge AND you can throw three? It should be changed so that you can only throw one, but the blast radius gts bigger, similar to the Assaults bomb.

    The HurtRay needs a nurf. I can't count how many times I've died because of this thing. The main problem with it is that it doesn't need to be aimed, so the attacker is free to jump around like crazy and avoid your shots. Though while the lack of aim is okay for the Healing part, when usign the Hurt function you should need to be pointed directly at the enemy.

    Not as big as the other two, but I think the Firebase needs a small nerf. One of them cn hold off a key choke point on a map.

    The Minigun needs some serious damage fall off. You can pretty much snipe people with it. The damage fall off should be pretty similar to the Assault's Rifle.

    The mortar needs a damage nerf verse turrets. Thankfully people online haven't realized yet how much damage an upgraded mortar does to turrets. It take sonly half the clip to destroy Rockit Turrets.
  2. Reizarvg

    Reizarvg New Member

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    I mostly agree with pretty much all of this. The only thing I never want to see implemented is class limits. You should never limit what and how people want to play in a game like this, provided it's not hacking or exploiting a bug. Sure, it gets annoying when you've got loads of assassins, but that's want they want to play. Who are we to say what they can and can't do? The point of the game is to enjoy yourself, and I guarantee you that class limits would be completely counter productive to that.
  3. Mechalopod

    Mechalopod New Member

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    A good post, my reply is pretty much in line with Reizarvg.

    The hurt gun is absurdly annoying, as they barely need to aim.
  4. xllamamanx

    xllamamanx New Member

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    I agree with almost everything mentioned, class limits should be implemented. It stops one team from stacking heavily with one class. Imagine a whole team of support, the enemy team wouldn't be able to hardly move with all of the firebases and airstrikes going off. It also might force people to try a new class that they have never used and it allows for variety.

    I must disagree with the idea of not being able to buy juice during overtime. The purpose of overtime is to end the game with a destruction of a team's moneyball not to end with the time limit and juice helps with that ending. Besides, juice is so easily earned in overtime that I do not see the problem with buying it.
  5. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    Would be nice for more maps and gamemodes too.

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