Where's the 360 Love and How Come PC gets updates?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 27, 2011.

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  1. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    So much love here!

  2. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Way to go champ, you took that way out of context. I knew some retard would but I didn't think it would be someone new stepping up to the plate... It never bothered me because I knew there were so many issues in terms of updating xbox, so I couldn't complain. I didn't rage saying uber left us etc. It never matter that much to me all I would like is a potential date where content will be released. I care about the game I like, thats all.

    That being said. . . oh what's the word? **** you? lol it's impossible to have a discussion about a topic thats plagued the forums for months? Seriously if my post can't hold your attention for more than 5 seconds, and you can't comprehend what I say then just post rage comics and ask if i'm made bro.

    As for MLG, you're so cute when you try
  3. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Is this thread full of derp? I haven't read this first four pages, and it would be nice to know whether it's a waste of time or not.
  4. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Yeah, a little. Just some over-sensitive guy who can't keep his trap shut, nothing special.
  5. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    "do as I say and not as I do" - gentleman
  6. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Everyone needs to get un-made, like smiley little hip-hop-anonomouses, and just stop discussing non-thread topics here. Before ban hammerz are forced to begin to drop from the sky.
  7. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    You're right, I've seen the error of my ways.

    Let's kiss and make up shall we, Teapot?
  8. Fuzzy Citrus

    Fuzzy Citrus New Member

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    @Teapot: Well for me I explain things better in person, compared to writing or typing it down. By gaining something in ignorance I simply picture a kid yelling at his mom for a candy bar. The mother then gets tired of it and eventually gives him the candy bar so he would stop. Now the kid gets that if he complains he can get what he wants. There for he has missed an important lesson in life that 'you can't get everything you want.' So he has gained something while being ignorant in a way. >.> I'll stop rambling now.

    @Gentleman: Lets make it official. lol
  9. CreepingNshadowz

    CreepingNshadowz New Member

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    Thanks for the update! Knew we weren't forgotten yet, but nice to hear what's going on and what to look forward to.
  10. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    This reminds me of teapot everyday.
  11. Fuzzy Citrus

    Fuzzy Citrus New Member

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    @MLG: May I ask why?
  12. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    He acts like a child.
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    It's a little more complex than that. As far as that scenario goes, most of the community have gone the "yelling at his mom for a candy bar" route. This is hardly my case, as I just want a timeline or estimated proposal of when we can expect new content. This isn't exactly wanting new content, even though I do. Like I've said countless times, I know there are many issues and extensive problems on the 360, that aren't ubers fault. If I don't get what I want, I don't get what I want.. I am not asking for much, and me stating facts and opinions could sound like complaining.

    MLG just doesn't like me because I thought he was jewish.
  14. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    As someone who came to this game from the MMORPG community I can see exactly what you are saying. In that community players expect developers to maintain communications at the very least on a monthly basis. This communication generally relays what the team is working on, when they expect to be finished with it, and what's in the pipeline for months down the road. If developers in that community do not provide this expected communication the community gets up in arms similar to what you see here at times. Even if Uber posted a one sentence update weekly that would satisfy many people.

    Let me also say that I've been spoiled on developer communication by being a part of the MMORPG community as well. I've grown to expect to be able to post on forums and receive dev responses/feedback as well as almost daily communication from devs through other posts on the boards.

    Finally before anyone feels the need to suggest (not that the amazing MNC community would) "Go back to WoW noob," I don't play WoW and will not be going back there.
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    "Go back to RuneScape noob".
  16. Fuzzy Citrus

    Fuzzy Citrus New Member

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    @MLG: Ah, well I misinterpreted what you had said somehow. Haha at first I was think I had reminded you of Teapot, but now I got what you were saying.

    @Gentleman: Brought a smile to my face when I read that.

    Back on topic, I get the feeling some people just don't do much other than game. I'm not saying everyone here is like this, just 'throwing it out there' I suppose. Whenever I read about someone asking a lot from developers, even when they claim they are not, and complain about not getting anything I simply wonder if they actually have any other hobbies? Seriously for people simply stick with one thing everyday is pretty amazing. Sure I had my days of it but it got boring even with games I love. (sick with something and staid home for a month gaming in bed...got hella boring after week one)
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Go back to WoW and faceroll with your retardin.

  18. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    :( But Runescape is awesome...
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Man you guys are so blind. They have been "telling us what's going to be happening with the 360 version" ever since the Steam version was released. Sure they may not have made official posts such as this one but they have been telling us this since the beginning. I guess that fact that it's an official post is what makes the light easier to see.

    Also Teapot I'm not sure if you were around when Spunky Cola was announced for the 360 but that events that occurred during this time may be a strong reason why Uber will not announce and timeframes unless they are definite. Here's what happen: They said Spunky DLC will be coming soon > DLC Will be coming Next Month > DLC will be coming in November. Now at this point the expect DLC drop date was almost about to pass. Uber now had zero clue of when their DLC will come out. Fans raged and yelled and complained and left the game due to "Uber Lying." Turns out the final week of November it was announced for December 1st.

    So they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.
  20. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I actually wasn't on the forums with the whole spunky cola deal. I heard there were a few issues with it's release but never heard what you wrote. Well, this sucks I guess. I really felt like a potential release date down the line isn't too much to ask, but if they have that little control on the situation at hand, then I guess what they're doing is best.

    Seriously instead of flaming me, a useful post like stretch's get's me to shut up.
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