Does Anyone Play Assault Besides Me!?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Polynomial, August 16, 2010.

  1. Soulfire

    Soulfire New Member

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    Assault calling in.

    Still haven't got a good set of endorsements down though.

    Steel Peel is my favourite map as well. Only map where i go 25-0
  2. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    What's funny is that the difference between a good Assault and a great Assault is that the great ones do not spend much money into their own skills and they can still manage a huge K/D ratio. Any player can spend a ton of money into their own skills, but the great players are the ones that know where to cut costs and still manage on their own. Assault is one of the few classes that can cut almost every corner if setup correctly and no, you don't need Charge 3 to be effective (I'd consider it a waste of money to be honest).
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I disagree. Charge 3 is such an easy way to get people out of lanes. The assault is really weak until you get Charge 3. I can get away without having any other skills. If you're not investing in Charge 3 then you're selling yourself short of easy kills. In a team game like this, easy kills or not, getting a person out of a lane is still getting the person out. When I get home I'll check how many kills I have and how many are from Grapple 3.
  4. Handsome Andy

    Handsome Andy New Member

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    I play as Assault. He is an easy choice for MVP.
  5. nyx

    nyx Moderator Alumni

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    I play Assault pretty much exclusively. I wouldn't say that I am pro, but that's what I've been playing since the beginning, and what I am most comfortable with. I love Assault! I love the grenades, I love the jetpack and confusing Assassins when they don't know they can't grapple you when you are in te air.. That's when charge 3 becomes awesome.
  6. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Again, that is the difference between good and great players as that $400 goes a long way in building/upgrading turrets, using ejectors and the annihilator. An Assault with Charge 3 is fantastic and I started playing that way but once you learn to go without it you can do more for your team than simply counter grapple or get a few rings-outs on a players that would probably die anyway.
  7. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    Assault is my bread and butter class, Grapple 3 is a must, but that's probably the only ability you should upgrade. I use endorsements - Gold: Accuracy, Silver: Rate of Fire, Bronze: Clip Size.

    But, I do play a bunch of different classes game to game. He's just my best one.
  8. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Just played against 4 assault on Grenade III Arena ;) so i beg to differ. There's usually at least 1 or 2 in every game, together with 600 gunners.
  9. Bryceybryce

    Bryceybryce New Member

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    i love assault. I used to play sniper all the time, but I got my first mvp with assault and nvr turned back, plus sniper is so lame looking, and his voice pisses me off when he taunts, and he reminds me of this kid at school which is weird... so yeah assaults the class for me
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I can see your point of view, its just not my play style. I feel Charge 3 is just so good. That 400 is easily made by farming creep. After tonight my kills from grapple is 227. My assault rifle kills is 439 and grenade launcher 55. Its so good!
  11. CrashTheGame

    CrashTheGame New Member

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    $400 spent on your best skill is a better investment than anything else. The potential impact YOU can make is far greater than anything controlled by the AI. If you don't agree that charge 3 is the assaults best skill then...meh.. =P

    I'm a fulltime support player but I have dabbled with assault when there are already 2 supports and have had success with limited playing time. Charge is just fantastic and their good range/fast reload is great for harrassing. The jetpack is good for survivability because it makes you much harder to hit when retreating if used correctly: jump, activate, wiggle, deactivate, wiggle, jump, activate, wiggle, etc....

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