Bot Spawning not being class specific

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by loveassassin13, August 15, 2010.

  1. loveassassin13

    loveassassin13 New Member

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    I would really like it if what type of bot you spawn is able to be chosen in custom class, it would allow for more strategy.

    Also, there isn't really one class which I use all 3 skills for, I would personally like custom class to be alot more in-depth, allowing for weapon, endorsement, and ability selection.

    Also, some maps that aren't so symmetrical would be awesome.
  2. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I'd spawn all artillery bots. I win.
  3. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    The only reason I'm inclined to agree is the sheer usefulness of certain bots and the lack of encouragement to change classes in-game. Gremlins, bouncers, and gap shots are very useful. The fliers have their uses, but the scrambler is just terrible. It's not strong, it's effective range is severely limited, and it's slow, is fact. It's the slowest player summoned bot. It's skill is useful but if it can't ever get within range of a player, it's useless.

    It's the only bot that I can see you never getting a kill with (as best an assist or you kill them yourself).

    I would rather that you spawned random bots rather than picking as a swarm of gremlins or bouncers spells doom to the other team. I'd imagine more and more ppl wanting to spawn certain bots over others until the game is more like: slim bot, black jack, jackbot, swarms of gremlins/gap shots/bouncers.
  4. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Perhaps the bot price could vary from 100 for your 'regular' bot to a higher price (say, 200-300) for a different bot.
  5. Aeldur

    Aeldur New Member

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    If the maps weren't symmetrical, one team would always have an advantage. It just wouldn't really be fair.

    @tlbww: All bots have their uses. The Scramblers, for instance, aren't as bad as you think.
    Ofcourse you won't get any kills out of them, but it has happened to me that I
    really needed to use a certain skill and I couldn't because there was a Scrambler
    behind me that I was unaware of. Needless to say, I went six feet under.
    The fliers probably won't kill anyone either, but suppose a Tank is attacked by one
    of them and an enemy Assassin is close... Bye bye Tank!
  6. Vayle

    Vayle New Member

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    Kind of off topic but anyone else find it odd the Support spawns the sniping bot while the Sniper spawns the support bot? This one has confused me since my first game when I tried spawning bots as a Support and the Gapshot came out.
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil New Member

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    I would like to have the sniper rifle instead of the railgun on my tank, and to spawn gremlins, and I want the assault's charge instead of the tank's charge, and the gunner's slam is better than the tank's death blossom so I want that.

    What's class balance again?
  8. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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  9. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    i would like to be able to dump X amount of money to spawn X waves of bots, or just a second button that lets you spawn 3 consecutive waves of bots for $300. So i dont waste time sitting in base spawning bots.
  10. Qbie

    Qbie New Member

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    I totally believe that I won a game playing as support and just spawning bots for most of the game
    This would help and balance the games bots nicely
  11. seriouslylost

    seriouslylost New Member

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    I'm not sure it would be fair for you to be able to be spam bots, yet still be doing other things at the same time :)

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