The BIG List of Bugs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Sm1tty Sm1t, August 12, 2010.

  1. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I was playing as assault once earlier today and I was somehow completely locked out of the bomb skill. I had the second level skill recovery endorsement and it was in overtime; even though the skill was fully charged it still said that it was unavailable (like support's hack if you're not near a turret). I spent the whole of overtime unable to blow things up.

    Also, definitely not a glitch at all, but has anyone else noticed the Bullseye model sitting under the Iceman spawn in LazeRazor? I tried shooting him but you don't get money.

    UPDATE: Yeah recently a lot of my skills are getting locked out, sometimes I can't even detonate a bomb I've placed... Also I've been have increasing trouble connecting with the assault's charge grapple; I'll actually kill/hurt people with just the charge and without the grapple ever happening.
  2. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Set up: Local Splitscreen Exhibition Blitz, me = Tank, brother = Sniper.

    Sometimes, when my brother would scope in with his rifle, everything but what looked liked his hand, or maybe the clip, would disappear. However, it only happened when he was at the side of my screen, especially the left side. We played around with it a little bit but still wanted to beat the challenge. He didn't disappear every time he scoped in, but he did more frequently when he was on the left side of my screen. I have not yet had time to go back and try it again but plan to in the next couple of days. Anyone else can feel free to check it out in the mean time.
  3. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal New Member

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    2 nights ago I was playing as an assassin on Grenade III (sry if i spelt that wrong) and noticed another assassin just ran past me. I turned and the other assassin was on the other side of the Map !! I sat at my spawn and watched 2 assassins on the other team running in Super Speed Mode around the map over and over and backstabbing every1 & warping back to their spawn to heal :evil: . I am not sure what they did. Has any1 else seen this before ??
  4. impatientplague

    impatientplague New Member

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    you can shoot threw glass and walls on some maps

    also after host migration fails and you go back to show the everyones game ending score you sometimes get someone elses kills and score and not your own if they get kicked or lagged out
  5. kanonkula

    kanonkula New Member

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    As an avid support player i have been experienceing a very weird and annoying bug in a couple of games recently.
    It seems the heal/hurt gun is attatching its ray to something invisible far away thing when i use it on friends/enemies/turrets/firebases and so on.
    Whenever this happens i am also unable to hack any turrets since they simply don't seem to be there.
    This also only ends after dying and respawning again.
  6. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    Going off of what i saw updated on the first page:

    -Assassins get stuck in dash mode and sputter when trying to walk/run. Dashing again fixes it but not all the time. Usually happens after running your fastest and running out of dash stamina, either after picking up a few speed upgrades or bacon.
    -The fire/freeze trap/freeze turret/stun/smoke bomb effects stay active for much much longer than normal and in turn screws assassins out of cloaking.
    -Jump pads sometimes do not launch you or rather they start to and you warp back to where you started.
    -Snipers can shoot through glass on Grenade III on the bridge looking to the other side of the map near the ejectors.
    -Other abilities do not activate but the cooldown still triggers. Examples ive encountered were not just the support's firebase but the assaults remote mine and the snipers freeze trap.
    -Grappling seems inconsistent and could use tweaking. (sometimes you stick to the opponent and grapple while you probably shouldnt have and other times you're right on their back practically hugging them and you get nothing)
    -Assassins dash attack sometimes launches you further than its supposed to after a kill.
    -Shots fired on some players dont register. This goes for headshots with the sniper rifle as well.
    -Players with their backs to the wall can still be backstabbed (Ive done it)
    -Support can hack base turrets through walls on the LazeRazor Arena
    -Assassins Dash skill gets locked and can neither dash nor dash attack

    And thats all i can think of. These are all the bugs ive encountered so far and tested and experienced myself. Im sure there are more, but i never took the time to write them down. (should have) :p

    Edit: Matchmaking seems to be flawed or working properly, i cant tell. Even when my party gets sent to a lobby we still run the risk of being split up since there arent enough players. I think in order to relieve some of the frustration you should just allow the team imbalance and allow players to join, mid-game. This seems only fair to those partying.
  7. xXxH4YDOSxXx

    xXxH4YDOSxXx New Member

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    i brought the game today just awesome by bugs i found with in 60 mins would be

    . If you toss a firebase at a corner it disappears
    . the frame rate drops alot
    . im am australia and we need local search we simply need it just to play it

    but other then that its a beast game i would like it if i had more of my friends had the game

    last but not least the assassin is just annoying as hell its a mosquito bite on the eye lid just the worst class ever needs buffing
  8. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I don't think this is a glitch exactly, I think the game is designed so that the assassin can achieve back stabs without needing to be directly behind the target (just to make their lives a little bit easier, since being an assassin is tough enough as is).
  9. Fenolio

    Fenolio New Member

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    Getting set on fire while cloaked
    Getting frozen while cloaked
    Getting stuned/dazed while cloaked

    Sometimes results in it staying for a stupidly long time
    This effect seems to be more likely if you smokebomb jump away from the hazard.
  10. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    I suppose this might be true, especially when people are moving around so fast.
  11. EthanCrad

    EthanCrad New Member

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    Yeah whats the deal with that. Ill be an Assassin, survive a tank burning yet it would still show fire for ages without taking damage but it would still prevent me from being very invisible.

    Also the gunners mortars fire way to low. its barely possible to fire off a ledge without blowing yourself up.

    Theres a spot in steel peel where you can stand in front of the wall in your base and shoot people without them seeing you.

    And, if I'm playing split screen and my brother is a sniper, when he zooms in it makes him dissapear apart from a little black line. This makes it impossible for me to get a headshot on him when im on the other team.

    I have no idea how to kill the gapshots when they get jammed in that corner on blitz.

    Sometimes the gunner doesnt reload automatically (mainly when you get dual miniguns)

    Sometimes i'll be walking along as a tank and ill trod on a jumpad by accident. This then makes the tank bounce up and down on the jump pad because his head bounces off the bottom of the ledge and back to the pad over and over.
  12. Phoenixrage

    Phoenixrage New Member

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    Problems I've run into with Assassin:

    Mentioned Previously:
    -Burn animation sticks, removed on death.
    -Ice trap animation sticks, removed on death.

    Don't Think Has Been Mentioned:
    -Being stuck in respawn. Timer will count down to 0 (or will fixate on a number) and nothing will happen. The only workaround is to press down to bring up the Choose Class dialog screen, repick your class (or different class) to force the respawn timer to count down again.
    -Dash skill will no longer recharge and have the pressed in animation for the button on the screen. Also unable to use the Lunge attack while this is glitch is active. Restored to normal upon death.
    -Grapple cooldown reticule will empty and start recharging despite being pressed up tightly on the target.
    -Pro Tags awarded for things I didn't do. Off the top of my head, I've gotten Undefeated (no deaths) for a match I went 15-4-10 in.
    -Assisting in my own death. I don't have any AoE dmg attacks like bombs or air strikes with an assassin, so I haven't been able to figure out how/why it gives me assist credit for my own death. My friends have remarked the same thing when they notice that they've been killed by X-player and themselves despite not having contributed to their death.
  13. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    I've had the same problem with Gunner and Support where I can't use my bomb skill. It seems to think there is a bomb in play somewhere, but pressing the skill doesn't detonate this imaginary bomb either, so I'm just locked out until I die.

    Either I don't understand how the stealthed, secondary knife attack for the assassin works, or it is really bugged. I had countless games last night where I would attempt to grab my opponent while pressed right up against them, and the lunge animation would go off, but I wouldn't grab them. Frequently they kill me immediately afterward, making it even more frustrating.
  14. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    Not really game-breaking but occasionally the visual effect from being hit by a gunners slam persists after the slowing effect has worn off. You run around with little duckies flying over you lol.
  15. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    It's possible to have any effect stick until death such as the shaveice snow particle effect, the angel bullseyes, the skill drain icons, they can stack too so you sometimes get 3 lots of bullseye angels flying above your head :p
  16. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    If you take any falling damage shortly before being killed it gives you the assist on the scroll-by thing. Even an assassin with level three passive skill takes "falling damage" after a big jump, you still see the red circle denoting damage taken but the damage is just zero.
  17. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    Looks like I came across another bug just now.. except this one was pretty irritating.

    I tried to join a crossfire, gave me the message that I lost connection to the host and it returns you to the main menu. Instead it brought me to a screen with just the MNC logo and upon hitting the back button this happens (see picture). Let it sit there for a few but ultimately I just restarted the game.

    So....many.... 8's... they continue out of the shot too but I took that with my phone.
  18. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    OK, here is the most complete list of bugs / glitches / etc I can think of at the moment. I know what's it's like to work in QA, so please Uber, ask me for details if you need them...

    Overall it's a great game Uber, and I'm sure once the first patch comes out it will be even better. Kudos.

    Problems With Pros

    Fire graphic does not end
    - Experienced with Support, Assault, and Assassin frequently

    Primary weapon will not reload until a manual reload is clicked
    - Have experienced this twice, roommate has experienced this once

    Charge hits opposing player, does not damage / throw back / grapple
    - Experienced primarily with Assault, occasionally with Assassin

    Executing a charge while flying has erratic results
    - Occasionally this will "warp" the Assault to a place on the map he would not normally be able to reach in this fashion, sometimes taking him off the edge of the map

    Increased fire rate endorsement does not affect Support's primary weapon
    - Tried, tested, and confirmed

    Problems With Bots

    Able to instantly heal / overheal Jackbot
    - Occasionally when playing as a support I am able to overheal a Jackbot. This seems like a glitch. Also the Jackbots often will instantly heal sometimes when I heal them, and other times cannot be healed at all. The instructions explicitly state that you should not be able to overheal a Jackbot.

    Swarmed by Jackbots
    - In two games now the other team has spawned 5 or 6 Jackbots back to back while our side has spawned just one or two. This just throws the game to the other team. My roommate has experienced this once.

    Cannot spawn bots in overtime
    - Not sure how exactly this glitch works, but sometimes I can spawn bots in OT, and other times I cannot. Whichever way this is supposed to work, some consistency would be nice.

    Problems With Gameplay

    Note: I am on a stable 25Mbps cable connection, my NAT is open, and as a CCNA I can guarantee you that my network setup is not the culprit with these issues.

    Pros can shoot down Moneyball before shields taken down by Bots
    - This is a fairly serious issue, as recently I had a team of 2 Gunners and 2 Supports swarm our money ball and win the game in 2 min 3 sec. Not fun.

    Problems "Migrating To New Host"
    - This happens ALL - THE - TIME - ! I cannot count the number of games I have been booted from. Not fun, especially when you are winning! Seems to be linked to hosts ragequitting the game. Migration almost never successful.

    Stuck in odd screens
    - I have had to reboot MNC more than once after being dumped to odd screens after games, waiting for a game in the lobby, and once after a Blitz game. Often the screen will display the MNC logo, but no button presses respond.

    Cannot find a quick game
    - Sometimes I will sit for upwards of 5 min waiting for a game before just returning to the title screen and trying again. Trying again almost always results in an immediate game.

    Unbalanced team balancing
    - Was in a fairly even 4 on 4 game recently when suddenly my team got owned. When stats screen showed up, it indicated one of our team had dropped out (probably early in the match, as kills/assists/deaths were very low), while the opposing team had picked up two new players making the game a 3 on 6 situation. Similar situations have happened to my roommate.

    Possible Balancing Issues

    Note: These may be a lot more subjective than the above issues.

    Gunner can reach area directly above opposing team's spawn, camp there
    - nearly impossible to dislocate from this location, as location is intensely hard to get to and Pros get nailed the instant they leave their spawn

    Gunner can "pin down" opposing team's spawn
    - had a game where 4 Gunners completely pinned down our spawn point, killing anyone the instant they left the spawn. Other two Pros from that team then took advantage of Moneyball glitch and won game in less than 5 min.

    Overtime turns game into crapshoot
    - Multiple times now my team has been dominating the other team, but suffered a defeat when overtime brought down the Moneyball at an inopportune time. I like the idea of the never-ending Jackbots, but bringing down the Moneyball wholesale seems to unbalance the endgame.

    Assassins shuriken gun and Sniper's main weapon end overtime from a distance
    - We just lost a game where, after the game went into overtime, we were able to keep all the opposing players completely out of our base and away from our Moneyball... only to lose to a few Assassins (and I think a Sniper) taking out our Moneyball from across the level. Just brutal to lose a game like this, where we dominated in the kills, held the other team on the defensive the whole game, did nothing wrong strategically, and then had someone exploit the level design to subvert the entire purpose of the game (namely to escort bots and invade the enemy base).

    I'm sure some of these have previously been reported, and that I am forgetting a few I have noted down while playing. If I think of any or find any of my notes I'll update this thread, and of course please feel free to contact me about any of these.
    Last edited: August 19, 2010
  19. jregal21

    jregal21 New Member

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    i Can only make privates matches in both modes even when choosing xbox live. i am connected to xbox live.
  20. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    You're not the first with that one, I've seen it and heard about it hear before, too. I think the reason all the names are W and the scores are 8 is because those are the widest letter/number and you're simply seeing some sort of default "error" screen.

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