Firebase in enemy spawn = Game Over

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by CDR Alpha Niner, August 16, 2010.

  1. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    Hey, fellas. Game is fun as ever, but some things have become annoying, or frustrating.

    First off, the idea of dropping Firebases in opposing team's spawnpoints is practically an instant game over for the victimized side. It's bad enough a firebase with a support operative camping it can lock down an entire route, but if anything, firebases should be restricted from being positioned directly inside an opposing base's perimeter.

    Additionally, the capacity of a team to construct turrets in an enemy's base (Lasers, rockets, etc), can lead to an overpowering of a given side. Understandably, it's a team vs. team game, but surrounding the moneyball, the turrets should only be accessibly by the defending side.

    I've also found the idea of freeze traps by snipers to be a bit overkill, especially when I'm challenging a sniper, he throws a freeze trap in my face, and then scores a headshot. I'm just glad I can still fire back at snipers in a frozen state.
  2. ho bo zach

    ho bo zach New Member

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    GAH L2 fact check the other teams turrets in your base are yours that the other team hacked. and firebases are not OP any class in the game can take out a fire base no problem... just kill the support healing it first(sin's job btw)
  3. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Sounds like you went against some pretty nasty Support players.

    The best way to keep them from camping the middle of your base is to stop them from getting there in the first place. A support player has to deploy his firebase then hack it to get the maximum effect, not to mention make enough money to upgrade it straight to level 3. Doing so gimps the rest of his skills for the first half of the game.

    I've tried it myself, unobservant players let me set up no problem. Good players kill me or slow me down before I even get there.. then they respawn and do it again!

    Now if the support player has backup, sounds like you're just getting out down by good teamwork, which is how it should be.

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