Who here plays it? I can pretty much play a decent Ashe as long as my teammates can hold each lane and I'm learning to jungle / offtank with Warwick. Anyone wanna play a few games with me?
From what I understand, it's a lot like DotA. If you don't know what that is, well, it's what MNC based its objective off of.
I play Amumu, my wireless on this pc has been starting to act funky though, so I'm playing more Xbox again. I'd definitely recommend the game to people, it's real fun. It has a somewhat large learning curve though, remembering what items to build depending on what the other team has, coordinating with your team, knowing your matchups, etc. And as per usual in team games, the more friends you have playing, the better the experience.
Yeah, the learning curve is massive in this game, even the bots on beginner seem impossible to beat when you're just starting. Also the games are very long. So this game is long and hard. Get it.
One night I stayed up and watched every single one of the Champion Spotlight videos on the RiotGamesInc channel. I have no idea why, even for videos as good as those. If you want to learn a bunch about classes, it is advised to go watch them.
If anyone gets the game if you watch the newest champion he is broken (Even thought the guy playing him is one of the best players in the game) i would advise you to buy him as your first unlock his name is Rumble.
I'll be sure to add you, but I can't really play until later today when I have enough free time to play an entire round. The name I picked was Inshera.