Monday Night Combat on the ESL! We're proud to announce that the Monday Night Combat section is now open and ready for you to play. Feel free to join the ladders and get in on some of the action, we are also very keen to hear your thoughts and ideas on what you want from an MNC Ladder, so please give us some feedback. You may also wish to check the official ESL News found here ________________________________________________________ Ladders and Cups We currently have two Ladders, the 6on6 Ladder and a 3on3 Ladder: >3on3 Ladder Rules >3on3 Ladder Signup >6on6 Ladder Rules >6on6 Ladder Signup In the future we also will be looking to run various cups and competitions, some of which may even have prizes. Once the Ladders get started, there should be an 6on6 Opening Cup with prizes to be won for the top 3 teams! ________________________________________________________ We want your input! As MNC is relatively new to the ESL, we would like to know what you think of the current set of rules, we have tried to tailor the settings to suit you guys so hopefully they're not too bad as it is! Two specific things we would like to get an idea on are the Match Duration and Overtime settings. Currently these are set to 20 minutes with 5 minutes overtime in the 6on6 Ladder, please let us know if you feel the times should be changed or even if you wish for overtime to be disabled completely. ________________________________________________________ New to the ESL? The ESL, the Electronic Sports League, is Europes largest and oldest online league. Almost every eSports game and every form of competition is covered, this now includes Monday Night Combat. You will first have to register here and enter some details about yourself and you may be asked to activate the account by an automated email. Once you have made your account, you can reguster a new team here, you will have full control of the team once created and will be able to use the teams password to invite other players to the team. Once you are ready, sign up to the ladders and join in the action! ________________________________________________________ Contact Us! There are various ways in which you can contact the MNC Staff of the ESL; first and foremost, we will be checking this forum over the next few weeks so feel free to post any ideas you have for us here. We also have a Forum dedicated to MNC on the ESL as well as an excellent Support Ticket system, both of which are linked to below along with the email of both my colleague and myself. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, please do not hesitate to contact any of the ESL Staff with any of your suggestions or concerns and we look forward to seeing you all in our ladders and cups in the future! //Your ESL MNC Admin Team
My problems with the rules of 6v6: Match duration not 15 minutes Overtime duration not 2 minutes Max amount of one class not 6. This is a problem because you want to appeal to everybody and not every team can fit that. Some have two sniper/assassin/support. It's minor but still. Just use the default config. It's the best for a reason.
After reading around here, we noticed that the default was what you guys wanted most, and so we tried to stick to that. Thank you for your opinion, changes are incoming.