Overtime Degrades Game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Polynomial, August 14, 2010.

  1. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    This is the crux of the problem. If a team struggles for 15 minutes and earns half moneyball damage, only to get beat by a juice-rushing team in OT. It will convince the team that worked hard in regulation time to do what they got beat by. So they will just sit back during their next game and juice rush. Creating games full of stale-mates until OT.

    Maybe just have OT if neither moneyball has been damaged? Or maybe keep shields on the money ball in OT?
  2. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    But it's not pointless at all. This is the time that the better team spends pounding the other teams base, bottling them in, and destroying absolutely everything. Not only does this net you a great K/D ratio and tons of cash, but you can also use this regulation time cash to either build up your base with level 3 rockets (which WILL kill rushing assasins), or to spawn bots, use hazards, and juice in. I would say only about 20% of our matches go into overtime, and if they do, its completely over for the other team. If they leave thier base to rush us, we have open easy access to their ball.

    My level is pretty dang high, which means I've put in quite some time. Please do tell me then why this strategy hasn't consistently worked against us? Conversely, however, we have been the team getting pounded and bottled up in our base. If we try an overtime juice rush, one of two things happens:

    1. We manage to get over to their base without them seeing or killing us and manage to kill their money ball before they finish off ours.

    2. The team is good enough to stop us form this. Some teams have posted people buy the juice screens, some have both built/upgraded towers and built firebases, and yet some still keep 1-2 people back on defends to fend off this effort.

    I personally think maybe you guys should buy some mics, or plug them in if you have them. Maybe then not only may you stand a chance against easily-thwarted gimmick, but you may be even end the game before overtime starts. [/quote]
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I really don't accept the "My level is really high" argument, sorry. And I usually play with friends myself so communication is not the issue. I've been playing every day since the game came out too. If I get higher ranked than you does that make me right?

    Overtime juice is DUMB. It requires ZERO strategy to send a bunch of juiced up people into a base and attack the moneyball. Its VERY easy to run around turrets and jump straight onto the money ball.

    So far everyone thinks overtime needs tweaking. That should be a sign if people on the internet all agree on something, it might have some validity.
    Last edited: August 16, 2010
  4. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    The problem is, over time triggers if a ball isn't destroyed outright. Overtime should only trigger if balls are at equal health.

    I've just spent 15 minutes laying siege on the enemy base with the back up of the team, getting the ball down to ~50 many times... just to lose in overtime because an assault or assassin was waiting to juice the ball. That's stupid that one juice power play can overwrite 15 minutes of team coordinated pushing.

    Key there... 1 player's action should not be greater then 15 minutes of a whole team ACTING AS A TEAM.

    Also, this song:
  5. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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  6. GreyDead

    GreyDead New Member

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    You know what would fix this all? No juice in overtime at all. You cannot purchase it and you can't gain it. Turrets do 2x damage, and all 2x harder to bring down. This would fix overtime from rushers completely.
  7. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    I never suggested that it made me right; infact, I explicitly stated that it means I have played ALOT. Let me quote myself for you:
    More games=more opportunity for people to try this non-strategy strategy against me. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

    Yes its easy, but it's also easy to counter.

    It might, but it also might say something about the majority of people on the internet too.
    Last edited: August 17, 2010
  8. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Juice attacks on the moneyball should do less damage, keep it strong for against pro players and bots but stop that moneyball taking 10% damage per shotgun hit while juiced lol.

    That's one way I can think about helping the overtime rushers at least, personally i'd like to see buying juice not an option in matches.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Fighter4Christ, your pubstomping experience really doesn't apply to the typical casual game
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Pubstomping =/= skill. We're talking about more than just pubstopping here.
  11. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Another thing i've noticed in overtime, is that two or three people on the enemy team will all switch to support and then overheal Jackbots. I just had a game where we were fighting 7 jackbots and 6 enemies at the same time. It was pretty ridiculous.
  12. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    Now THAT sucks! I have only ran into it once so far. But from what I understand its a glitch to begin with. So its sort-of irrelevant to overtime.
  13. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    While the glitch is the main reason for it, it wouldn't be possible if overtime didn't constantly spawn Jackbots.

    although I was mostly just venting earlier, had just encountered that twice.

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