Problems with Uncle Tully

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Vlane, April 23, 2011.

  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Alright, we just finished the Skillplay we played some Uncle Tully. Here are the problems we have encountered:

    • Jackbots either get stuck at spawn or normal bots run into the bouncy area
    • The placement of Chickey Cantor encourages player to leave the battlefield. We decided to pretty much abandon Chickey and just play normally.
    • Assaults are way too strong on this map.
      Example: You can stand in the pipe, shoot grenades and you get kills.
    • Snipers are not good except when they know how to put their icetraps right.
    • One botlane to the moneyball.
    • In the bouncy area Jackbots can shoot the ground under you and you get hit (according to verden).
    • Very Steel Peel like because once you got pushed into your base it's hard to get out

    Think I didn't missed anything.

    Though we all agree that it's a fun map but not good for competitive play.

    Just sayin'.
  2. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    I wonder if I'm alone in desired Pub maps and Competitive Play Maps.

    Sometimes, you just want to goof around. Like how after a while in TF2, no one actually went for the intel any more and you just used the map for fun.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This sounds like all the problems XBox players were complaining about when Spunky first launched, now it is easily the best map.
  4. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    The one thing that doesn't exist on spunky is that the bonus char is way too far from the main map. If every team would abandon the botlanes, okay, but that's not going to be the case most of the time.

    You could say it's a dilemma, but it's quite stupid. Or you let your great push wilt and let your base get pushed to hell because of the seperation in the middle or you make your push inside the enemies' base.

    A fun map, especially with the bouncy gimmicks, but definitely you wouldn't play to win at.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    but when they do, they're incredibly effective (Tiblolan)
  6. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    LazerRazor is the best map.
  7. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Adding slight (custom for the map) air control to several jump pads would greatly adjust some aspects

    Since most rapid transit is by jump pad, it makes enemy movement extremely predictable. Additionally, you could add bumpers/jump pads near the path of some of the longer jump pad sequences to switch it up so people can adjust their end location. The single exits from the chickey cantor pens are deathtraps.

    Additionally, gunners and tanks can ninja their way all the way to the top of the Uncle Tully's Funland signs - while not gamebreaking and in fact completely awesome there is a lot of clipping through textures, and airstrikes are almost entirely useless in the map because they can't be used to clear key choke points. Too much ceiling. Firebases, on the other hand, have gained a large amount of power due to the compact nature of the map. Setting them in the middle bouncy area can block juice purchases and annihilator usage while setting them in the corners in the tower areas makes them immune to airstrikes while still allowing them to hit nearly the entirety of the center arena.

    Finally, not to nitpick, but gunner slam seems to have some bugginess detecting where it is supposed to hit, getting caught up on slight ledges and falling off afterwards because he's not actually standing on them. Seems to happen on this map more than others.
  8. tiblolan

    tiblolan Active Member

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    Haha, you don't even know. Because of the compact nature of the map, a good sniper can easily ensnare at least 2 people at a time with one trap. Just gota make sure that there aren't any pesky assaults above you throwin bombs and whatnot on you. :cool:
  9. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    I disagree, first play-through on map and I went 41/8 ish with 77 or so bot kills.

    Its free kills on center of map and enemy pros incoming from outer jump pads to the 2nd tier landing zones. Don't forget the main tunnel where bots/pros congregate, and the openings on the outside arena facing the enemy/your spawn area.
  10. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    O look, you has an enemy. :lol:
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    ~Sniper didn't need another strong map anyway. Doesn't make him completely useless, he still has 1 spot to snipe maybe, like snipers on spunky have the diagnal of the map. Good snipers will still be needed to control certain enemy classes.
    ~Assaults did just recieve a nerf, they could use another steelpeel/lazorrazor. Also, the grenade tactic can't be legit, it is just a newbie-to-the-map error, and people should get used to avoiding it.
    ~One bot lane is at times a good change of pace. It is a shame the bot lane acts funny, maybe they can fix the UI to avoid it better (or destroy bots that stray into bouncy area). Jackbot should be an easy fix though.

    ~Bots acting funky, like when steelpeel bots get stuck on walls. Easily pushed back, not so much on this map though. Also jackbot spawning being stuck, and all bot spawns in general, I am not so sure is a good thing and especially on this map, but it might work out so I will just see.
    ~Chickey Cantor is wierd. It is a nice diversion for pubs, but it isn't like the mascot at all. It had chunky rewards that are team-wide and are sacrificing to get to (so a good team getting this actually loses ground, and a bad team getting this helps them comeback, which isn't so bad actually). Also, does this turn off when game rules are set to mascots=off?
    ~Spawntrap-able. However, this is offset because it stretches a team thin to try and do this to a team of equal skill. Besides, it isn't like the moenyball ever recovers when a good team drops it, do it doesn't matter if you can get to it or not. Really, it just adds more rewards to not all being sent back to spawn all the time and keeping the field.
  12. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Yup the chickens feel a bit disconnected from the map, on top of that I dunno if it's because I don't always hear the signal or it's been covered by other anouncements but half the time I don't notice the chicken is up (I play without music).

    It's rather most other maps which are easy mode for snipers, it's something that has been said already, most maps have wide open spaces and it's not rare for a sniper to be able to control most of the map from a few nobrainer spots with cover nearby, I wouldn't be surprised if UE took this into account when designing this one.

    The pipes before the bases are too much of a bottleneck, I'd like to see parts of them removed to reduce a bit the spam efficency, bouncing projectiles in there are silly, and to allow a bit more angles than the ends of the tube.

    More Z axis, more backdoors, and the jump pads allowing to travel across the map give a slightly different gameplay than the other maps where it's much more linear, gonna take a bit of time to get used to it, but the first impression is that it's going to require much more awareness which is not a bad thing.
  13. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    there is only 1 round spinny wheel thingy, making 1 side have an advantage with an extra backroute?
    (dont remove or make it nonsolid pls UBER , its really cool to go on, and not very usefull, just add another one on the other side to even it out? :roll: )
  14. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    I assume you played in pubs? If yes, well this was not.

    If you want a snipers opinion ask Moose or verden. They said the map is not good for them.
  15. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    Subject to opinion, I will agree that its not the best map for sniper, but that doesn't mean you (as the sniper) cannot do good, it will all depend on player skill/enemy harassment aswell. But taking jump pad from outer arena to center(the one with high arc) is pretty much a free airshot hs kill for snipers, just saying :3
  16. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    Also why do people show high disregard for public server's when collecting feedback.
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Because there are rarely any good people in pubs. So when you have a server with just good people you see what is truly broken/wrong with something.
  18. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    trouble is that games are aimed at the average player
    without pub gamers no games would exist therefore if anything feedback from pub gamers should count for more
  19. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    then gameplay won't balanced, it'll just be homogenized for the average player

    and then pubstars will pubstomp even harder without trying or be forced to play in a sub-par manner to win
  20. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    That is very much by design.

    This is the first attempt at the idea of 'jungling' translated to MNC. You have the very strategic choice of going after Chickey, thus taking several members of your team out of the main battle in hopes of getting the powerful buff, or sticking in the battle.

    We will continue to look into the pathing issues for bots.

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