Due to all the new player posts I've been seeing lately I thought I'd throw this out there and ruin any forum anonimity I had in the process I guess. Anyways... GT is Nephaerius and I've had a team in MNC forever [ZERG] although a lot of us have stopped running the tag because we play lots of pubs and that can be intimidating (we are not pubstompers by any means as generally speaking we're pretty average players). We started as a bunch of RL friends who picked up MNC at launch and have slowly grown over time by adding people we enjoy playing with. We're always looking for new blood that meshes well with our group. It's not important to us that you're the best player ever as long as you're in it to win and not inflate your K/D. None of us claims to be the latest or greatest player(s); we're really just playing for shiggles. So if you are looking for more people to play with feel free to add me. If any other teams want to scrim or play privates we're always up for that as well; even if we're on the losing end we can always learn a thing or two.
Just wanted to add team ZERG is up for a 24 vs 6 any time. Gotta live up to the name after all. Afterwards we will post all over the forums about how all 24 of us pooped on you and that if you had run gold armor on your assault we would have lost. Thanks that is all.
Hit me up anytime guys and we can do some custom matches, want to see more players staying on this game.
Bump. Always looking for more people to play with including new players. Most of us are on every night around 8PM EST. Feel free to add. GT's: Nephaerius liamjara MELevolence82 aZ Shifty Za vl Snack lv InfernalMajesty Monkeyburnr etc....
I'm always looking for more people to play with, I'm not the best, but I'm also not the worst. Hit me up GT: Tank Shadows
bump. Got some great responses on Xbox and a vastly expanded group of people to play with - enough to make full private games so thanks to everyone for that. We're still around playing MNC if anyone is interested and we're playing Brink as well. Feel free to add my GT and hit me up. GT: Nephaerius
bump. Continued great response on Live. Splitting our time mostly between Brink and MNC atm. Feel free to friend me or anyone else listed above to play some games. Brand new players are always welcome. Always love playing with more people. GT: Nephaerius