I have started a brand new team, and anyone can join! It's name is Genuine(randomly cam up with that ), and the tag will be [GenU]. It will not be a competitive team, but we will still scrims and stuff. I want this to be a team of somewhat new players, but yet again, anyone can join, and you don't need a mic, 'cus I won't talk much at all. Team Roster: [GenU]SevTheTrooper(like I said, I just started this] PLZ REPLY FOR JOIN*
I've been looking for a team to start improving beyond randoms. I'd rank myself as okay, but self diagnosis is never advised. I main Tank, then Gunner. One thing, though, is I rarely play on nights or on weekends, due to work or something. So, days are about it.
Come on guys - 1 reply? I've seens quite a few posts from newbies wanting to play since this was first posted. You'll have more fun & play better in a team. So give Sev a go & let the fun commence. I know I'm just bumbing this thread but a few weeks ago we were down to 9k weekly players, after the sale it went up to 13k and maybe finished even higher.
I'm not entirely new, but I have been away from this game for a long while(xbox bit the big RRoD) and now I'm back. I've been looking into joining a team mainly because playing this game by myself just doesn't have the same effect. I play Tank mostly with a little Assault on the side Go ahead and add me GT: Tank Shadows
I shall (lol) add you both and just so you know I have been thinking of a diff. clan name, maybe CBS (Can't be stopped) or do you think I should keep GenU? I really don't care. XD
Sorry, haven't been on for a while, here or in MNC. Either name is fine. I'd like to get a match with you guys, see how we all work together. Most any time in the next couple days I'm totally free, and to let you know, I've been playing more Gunner and Support, in addition to tank.