The Fool's Guide to Not Failing as the Support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Foolamancer, April 15, 2011.

  1. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    nice guid but we have a lil differente in one thing im sure it is worth stalking tanks or over Tank gunners as long u stop healing them if some1 else got trouble
  2. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    I'm pretty sure that this means "I think it's worth following a Tank or Gunner around as long as you heal anyone else who gets in trouble as well". Not entirely sure, though, so correct me if I'm wrong.

    There are a couple problems with this. Firstly, like I said in the guide, you simply can't heal people fast enough to make up for any sort of serious attack on them. Every class in the game can dish out damage faster than you can heal it. Healing someone who's under direct fire might buy them another half-second of life, at most, unless they're fighting someone who either barely out-damages you (Assassin attempting to slash someone to death rather than grappling) or someone who isn't at their optimal range (Assault at extreme long-distance), in which case they shouldn't need your help anyway. If there's no one else around to heal, fine, go ahead and do it, but you should be concentrating on other things.

    Secondly, you don't get Juice for continuously healing someone if they're already at maximum. If someone is fully overhealed, turn your attentions elsewhere, at least for a few seconds. If they're overhealed, they don't really need any more healing at the moment, and you're wasting the opportunity to gain more Juice.

    Thirdly, continuously healing one person deprives you of the opportunity to anything else. And, like I said in the guide, the Support's power comes from the fact that he can do more things at once than any other class in the game. If you're overhealing a Tank or Gunner continuously, you're only in one place. That is not a good number of places to be in.
  3. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    jop u mean the right thing and belive i make sure everything around me is overhealed and then i go back to my gunner even he is nearly Full overheald i can throw airstrikes wihle i heal him and ofc if there is anything ohter to do i stop folow him arround and the idea is not to out heal him the idea is to give him the Second wich he need to gtfo of trouble
  4. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    So, basically, you don't just follow one Gunner around. You actually do the other things that a Support is supposed to do. I've got no problem with that - in fact, that's what I said to do in the guide.

    In the first post, it sounded like you were advocating the Medibuddy strategy*.

    *: "Medibuddying" - a term from Team Fortress 2, referring to a Medic player finding another player, usually a Heavy or Soldier, and following them around with the Heal Gun permanently attached to them for the entire game.
  5. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    The support-gunner combo is almost invincible. As long as the support stays alive and the gunner stays over-healed, the gunner can survive LvL 3 backstabs, headshots, several AR clips, a lot of turret fire, etc. But the support cannot out-heal damage, so you need to retreat every minute or two so the gunner can reload and re-heal.
  6. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Yep. But, like I said in the guide, this is a poor strategy simply because it denies the Support the opportunity to do anything else. The Support is a flexible class. You shouldn't just be following one guy around. It's fine if you keep healing them often, but don't just follow them while holding down RT all the time.

    Also, I've edited the guide. It's mainly reformatting the information that was already there in order to make it more readable, but I've made some changes to the Juice section to reflect what I've figured out through recent games and some math.
  7. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Nice guide. I agree with you about most points, and I especially like the healing priorities and that you also require teammates to make good decisions to get heals.

    The passive upgrades and the support's ability to push bots are seriously underrated. All you have to do is stand near your bots near the line of scrimmage and your aura buff will make your bots win, advancing your line. Passive 3 + HH gun = nearly invincible bots.
  8. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Thanks. While I agree that the Support can win a push like this - I think I said as much in my description of the Passive - the problem is that it's slow. Getting another Pro to push in the Support's place is a much better idea. The Support should buff the bots, yeah, but he shouldn't really hang around them all the time. He needs to be doing other things.
  9. hullcrushdepth

    hullcrushdepth New Member

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    Really good guide. Just starting to play the game and enjoying Support, this is very helpful, thanks.
  10. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    No problem. Glad to be of assistance.
  11. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    what i wanna say is ther are times wich worth the time to pocketsupport a gunner and theres times wich u got way better things to do but i don't think its bad to pocketsupport the gunner for a littel bit
  12. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    And I said I don't disagree with that. In fact, I said that in the guide.
  13. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

    Likes Received:
    ok then we defenly talk aginst eachohter
  14. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Looks that way.
  15. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Added a section on why you would want to partner with certain Pros (or not partner with them, as the case may be), expanded on who to heal when they're under direct fire, added information on which turrets are worth healing when under what form of attack, and added details on the Firebase's statistics.
  16. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Nice guide.

    I liked reading this thread.
  17. Foolamancer

    Foolamancer Member

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    Minor edit. Had the numbers for Silver Armor Endorsement wrong. It's 150 health for the Support on the PC version, but on XBox, it's 200.

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