Population down.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, April 11, 2011.

  1. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    lol you want pubstomping you should see the xbox version

    DEPLOY New Member

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    That's because you're the one doing it, people like you, mens rea, sunny, wilder etc and all the clan people. They ruin the experience for the other players. You high ranked players can push a team by itself which doesn't teach the team mates anything as they don't really have to do much. It pisses me off and is turning me and quite a few people, 7 in the last day, off the game completely.
  3. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Pubstomping: A group of players, mostly 3-6, play against low level players and just killwhore the entire match, not actually trying to win, but just kill people.

    I do not pubstomp. I usually play by myself and if there is another good player I play against him. I also don't play a lot of assassin in pubs.
    Yesterday, on "Skill Wednesday", was the first time in like three days that I played some real assassin.

    We (RWM and other people) will also do the "Adopt a Noob" thing to help new/bad players.

    And again: I never experienced pubstomping. The closest thing was today when three people constantly picked the same team but they didn't killwhore. They also ragequit after three games.

    DEPLOY New Member

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    Maybe pub stomping was not what I meant, what I did mean is that high level players can push whole teams without the other members really having to do much. Now I think that in a team work game a one man army shouldn't be able to basically win the game. I'm just rambling now but I get frustrated sometimes but meh.
  5. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    atm the game isn't even in steam stats top 100, i do not think uncle tully will save it
  6. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Add me on steam and play in a server of RWM guys - we usually random and teams split evenly enough so that there are no one many armies.
    Server and mumble details at http://rawmessiah.net/
  7. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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    only 12 crossfire servers with ppl in them. tried to tell you. trolled me anyway. wasnt even trying to stir the stool pot, was expressing legit concerns that ive heard plenty of ppl are quiting over. treat me like a jerk anyway. dont care. gg.
  8. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Well I see that some people have some ideas for teaching newbies but we may need Uber to step up and work with us to aid the newer players.

    I see there are legitimate concerns about map design and pubstomping but I don't think that Uber is just ignoring the issues. They are just 16 really experienced guys. Pumping out content is not going to be easy.

    I'd really hate to see this game wither as a good deal of work has been put into it and I have had too much fun.

    So let us use this as an opportunity to discuss solutions for this. Again Uber is a small group of talented people controlling a game that has a dwindling playerbase. Community solutions probably wont get ignored.
  9. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    tbh i am not sure if people here are delusional or just like flogging a dead horse, this game is falling out of steams top 100, todays peak players 287, what is the point in uber spending more time on this game? and why have the adopt a newbie when there is no newbies? People are not buying this game and people have stopped playing it, nothing is going to bring it back imo.

  10. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    So what you are saying is that MNC is a fad that has come and gone and we should all leave the forum right now allowing the game to become nothing more than a collection of clients with 100+ empty servers?

    I see what your saying, no sarcasm, but I dunno. I've never seen a game die for myself so I'm gonna stick it out till the bitter end and see what can be done.

    Still, best 15 dollars I've ever spent period.

    If one last advertisement push with the new map does not work for at least a few weeks I'll move on.
  11. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    Problem is the game is literrally like DOTA where skill is something that seriously matters. The learning curve is steep because MNC is unlike most shooters, and the tutorial really doesn't teach people how to play the main game mode, which would be crossfire. Yes there are those start up videos and yes there is basic assault training, but how is a newbie supposed to know what a headcrab does? How important the grenade launcher can be vs bots and turrets? How the assault does lots of damage to a money ball? How about players learning about assassins and their main role? Their bot killing potential and their turret multipliers? Some people don't know that you can even grapple the jackbot as a Sniper. How about gunner deploy bullets slow down other classes when hit? There are still folks who don't know what ejectors and annihilators are and why they are important. Or how bout those people that still build longshots on Steel Peel?

    None of that is spelled out inside the game. You have to research and learn the ins and outs of the entire game before you can even think about going up against experienced players. New players are stomped repeatedly, don't know what is going on, get frustrated, and subsequently quit. Why do you think we see so many "NERF ASSASSIN" threads when the free weekend showed up? And those were just the people who knew how to find forums. A know a ton of folk who told me MNC is entirely unbalanced because they couldn't deal with assassins. No where in the game does it imply that you can listen for the cloak and jump to avoid grapples, and as such they hardly believed me.

    New players don't want to stick their necks out and get rolled by semi-experienced players over and over and over and over and over again until they finally figure everything out. What this game needs is a much better tutorial system that showcases everything that can be down by a class. Things like the endorsement system need more explanations to the specifics of what they do. This game is literally too much like DOTA in that sense because of the amount of research you have to do to stand a chance going in your first few times.

    Most shooters aren't really like this. Shooter enthusiasts aren't used to the additional requirement that DOTA and games like it have. For this game to survive not only does it need regular balance tweaks, updates, and a little content here and there, it needs to be less volatile to newer players as well. That doesn't mean things need to be dumbed down, but easing them into learning the every class's abilities, turrets, skills, bots, etc, should be priority number 1.
  12. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    welcome to the uberent forums ZoZo
  13. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'd like some opinions on how to potentially increase the player count, and made a thread for it. Post `em if you got `em.
  14. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    delusional then i take it :roll:

    i am not saying it is a fad, i am saying it is dead though, it has around 200 people playing it a day, that is not a popular or active game, it is dead. No matter what content is released, reviving this game to an acceptable level will be a very difficult task.

    Also I really do not understand why people say this game has a steep learning curve. IT really doesn't, and it is in no way anywhere near as difficult as dota. DotA you have loads of items and loads of heroes and they all do different thigns and their skills are varied and you have to learn all heroes skills and what the do just to be able to fight them etc.

    MNC you can start the game, run straight to the enemy and start fragging, try do that in dota. Also dota has a way way steeper learning curve yet is a reallly popular game, hon is same, and really popular. Which says to me the lack of players is nothing to do with the imaginary steep learning curve and probs more to do with lack of maps and boredom.
  15. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Its my personal belief the learning curve has to do with the fact that the tutorial is a bit weak and doesn't teach "all" the necessary moves.

    It takes time and effort and I dont see much people giving it that. My first online TPS was S4 and it was my first computer game and got me into shooters in general. Its tutorial was lackluster but each weapon had a tutorial and the objectives were straightforward. The community was nice enough and there were enough guides on evasion and irregular movement to keep me playing.

    I couldn't see MNC keeping me back then if I wasn't the kind of guy S4 made me. Someone who greets the forum community and does research. Sure the game mechanics should not be simplified for their sake

    I'm not confident that I made my point but new users probably have not played a game like MNC. That and we need new players in the first place so yeah advertisement.
  16. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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    Maybe we'll get lucky and they will work on a legit sequel. Starting with better fall off on damage vs distance on the minigun. But seriously, this game was/is amazing and had every possibility of legitimately competing with TF2. They just didn't treat it as such.

    P.S. love all the posts about "Don't worry it's just the learning curve"- for the record, I went 99 probably 4 times over on xbox, did it twice on the PC beta what with all the resets, and have almost a 7th time in retail. I'm not pulling "THIS IS OP" figures out of my b-hole. I would never be one of those scrubs to post without legitmately understanding the mechanics backwards and forwards- and I STILL, as well as countless x-L4D2 pro circuit players I associate with, find the gunners damage vs distance FAR....FAR too high. You can bring any jackass who has NEVER. EVER. NEVER played this game before and have them (DESPITE THAT HOLY LEARNING CURVE) go 30 and 5 with a gunner by only teaching them "Point....shoot....win" broken....mechnics....on.....gunner. I will repeat it till' I'm blue in the face. Nerfing the armor based health pools on the only classes proficient at killing him in the last patch is definately not a plus either. gg.
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    ZoZo, you're still complaining about gunner even though nobody else on the world does?

    If you think the gunner is OP you are bad.
  18. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    I don't know about everyone else, but personally I like a game that is not noob friendly. (AKA, one that a caveman can't play) :lol:

    BOOM-STICK New Member

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    If you don't believe the game can make a come back then just leave, no body wants to hear your pessimistic views of the game. Contrary to your belief, games CAN make a come back, it happened with island defense on War Craft 3 with no advertisements at all. I don't see why it can't happen here. If Uber keeps trying, they'll get it. Besides, if you want people to stop playing so badly, why don't you take the first step and totally leave? In conclusion; It's salvagable.
  20. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Mortar is, but given the rest of the handicaps he has it's fine.

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