What games does Monday Night Combat remind you of?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by cazoofoo, August 3, 2010.

  1. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    It doesn't really remind me of any game because I think it's so unique. Sure it kinda has the looks of TF2 and DotA? Well just the "getting bots to a base" part is about it. It's awesome!
  2. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    DotA was the first game to popularize the concept of "bots rushing down lanes and heros pushing bots up the lanes".

    MNC is the first one to make it a 3rd person shooter, as far as I've seen. Don't quote me on that, though.
  3. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    Doesn't remind me of anything. The gameplay is far removed from TF2 and it doesn't look like any other game...so nothing.

    TF2's gameplay is based around the weapons and the weapons being restricted to specific classes and thus balanced. So go ahead and spawn with a rocket launcher, it's already balanced.

    Even though MNC also has class specific weapons, the balance seems to be based on making everything overpowered. Like a celebration of excess. Who cares if the assault has a dash that turns into an auto grapple that hits for massive damage and sends their opponent flying across the map? If you think about it, that's a ridiculously overpowered move to have in any other multiplayer game but it's not for MNC because every class has their own ridiculously overpowered moves too.

    So TF2 is about weapons and MNC is about abilities.

    The pacing of the two games also couldn't be more different. It always seems like I'm trying to do three things at once while bringing it in MNC and if I spend half a minute not accomplishing anything I'm actually helping the other team.

    The player has alot more control over the pacing of their TF2 experience (which is the main reason I think TF2 is the better game). Depending on their class and the role on the team they adopt, players can have a huge influence on the pacing of gameplay while still contributing (unless they're an engie building a sentry on the wrong control point...*sigh*).
  4. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    Lord of the Rings Conquest Multiplayer......Similar classes, somewhat similar objective in conquest mode.......Single player sucked, but 8 vs 8 was cool

    STiCKxSTICKLY New Member

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    League Of Legends. God that game is amazing.
  6. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    Thank you! My TF2 buddy always going on about how MNC is "Obviously a TF2 rip-off!" and I just said Conker was here before and MNC is more like it.

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