Assassin wtf?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by quaabi, August 13, 2010.

  1. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    Ok so ppl are complaining about support??? what about assassins??? 90% of the game is nothin but gay assassins..they grapple and run....and wen yu try and catch up to them its another in ur back killing yu in one when yu think yu killed and assassin its always another one there(so eff all yu assassins who think ur guud because yu can grapple then run. .)
  2. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    support shotgun to the face or gunner 3rd lvl slam. no problem.
  3. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Oh I know I'm good buddy. Escaping is what makes a good Assassin.
  4. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    Maybe I'll slow down so you can catch me next time.

    EDIT: Oh wait, you're dead.
  5. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    ^ I know right? I am getting so sick and tired of another class having an advantage over the one I play. I really hate how I'm not good enough to learn how to counter an assassin.

    You know what else is ridiculous???? Those gay snipers who all they do is sit back and camp. wen yu try to move BOOM shot to the head and dead. wen yu try to get close to them that effing frost trap gets yu and yu cant do nething (so eff all yu sniper who think ur guud because yu can camp and shoot)

    Oh yea, screw those assault guys too. yu think yucan get one but before yu get up to them yu are half dead because of that ridiculous assault rifle. the when yu get close they just destroy yu when yu get close with the bomb. (so eff all yu assault who think yu are guud because yu can ring me out with a charge from a mile away)

    I hate those gay gunners too. they turret down and then just kill everything, all yu can do is die as the bullets rip yu apart. then when yu get close the slam and theres nothing yu can doo.

    lets not forget those assult guys. they just put down the firebase and heal it. when yutry to kill them yu just die because the turret is gay overpowered. even if yu kill them you still die because of the turret

    also the tank (see gunner but replace bullets with jet engine of doom) (yea i started to get lazy)

    I'm really starting to get sick and tired of these "OMFG THIS GUY KILLED ME ALOT SO HE MUST BE OVERPOWERED" threads. If you really look at the classes for the most part they are fairly balanced (could use a few tweeks here and there). every class has someone they beat and someone who beats them. Also, if you want to be taken seriously, then speak seriously. Your post is nothing but whining and gross over exxagerating. It offers no valid argument or information other than you have no idea how to counter an assassin and have some rage issues. I have no problem with people feeling they think a class is OP or UP, but if you want to share it, be intelligent about it or no one will take you seriously.
  6. Screwbeck

    Screwbeck New Member

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    I agree. Not sure why your post ran longer than this. Actually, I know full and well, why. There are ways to address whiners in the forums besides belittling them before you get across to your point. Then again I suppose, I'm doing the same in a sense.
  7. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    Wasn't meant to belittle, more for the sake of irony and really show the ridiculousness leading up to an actual point before just saying "your ridiculous" and just calling him/her out. That's all really, if you find it unnecessary that's fine, you are permitted to do so.
  8. oultrabeatdowno

    oultrabeatdowno Member

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    They seriously need to limit 1 assassin per team. Its unfair. I played against a whole team of assassins and there's no god dam way to counter attack them. You can't even hear the hum of their cloak when there's so much noise either. To overpowered that's what I say. Everything else it fine.
  9. Styli

    Styli New Member

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    I agree with Hildogen. Each class has a weakness to certain other classes. I play as an assassin a lot and I die... A lot... because she's weak, especially against levelled up tanks and gunners. You have to get close as an assassin too which can be tricky when you have little defence. They're not totally invisible either when cloaked, they still have a telltale shimmer like Gremlin bots.

    I'd say, overall, the game is pretty balanced. I think they've done a great job there. If you find it's unbalanced for you, try using a different class and find the one that suits you're thinking.
  10. SgtFunShinebear

    SgtFunShinebear New Member

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    i only have 1 problem with the assasins really, and thats that too many ppl play it. i think assasins should be limited to one per team, as they dont really help the team very much, and can be hard to fight in swarms. her quickness and invisability can be easily countered if you can spot her, making the only problem spotting and killing 2 or 3 at a time. i used to hate assasins too, i thought she was incredibly overpowered, but really all classes are overpowered and thats what makes the game balanced. shes just good at making people mad and thats why shes on all these forums...
  11. apatDALAWAMPU

    apatDALAWAMPU New Member

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    Many say they (UBER, Microsoft, whoever) should limit teams to 1 assassin per. How do you propose they should do that? Why should only one class get this restriction?
  12. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    There should be no limit on any class. If you are against a team with a lot of assassins you should be thankful as it is extremely easy to counter. If you seriously think that it's impossibly then, no offense, learn the game better. A full team of assassins is going to lose against a team who even know half of what they are doing. Too many people still think about this game as a death match. When you drop that mentality, you will do far better. I can say this because it's exactly what happened to me. When I changed my focus from killing people to pushing turrets, I overall did better and won more games faster.

    For the record, a team of gunners, supports, and tanks is a very easy way to shut down a team of assassins.
  13. GreyDead

    GreyDead New Member

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    If you took out Assassins insta-kill backstab they would be useless. Plus most classes that have Armor as their gold endorsement that backstab doesn't always work thus the assassin gets ownd. I think it needs a buff. Backstab should ALWAYS kill. Either that or buff up the damage on the weapons itself, it's freaking weak.
  14. Handsome Andy

    Handsome Andy New Member

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    The more you play the better you will be and the less you will complain about this class or this class. I find all the classes to be fairly well balanced and find most assassins don't have a chance against Assault. It depends how you play.
  15. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    I honestly feel that the assassin is the weakest class in the game. I think people just think they are overpowered because they are the most annoying.

    I don't think it should ALWAYS kill, the the fact that it doesn't is all part of the balance. But i think the cool down for a grapple should be much shorter.
  16. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Dunno the assassin is the weakest if you ask me, there are many ways to counter them and they go down like flys in a fire.

    I really hate them but most of the time i just feel sorry for an assassin,not only because how lag affects grapples so much but how easy they are to kill at times.
  17. Scripio

    Scripio New Member

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    If you are having problems with assassins then idk what to tell you you just cant be that good if u don't know how to fend off an assassin. :roll:
  18. ho bo zach

    ho bo zach New Member

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    nuff said btw support is not OP gunner is great counter ppl just pissed caus support poops all over over-used assult.
  19. Rebz

    Rebz New Member

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    Im tired of people saying assassins are not team players. If you play them right they're one of the best team players on the team bc they're probably the best class at killing regular bots, jackbots, and turrets. They only get that reputation bc so many people play them and have the mentality that they just need to get backstabs over and over and 90% of the time they get killed and do nothing for the team. But some people that play assassin are some of the best team players.

    But having 3 on a team is a bit ridiculous, i agree. I only play assassin if no one else is.
  20. citizen

    citizen New Member

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    This class was a horrible idea and has no place in a game like this... Press left trigger for free kill - that's so stupid. The vast majority of people are lame and have no aim and play assassins so it's just this same thing over and over and over every few seconds an assassin grappling you appears.

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