Population increasing ideas?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Lyrae, April 15, 2011.


    DEPLOY New Member

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    Population will not increase any further than it is now until the next free weekend, and if and only if they fix the bugs, the star rating, the glitches, the maps, the balancing and everything else. It's like a beta which isn't a good thing considering they're calling it the full game.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    getting into the potato sack would have helped, but it's too late for that

    DEPLOY New Member

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    Maybe they could put it in the next pack but I fear that will be too long.
  4. Kutharos

    Kutharos Member

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    Well I think that showing up in Pax was a good move but there also should be more effort to prove this game has bite such as attempts to make it an E-sport.
  5. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    The things I see keeping MNC from being an E-Sport are the lack of maps, steam based voice chat, bugfixes.

    MNC has heart and humor but needs some critical bugfixes and maybe some more balance tweaks with more advertisement.

    I have been meaning to say that MNC feels a little like open beta with the lack of maps. But I played some more MNC and was too happy to care.
  6. TyphoonJetson

    TyphoonJetson New Member

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    @ O.P.

    I know my hours of play a week have been declining.

    My suggestion to keep the ppl that are playing (cause im not sure what would bring new ones into the game) playing is better matching at the beginning of the match. Im not thinking it needs a complete overhaul but some minor tweaks.

    I dont know how many times the team matcher has randomly assigned teams regardless of Star rating or level. Then, if noone chooses a team for the next round, it will put the same 4star plus rated players in the same team against 3 star and less. It should mix it up a little more and might to prevent some of the rage-quitings after getting repeatedly pub stomped.

    I really think the population drop off is just a general frustration issue due to minor things.
  7. EnderWigginDA

    EnderWigginDA New Member

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    Quite simply it is a UI issue that should have been considered from the start. The end users can't really fix it. The only way I can think of to help new and satisfy old users would be to be able to independently bind BUTTONS based on class. Almost like class scripts in a certain sense. Basically 6 keybind .ini files which load based on the class you play. This would have to be incorporated into the game options GUI which is probably a lot of work.

    A)Add protip that appears when killed by an assassin that if you are flying/jump jetting the assassins cannot melee you. At least I think that is true. When we started we were so frustrated by the assassin class until I learned to use flight. B)get rid of the auto aim melee attack that assassins have (It's my reload key). Well, it seems to be auto aiming to me. The the dash-melee attack that doesn't use a skill or have a cool down time afaik.
  8. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    It does not auto aim by the way. You can aim it but it does the attack at the end when in proximity of a target.

    If you remove that you would have to revamp the class as it is one of the main methods of escape and evasion for the assassin.

    Edit: Something I forgot to say earlier. The jump jets light anyone beneath them on fire and firing them while deployed acts as an assassin deterrent.
    Last edited: April 16, 2011

    DEPLOY New Member

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    There needs to be more focus on team work in the pro tips and maybe a description of each classes job because I see too many supports nuthugging firebases with no actual overhealing and assassins dying tons of times trying to kill pros and not bots.
  10. NeriVal

    NeriVal New Member

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    Lack of strategic depth. Compared to other MOBA games it's pretty damn simple, and sad fact is that's what it's competing against, not other shooters.

    The shooter fans it draws in tend to get chewed up and spit out.

    MOBA games in general tend to exhibit this problem, but MNC catches it a lot worse due to a lack of goals to work towards across a large stretch of matches. There's no long-term development, which works from a casual play standpoint, but what makes the game easy to get into also makes it easy to leave.
  11. EnderWigginDA

    EnderWigginDA New Member

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    Thats all good info! Thanks.
  12. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    hmm, I think you've probably got that backwards
  13. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Very happy to see this thread taking off. Updating the first post with some of the new ideas so it's all visible right there.
  14. NeriVal

    NeriVal New Member

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    Doubt it.

    Think more on the typical CoD player. Most of them are not very risk-averse. Spawn timers are short, spawn locations are abhorrently random, and it's mostly just a pointless fragfest with no goal. Even typical TF2 players aren't much better. (And come to think of it, that's where a lot of the potential PC playerbase is going to be coming from)

    A MOBA player on the other hand already has experience with enemies gaining resources, and thus power, from killing you. They may not be intimately experienced with the way MNC tosses out the laning phase entirely in favor of a more generous "frag for all", but that's not that hard to adjust to, and they'd likely play cautiously anyway, because dying means giving the enemy money.

    Can deny it all ye want, but the game is clearly experiencing the same thing other MOBA games go through. It isn't attracting smart, risk-averse players. It's attracting new players that don't understand that their mistakes cost them more than the 10 seconds it takes to respawn. Then they get frustrated when the other team is capable of chain-juicing in the mid and late game, because in the early game they made a bajillionty mistakes, got their heads handed to them, and fed the enemy sweet, delicious cash.
  15. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Mod support is without a doubt the biggest thing I can think of for player retention. What keeps TF2 alive is the fact that you can really make the game your own. Hats and alternate weapons have added to that, but even before those it was the mods that kept it fresh. The crack that is random unlocks just pulled in a few more people, and I would like Uber to steer clear of that.

    Re-skinning character models is a must. There is nothing better than being able to mess with the way things look. Super Support Brothers is a must. As is omnomsin. And I want to see a tank with twice the beard and jigglebones enabled.

    Alternate game modes. Communities can come up with the best game types. Look at Prop Hunt. It's ridiculously fun. Would any game developer think to incorporate it into their game natively. NO.

    Additional commands/gameplay elements and changed mechanics on a fundamental level. Being able to mess with core gameplay serverside can be fun. Another TF2 example, rtd and grenades. Both are really fun for a lot of people. As for MNC, I want to mess with the charge/lunge mechanics and add a bacon dispenser that costs $750.

    Custom maps. Obvious mods are obvious. Without these the game will die. Uber can't release new maps fast enough to satisfy the hungry hoard that is the online playerbase, they need to leave it to the modding community.

    Sererside control of balance points. Again, obvious mod is obvious. At the very least we need this to stop the whining we see with balance complaints.

    You'll notice I mentioned TF2 mods a bit. I poured 500 hours into that game, and I switched to this one because at it's core I feel it's better. It's the modding bells and whistles that are calling be back to TF2. This game needs them desperately.

    Mod support should be the number one priority for player retention, and advertising should be the number one priority after retention is boosted. Pre-mod advertising will fall by the wayside.

    Also, I was going to make some other nonmod player retention suggestions, but this post is already too long. The focus needs to be on mods no matter what.

    tl;dr We need mods first and foremost. After we get those Uber needs to work on bugfixes and advertising.
  16. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Oh, and if any one of those things is ignored, I will be sorely disappointed in Uber. Mod support needs every one of those to be worth it. I'm fine with them being released at different times as the methods for changing them are introduced, but they all need out eventually.
  17. DEPLOY

    DEPLOY New Member

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    Uber think 1 new map is enough to get people excited, I doubt modding/custom stuff is on the horizon for a long time.
  18. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Being that it runs on the Unreal3 engine (right?), a Dev Kit shouldn't be too hard to release - Epic releases an updated UDK quite often, and the guys at Uber have to be using -something- to make this game, yeah? Assuming the engine hasn't been modified, hell, -I- could code for it. (That makes me wonder what would happen if I tried giving a pro my UT3 Grapple Gun...)
  19. DEPLOY

    DEPLOY New Member

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    If it wasn't so hard for them to release they would of released or announced it by now unless they're saving it for some super special occasion. There hasn't even been a whisper about it, not even in that 20 page long thread asking for it which I assume every mod and dev has seen or chose to ignore.
  20. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    They did announce mod support, it's just proving to be more difficult than they expected. They also posted in the thread you speak of that they are working on it, but need to port it to the latest U3 first. I'm guessing they changed some stuff that makes modding currently difficult/impossible, and they need to tweak it back to allow for easy modding.

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