Define Teamwork

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by NeoCyberman, April 12, 2011.

  1. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Teamwork is coordinated spam (and target selection).
  2. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    It's when people understand their roles and use them to synergize with their teammates to bring about the teams goal of winning. For example....

    Gunner working with either a tank or sin pushing a lane. If they get close to the base, the Gunner should be the one focusing on pulling down the turrets with his mortar while his partner keeps the bot line held back. There's no need for either of those bot-destroying machines to risk themselves when the gunner is better equipped and compitent enough to handle the turrets.

    Sin or tank is bringing in excessive amount of cash due to their bot killing. So they toss up turrets and upgrades to defend the moneyball. Here, the support steps in to overheal the teams investments in these turrets, even going so far as to hack ones he or the team feels are critical to their success.

    Suppport is keeping a lane back with his firebase, but gets killed while working around it. Teammate nearby can step in to defend the firebase and save the guy a long cooldown.

    Gunner is pinned down in a lane, because an enemy sniper has the gap covered. Friendly sniper or Sin can take care of that.

    At this point, I think you understand. In each situation, everybody gets an opportunity for points, but the way they get their points is oriented to something that helps the rest of their teammates. This requires communication and the awareness of what's going on. When I play Sin, my eyes are always scanning sniper hideouts in between bot waves. The purpose of which is to keep the sniper busy enough so my Gunner/Tank mates are free to do their job. If I'm a Gunnar, my primary target switches to the turrets if I'm in range. if I'm a support, I try to get overhealing on very person and object I meet. It's putting the good of the team above my personal rating.
  3. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    Only because I main 'Sault, I just couldn't help but to notice you didn't put his role there. What do you do you think his job is now?
  4. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Teamwork is work performed by a team towards a common goal.
  5. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I had a match on an Uber server where a user made use of voice chat. I was overjoyed as others began to chime in.

    I quickly got my headset and when I hit V to check if everyone could hear me I was shocked to learn that the speaker Icon would disappear after 3 seconds and my team could not hear me.

    Those who spoke helped the team greatly as I could definitely hear them but I was unable to input my ideas.

    Still I saw teamwork happen as I was able to provide cover for supports or fight bots with the team assassin.
  6. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    I haven't played Assault enough to feel qualified. Other than moneyball damage, he seems like a "jack of all trades". With that I in mind I will speculate....

    Given his speed, and ability to do decent in any situation, I'd consider him the team "Fireman", running from lane to lane "putting out fires". EI: going where the line is weakest to lend a hand.
  7. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    That's an interesting thought.

    I think of the assault now as an all around kind of guy best at moneyball damage and taking out or harassing heavier pros.

    The idea of flanking and attacking from different angles is also a popular idea.
  8. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Assault is still the "jack of all trades".
    He can bot kill decently, he can pro kill decently, he can bog down an area with bombing and covering fire while backup moves its butt and he can move to where he's needed quickly.
    He can be the aggressive tip of the spear or the defensive hilt of a dagger.
  9. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    You guys are overcomplicating things.

    Teamwork is when you win.

    Whatever it takes to win.
  10. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    As a sin, my idea of teamwork is covering my team-mates asses whenever possible - flanking anyone they're having issues with is a common one.

    Reporting anything i see behind the lines that others may be unaware of.

    My definition of teamwork is when people don't disregard the information others feed them.
  11. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    i had the pleasure of playing a game recently with almost perfect teamwork 4 on 4 my team went full retard (all assassin) and we won in under 2 min
    multiple sins smoke bombing and slashing turrets down tag team style
    4 sins all lunging into a gunner simultaneously
    chain grappling a tank
    everyone just seemed to be on the same page and all with zero communication
    was much fun
  12. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    That sounds super painful for the opposite team.
    Although I'd love to assault charge through that and watch the sins flying like bowling pins :)
    It'd be worth the million deaths and the loss of the game for just 1 charge like that.
  13. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    All sin teams who actually play the objectives and not DM are a terror to behold. Especially when they work in concert.

    I experianced this wonderful example of teamwork combined with game knowledge and situational awareness that renewed hope in me that such things exist. I had just cleared a bot lane as a Sin and was going to check on the other lane when I found a friendly gunner and Tank had pushed the other lane back, but was stymied by a turret in a blind corner. With no support nearby, they were loath to risk themselves and was just holding the line back.

    I immediatly lunged into the turret and smoked it. The moment the smokebomb went off, my two teammates jumped around the corner and opened up on the turret, taking it down easily. This shift in momentum lead to a second turret down and bots getting through and dropping the moneyball shields.

    I didn't even have to say a word. These two guys saw me "open the door" and ran through it. Times like that are truly awesome.
  14. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    It's great when things like that work.

    I was going for the annihilator and there was an opposing team member heading for it from the other way. I had 2 options: charge him and miss the annihilator but prevent him from getting it or try to kill him and seriously risk him getting the annihilator first.

    I charged him and we both went flying off the platform. A friendly support who had seen this had immediatly followed me and managed to hit the now cleared annihilator without me calling for help or anything.

    Just seeing a teammate trying to complete an objective and helping them with that objective makes the world of difference.
  15. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Define Teamwork:
    Whipping my minions into gear by moving ahead of the force and taking on the entire enemy team head-on to give my team a show and morale boost. Or else we can never conquer the bacon...

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