Most of the times I don't know what to do with Juice, apart using it to save myself, kill a bunch of people or hacking a turret (wich rarely happens :lol: ). How should juice be used with Snipers and Support? Also is hacking and healing faster while juiced?
prohunt. EDIT: Additionally, you might want to save it up to counter-juice classes such as tank, gunner, sin. Assault is a bit more tricky, but mainly as a sniper with juice you're utterly irrelevant for the exception of countering.
For support I use it to make ends connect. If I need a little over the top I pop my juice. If the bots I'm pushing are coming up on a turret I go ahead and HH it with juice. Tanks and gunners use it to murder bases of turrets. With assassins its a mixed bag. I often use it to breakup teamwork by killing swaths of pros who would dare show signs of synergy. I also use it to frighten tanks and gunners into popping their juice thus putting them out 500 USD or a good bit of work. That and kill rocket turrets. Assault, I use it to kill turrets as they are usually my only competition. If I'm having a good day (meaning I can aim straight) I skip pros that aren't directly in my way and come for them with my riffle later on. I do not play sniper.
Interesting, I had just got out of a game of Steel Peel where the support defending the base we were trying to crack showed me some excellent juice Usage. He popped it during the following 2 situations. 1) If myself or a teammate tried to invade his turret farm while juiced, he would counter juice to keep himself alive while trying to slow us down. 2) He'd juice up and invade the upper deck. A juiced Support with a shotgun in close quarters is nothing to **** with. *laughs* Sniper juice is more of a "oh ****" button. As in "Oh ****, that turret is down and the bots are about to jump on the moneyball".
As Support Hurt gun turrets with juice and clear up pros that are base camping, Sniper I'm not so sure hardly play I guess SMG spam?
With Support you can usually get a quick juice and after cleaning out with the shotgun, finish up a Lvl 1 Rockit. A Sniper's juice isn't very useful, I'd save it for preserving your killstreak or unloading on a juiced gunner's back.
Support Juiced heal gun for turrets Juiced shotgun for players Hack while juiced for better chance at hacking turrets. (Level 3 RockIts may need teammates there too, or bots). Sniper Juiced Sniper combined with Flaks for turrets Juiced SMG for players, yet does decent damage to turrets aswell.
As sniper, just use it to bodyshot rape enemy team, much easier than headshots. Or to push a lane faster. Or as an oh sh*t button. Support can rape moneyball fastest with shotgun juice, hack turrets, or defend well (juiced shotgun dominates even juiced players).
I use juice as Sniper for counter-juicing and for doing damage to the MB if I don't see it flashing for a few seconds and I'm close enough to it. I could probably get ~15% of the MB plus a couple pros in the process.
Support juice kinda sucks, it can still be really tough to close the distance on two or more pros. One grapple and your juice is wasted.
What to do with juice as support? You pc guys are using gold rate on your supports, right? Please tell me you guys didn't regress... Considering you ARE... then the standard procedure, rape, pillage, plunder... Seriously though, other than reading my guide, let me answer this: As a sniper, the ONLY THING you can do with juice is kill pros. However, you can still put this to good use. When the enemy groups up for a push, shatter it instantly. Staying as far away with your juice as possible while still doing near instant fatal smg damage, you can send the team back to spawn. Not saying do this for fun or k/d (but why not?), i'm saying there are plenty of times that sending the entire enemy team back to spawn for 10 seconds is useful. Think about it, if they are right at your base, and you send them all back, and your team is quick, then you can recover the entire map's distance. Also, if you keep streaks then you get money for base defences and bot spawning, so use your juice to counter-juice. As a support, seriously, you SHOULD be able to melt turrets, if you also use airstrikes then you can make easy work out of a 3.3 rokkit. While juiced with the hhgun, you are hardly killable since you recover large hp. With the shotgun, you do massive damage to pros (to clear a bunch of them at once off the area you need to push through), but I would stick to the hhgun because of it's safety and ease of aiming. Lastly, when the moneyball drops, the juiced shotgun is top tier moneyball damager, especially stacked with airstrikes. When attacking the moneyball with shotgun, throw airstrikes spreaded out around the moneyball, so they damage the moneyball too, but they also explode around you so enemies stay away from you (throw them apart and stand in a small gap between them). Read my guide for more details about juice aquisition, use, and defence against.
I thought I wrote a guide at some point that described how to juice as support fairly well. >_>. Sniper, while juiced, is squishy as hell. The extra strength can help you brave defenses to get a better shot at distance long shot turrets and pros. Explosive shot can decimate pros standing near bots or turrets, too. Flak will help you take out some defenses, but you won't do better than level 1 for rockits or shavice turrets. If you can't do any turrets, you can mop up many pros in a small rampage. Support is cake to juice with. Tanks, gunners, assaults (with dangerous level 3 charge) can be one-hit killed with the shotgun, but in most cases max rate of fire hurt gunning can kill just about any pro in 1-2 seconds. His hurt gun allows him to stay trained on a turret, even a level 3 rockit, until the juice runs out, and combined with airstrikes you can hurt turrets to a point where you know your airstrikes will finish them off, toss the 'strikes, and move on to your next target, effectively maximizing the use of your juice. Hell, the support's juiced shotgun can even kill most juiced players in one hit (and it can also killed juiced player without using your own juice, shh) and you don't even need to AIM with the hurt gun. Of course both sniper and support have limited destructive capabilities when met with a prepared team (they can't breach quite as easily as a gunner, tank, or assault) and level 3 rockits and shaveice turrets will likely consume the whole of their juice, but if you play your cards right you can be effective.
I find Support juice to be one of most powerful ones In the game. A grapple can waste anyone's juice so this Isn't really a Support only issue.
While true, both of the Support's weapons require that he be close to his targets for them to work. An Assault or a Gunner on Juice can sit back and knock people over from normal projectile combat range; the Support in the same situation has to be uncomfortably close to grappling range to do the same.