Assault - Wilder's guide - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by TheWilder, March 12, 2011.

  1. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I buy Charge 3 when some good Assasin joins or when players on the server suck.
    There is a hidden compliment from me above :O :mrgreen:
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Aww, I c what you did thare.
  3. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Played with you today, you is a good assault, wilder. I was doing silly builds on support and sniper, but found myself trying to match your level just by being on your team. I will add you.
  4. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Thanks, we had some pretty good games yesterday :D
  5. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    One player isn't supposed to do everything (escort bots, clear enemy bot waves, control enemy pros, clear turrets, damage the money ball)

    I can personally attest that he usually sticks to Pro-killing and definitely partakes in moneyball attacks, but he usually lets others escort and clear bots. (I find him to usually have a pretty decent KPD with mediocre bot score.) Whether this is because he's currently testing Pro-vs-Pro strategy or not, I don't know.

    Me, I'm more of a "kill bots, get juice, go wreck buildings" kind of guy. It's a playstyle thing.

    In most maps, you only need 2 people to clear both bot waves (2 of the maps, a good assassin can solo push both lanes.) So then you have 4-5 people to pro-kill/escort the bot waves.

    People, especially in pubs, tend to turtle like crazy once they're pushed in. So the best thing to do is farm them and allow your team to control juice/annihilator. Either one person does most of the pro-farming, or the team does it organically, it doesn't matter.
  6. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    And destroy turrets ^^
    Well if we get pushed back I ofcourse help with all I have and I make sure all gets to normal again, but yes, I actualy enjoy pro killing.
  7. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I never implied that. The only things of relevance are things that are hurting or killing your bots until the shield goes down, whether they are pros, bots or turrets. Once the shields drop the money ball takes absolute priority over everything. Occasional effort must be made against bots and enemy pros, however this is significantly less valuable at this point.
  8. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Be sure that I count time left to the Overtime and make sure I got some money for juice and/or I always am prepared to juice if i see that we could breach their shields. In case that shields are dropped, I always deal a really high damage to it with my juice as its my job and my priority to keep/reset shields down, so Assasins can do their job, I headcrab the moneyball all the time and juice so often as I can.
  9. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Try throwing bombs shortly before your charge grapple connects and there's a high chance you will score an headcrab while you're grappling your opponent. Works extremely well against juiced players if you manage to pull it off. If you press the bomb button too late,though, you will just end up throwing nothing but your skill regen away. Punch people in the face then blow up same body part. Lovely.

    Also, if you're accurate enough or if there's several heavies on the opposing team, try switching accuracy for bronze skill regen.
  10. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Thats something i never tryed, suprisingly :O, thanks for the tip!
  11. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    I did that one or twice, pre-nerf. And I thought it was flashy. But my charge came back like it should and I could jump out of there if too much heat came down, or throw a bomb as a way to disinterest pursuers.

    At this day and age, unless you're running silver or gold Skills... is it worth it?
  12. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    You should pretty much never do a charge grapple if you know/feel like things are heating up around you. So just follow that rule with this and you're fine.
  13. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    This may be the best place to ask:

    What do you think the role of the assault is?
  14. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Defending bots and killing the money ball like everyone else.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I think the Assault's role is to annoy and ambush. Defending bots? Leave that for the Tank.
  16. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    You defend bots by killing the things killing your bots. Usually such things are players, but not always.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    When someone mentions "defending bots" I think of the sneaky Assassin. The Assault can't do much to stop Assassins from destroying their bots.
  18. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Controlling juice/annihilator (they do it the best besides a good gunner)

    They have THE BEST bot killing ability under the worst circumstances.

    And lastly, and most obviously, they have the best dps against the moneyball (though a sniper using his rifle can come pretty close, hard as hell to get into position though)
  19. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    Sin iz way moar stealthish and fast than Mr. Tiki.

    Sins, Tanks, Snipers.........:|

    Supports juiced shotty is almost as effective as an juiced Assaults 'nades and bombs. Sniper has nerfed himself against moneyballs.
    Ahhh....Good times....
  20. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Re: Assault - Wilder's guide

    You are best all rounder class, which means you have to do a bit from everything.
    Keep in mind that you do big damage to JackBot by headcrabing him, really important.
    You can take down enemy firebases with ease.
    When you juice you can take down turrets from a distance and your Assault rifle turns into pro killing mashine.
    When shields drop, you (and Assasin) are responsible for keeping shields down (Remember to headcrab the moneyball and use your Grenade Launcher)
    Helping to damaged players by killing threads (Gunny being sniped, you take down Sniper or make sure he will target you).
    And also, you can take down loads of pros, you are the class which is one of the best in pro killing (Help to supports with Assasins, protect firebase before support returns, kill people on bad places AND DENY SNIPERS)
    And you should try to controll the middle area for your team
    And much more

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