Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. Govnerplatypus

    Govnerplatypus New Member

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    Hello I am Govnerplatypus, Govner for short.
    MNC is the third Xbox game I have ever had, but I'm not too terrible at it.
    I don't post as much as the others on here and that's because of this shitty internet connection I have at my parent's house.
    I recently moved from the USA back to germany and it sucks.
    I love to play Tank,Sniper, Assault, Support, Assassin, and Gunner(hint)
    The game is pretty sweet and I have played it since the end of September.
    See you on the Xbox
  2. Swamp Tony

    Swamp Tony New Member

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    Swamp Tony is my GT. I play on XBOX live.

    I generally shift between the lady, the mario and the hawaiian.

    Sometimes i'm pretty good, sometimes i suck.

    I'd love to get better at the tank and the assault.

    I've read tons of the guides and generally try to play my class to help the team win the game. If the situation looks hopeless i may either just get killy or quit. I used to rage quit alot more but i'm trying to get better about that stupid behavior.

    I'd love to get in on some private matches at some point. i learn quickly and think that i could bring help to a team (eventually.)
  3. alphagnumeric

    alphagnumeric New Member

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    I have actually played with Swamp Tony several times and I must admit its very fun.

    I enjoy support, assault, gunner. I am no good with the ninja.

    GT: alphagnumeric
  4. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Hi I'm boostvention #1 on the wins leaderboards for xbox live.
    #7 for earnings.
    I like Monday night combat when it has updates.
    GT: MLGIntervention
  5. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  6. Swamp Tony

    Swamp Tony New Member

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    :mrgreen: right back atcha
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Everyone is good with the ninja. Just kill bots, ignore and flee from enemy players, and destroy turrets when you have juice.

    This doesn't make you great, but it makes you good. Good enough to win games against fairly good shooter-type players who IGNORE THE OBJECTIVE.

    Question, did you use the Intervention on MW2? JW about your name.
  8. marc220494

    marc220494 New Member

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    Hi I'm Marc,

    I am 17 years old and I play MNC on the PC,coz in my opinion Shooters on consoles are the worst thing ever. My favourite char is the Tank and the Assassin. My favourite map is Uncle Tully's :p
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Oh, someone else who shares Disturbance24's love of destroying bots (you do destroy bots while playing tank and assassin, God I hope, right?). Those classes are similar, one just replaces blunt firepower with stealthy precision.

    FYI, shooters on console are the second worse thing ever, next to fighters on PC. Welcome to the forums!

    Also, I am going to order this with the check I just got from last 2 weeks of work: A mouse/keyboard attachment for the XBox360. Mainly, I will see how well it works, but the power of being a godly PC gamer among mortal Console gamers will most likely corrupt me and I will abuse my above-clawing powers completely. If it does work that well and it goes down like that, you can all call me DarthTranquilty.
  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    you can turbo/claw all you want, but that thing wont make you any better at thinking tactically and knowing what to do and when.

    that thing at best will probably put you on par with an average gamer at best.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Oh, you are saying that I am not tactical? Because I am buying it to test it, but the rest was sarcasm. I told the PC gamers the same thing, that m+kb doesn't make you better.

    Actually, I do think I might be able to play gunner/sniper as good as a forum gunner/sniper main with it, depending on how well it works. I know the tactic of it, but as you saw last we played, my aim only gurantees the good assault (like you) gets riddled with bullets only half the time. I claw (or have long fingers), but I can't track targets as well via thumbstick.

    Why do PC players hate us console gamers? Find me a $200 computer that can play MNC, and I will renounce the XBox platform.
  12. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    for the most part, yes.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I'll end this with this post, and you can post on if you like, but this really shouldn't be discussed here, so you know my e-mail if you want to continue this (now where did I put that e-mail at?):

    You may think me and Feedle aren't that "good", but I think it is undenyable that at the very least we are high tier strategist and no less than second rate players.

    Anyway, I agree with you that neither m+kb nor aiming at all really matters compared to teamwork and strategy when it comes to keeping enemy bots, players, and turrets dead.

    I still should get on PC version more often than the usual time or two everytime I notice an update. Better than Brink by far.
  14. pound symbol

    pound symbol New Member

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    Hi! my name is kevin, and i am new to monday night combat.

    my gt is in my signature, so if you see me in game, feel free to invite me to your party.

    dont bother adding me though, my friends list is full from CoD and Halo 3.

    See you guys in game!
  15. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    Hi. My name is Adrian. But you may call me by my username which is "Coverop" (you might know me from TF2 or from Youtube).

    My hobby is finding bugs/glitches/exploits/issues in Monday Night Combat and in other games too (yes , I like to break this game but Eka says It's ok for him... he also thanked me :3 <- that on margin).

    I'm 19 years old (soon 20 , so yeah I'm kinda old). I like games with cartoon style (like Team Fortress 2 , Monday Night Combat) but lately I dislike the Team Fortress 2 "new culture of promos and updates" made by Valve.

    You'll probably see me very often in Monday Night Combat because I love this game (especial-y Assassin...YES Assassin not a god-damn Pitgirl).
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  16. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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    Hi guys. I'm new to the forums, but not new to MNC. I've played the game a lot, but I haven't met the community yet. I'm excited to see what you guys are all about. My GT is Big Ordeal. I recently, with the help of my good friend TomThaBombz, made it to the top of the Sudden Death Blitz leaderboard. (No hax, I get too many messages about that.) So that's where I am with MNC as-is. See you guys in the crossfire!

    [edit]I forgot to mention I play the console version.
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  17. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Your signature made me lol for some reason.
  18. TrollBranquility

    TrollBranquility New Member

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    @New-Guy-With-Hilarious-Signature: Where did you get that? Me and other new members don't have so good signatures, and I don't think I could make yours.

    Me? I am also not new at MNC, I was in those leaderboards. I am new to the forums. I don't care much for many game-related things as much as the game. Why do I want to be in a game forum or have a remote control car, when I can just buy Black Ops for as cheaply as possible? I just care to play, like most gamers do.

    Someone saw me once and mentioned that I should sign up for the forums. I always come to game forums for like 2 days, and then maybe once a month for less than a year, and then never again. Here I am though, for the record.
  19. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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    Thanks. I do a little bit of graphic design stuff in my spare time. I'm pretty bored when I'm on my pc most of the time, so if you pmed me an idea for a sig, I wouldn't be surprised if I finished it randomly. I also do a little 32bit sprite work, Ex: My avatar.
    Last edited: June 3, 2011
  20. verden

    verden New Member

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    You'd think the minor hints are implied.

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