As most here already know, this game uses the Unreal Engine 3.0. Although the engine is great in many regards, the netcode is essentially the same as the Unreal Engine 1. (think Unreal Tournament) Compared with many other FPS games I've played, the ping compensation above 50msec is not very good. Sniper is my favorite class to play, although i've noticed that with higher pinging servers I am really not helping my team out by playing that class. With that said, what do you all think would be the class least affected by higher pings? (say, 70-130 msec) I apologize if this has been brought up already, (new to the game) I did a search and did not see this specific topic addressed although did find a thread talking about how melee seemed to be more effected.
Charge + Jetgun Tank Gunner Midfield Support These all seem to work for me, and I usually play on 90+ ping.
Assassin relies on grapple in crucial situations, and Assault is a very skill-activation oriented class, so those are the two classes that I would not suggest for (extremely) high pingers. I play at 300+ ping (not that I choose to, mind you :lol: ) and still manage to fare well with Sniper and the two heavy classes. Support is great because in order to be effective with your weapons, you need to be close up, giving you a huge hitbox anyways.
Ok, thanks for the help everyone. Seems I'll try the support, assault and the heavy classes more and figure out which I enjoy the most.
Assault is bad for me. The Charge 2 will never do damage or knockback, the bomb takes forever to activate, and direct hits with the grenade launcher disappear.
In my experience, high ping affects 2 things the most: 1. Any melee-range interactions. Grapples, charges, assassin lunge 2. Projectile weapons. Things like the grenade launcher, mortar, and shurikens will all have some delay in firing So I was actually gonna say sniper.. Support would be a good choice too
You guys apparently believe he has a ping of 300+ or something like that. He said 70-130 (not a lot by the way).
70-130 is hardly high but I chose support in beta on 270 ping servers as it was the most manageable re latency.
If you're playing with over 150ms latency, Support. If you keep your movement erratic enough and keep that turret in good shape, they're a manageable class. Plus you can heal a player with lower latency without it doing anything negative for thier performance. The turret isn't modified by your latency so you can keep up an effective presence despite the delays. Anything sub 100 if you're holding that latency steady then you can prettymuch play anything. If you die for something you blame lag for, you're blaming 1/10th of a second or less on your death.