Can gremlin spawns take down a shield? I've seen a few odd shield drops the last few days where no bot packs were able to bring down the shields. My only guess is that gremlins were able to do it somehow. I would assume that without any turrets they'll go after the money ball but they generally seem to have the same bouncer AI so it seems strange that they would ever bring down the shields. Quite annoying if true.
Gremlins do take down a shield but you pretty much never see it because they do go for pros and turrets. Type in console "open DLC1_Grenade3.hmap" spawn Gremlins and watch them kill the turrets and then the money ball.
They start for pros, and if there are no pros available they target turrets. If there are no turrets available, they will go hop on the moneyball.
That's the intended mechanic, yeah. If you want a good example of bot behaviour, play blitz. The eliminator bots will follow this exact logic.
There are rare occasions where Gremlins and Buzzers seem to disregard everything except the enemies Moneyball shields. I remember a few times where I had just spawned and seen Buzzers swoop down from the sky right to drop my shields. My jaw dropped.