Dear MNC Community

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by wazupwiop, April 9, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Dear MNC Community,

    I recieved a message from a member here on the forum concerning my attitude and my convictions concerning swearing over the mic in-game. Apparently many of you have had a negative opinion of me for a while now. I would like to add to the community, not detract from it. I would like to offer an apology for my attitude and give you an understanding of my point of view on swearing (this is not a lecture, just an explanation of my belief). I ask that you keep this thread flame-free and respectfully voice your opinion of my actions in games and here on the forums so I can improve my manners and speaking in the future.

    I would first like to offer an apology for my attitude here on the forums. I don't wish to come across as "elitist" or "superior" in any way. If I have come across that way in the past, I apologize. I will think before posting on the forum and speaking in-game in the future.

    Swearing in-game is not acceptable for me and my family. I ask that you respect that. I use a Kinnect mic, so everything you say is broadcast across the entire household. I plan to get a headset to fix this issue in the future to stop the echo and broadcasting to my family.

    I believe that swearing is wrong for three reasons. 1. I am a Christian. While I do not wish to impose my beliefs on others, I ask that I and my family be addressed in a respectful manner. 2. Swearing isn't necessesary to get your point across. 3. Swearing does not get you anywhere in the real world.

    I ask that you respect my beliefs when talking with me. The occasional slip is okay. The game can be very frustrating at times. However, the chain swearing of "YOU SOB I am gonna rape the f-in S*** out of you." is simply unacceptible. I understand if "Shi*" slips out when you die. However, I do ask that you at least try to control your language and temper. The occasional word is not what my family minds, it is the chain swearing that they don't like.

    With this said, I really enjoy playing with a lot of you forum members. I have had several fun games with Snarf, Tom#'s, Snack, and etc. It is fun to get some competition because I enjoy getting better. I cannot stress how much I enjoy playing with you guys and how I will enjoy playing with you in the future.

    I am very sorry for my attitude on the forums and any inconvenience I may have caused. I hope I have explained myself well on my opinion of swearing. I understand the urge to swear. I am a human just like everyone else here on the forum. If you have a problem with me in the future, please don't hesitate to send me a message telling me how I could improve in my manners towards others in the MNC community.

    Thank you for your time,
  2. ExT Insanity

    ExT Insanity New Member

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    I like you <3
  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  4. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Do not bring religion on to a video game board man, nor use it as a reason to say anything is wrong. Religion is full of wrong, hell, the Bible even encourages so much wrong it makes me sick. Swearing has so little to do with religion at all. Taking the "lords name in vain" is about as far as it goes.
    I swear quite a lot, as you say it isn't necessary to swear to get my point across, but I find it easier and effective. Kind reminds me of a dodgeball quote:
    "Is it necessary for me to drink my own piss? No, but it's sterile and I like the taste".
  5. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    he made a quick comment about him being christian and the effect swearing has on him because of it. He also didn't say that swearing is wrong, he just said he didnt like it. You wrote a whole paragraph about religion and even gave your specific view points on certain christian things. YOU brought the religion, he brought his personality.

    I dont want to join this argument or anything, just saying that you've actually made this religion issue worse because you're making it an issue to begin with. Not to mention you didn't adress the rest of his long post at all. Just focused in on that one single sentence where he says he's christian. You obviously feel strongly about religion and that's fine, but it's YOU that has brought judgement on HIM for simply stating that he is christian. You automatically assumed he was gonna start bringing the hellfire, which he didn't in the least bit in his post.

    If you wanna discuss religion and give your viewpoints, go to the off-topic section.

    As far as language and religion not having anything to do with one another...

    "out of the mouth flows the abundance of the heart"


  6. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I swear like a Marine and I'm Christian. I am also 13 years old and frequent Encyclopedia Dramatica. I AM SO GOING TO HELL!
  7. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    This should be in the Off-topic as it is nothing to do with MNC, except just some drama about people messaging him on the forum about swearing.

    I'm not the one who brought it up as he made the first post and mentioned it first.
    Also, I did address other points about using swearing to make a point and it is effective.
    All I was saying is that it is highly contradictive that he mentions religion as a reason.
    There wasn't really anything to address in the long paragraph as all he was saying was sorry for some behavior which to be honest is a load of crap 'cause this guy is nice and has made helpful topics. It's just some people have messaged him and he made the bad decision of making some big dramatic post. I just think that mentioning religion was just silly and bound to cause something exactly like this. Which it has. Dramaaaaa
  8. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I have similar issues with profanity, though not quite as severe. I simply know the English language has enough words for any occasion. Profanity is simply a means of expression emotion, and I can do that just fine normally. Now, I do use some words where others normally use the bad ones. I simply use more respectful words or else simply just make sounds that reflect how I feel. Believe me, it can get very wacky sometimes.

    Still, I have no problem using profanity if I am using them by their literal definitions. I use the F-bomb as a verb only for the reproductive process. I will refer to fecal matter however I want. I rarely ever have to refer to female dogs, but Amaterasu is slightly changing that.

    There's only one word I'll use casually to enhance effect, and even that isn't always used. I will respect your wishes when playing with you, though. Keep it classy.

    Slow edit: We get it. Stop talking about religion by telling people to stop talking about religion. Also, as this applies to in-game behavior, I think it's fine here.
  9. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I won't go into specifics in the Bible. I could, but that would just make matters worse. I just ask that when people play with me, they respect my conviction concerning profanity. Please don't turn this into a religious hate thread. This thread was not intended for such a discussion or purpose.

    If you would like to discuss the Bible with me, please PM me; DO NOT USE THIS THREAD!!! I have debated with evolutionists, agnostics, ex-Christians, and people from many others beliefs; I know my stuff.
  10. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    Amaze you must have missed the paragraph where he says that he plays with a kinict mic broadcasting your Fbomb to his family.
  11. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Please don't troll....
  12. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I approve of this thread. Swearing is a great relief if used to accentuate rare and frustrating situations like when you lunge off the map due to a lag spike. If it is used in every other sentence your cursing will just add senseless fill words.

    Let me quote from one of the lesser known passages. Ceiling Cat disapproves of swearing as well:
    Thou shall not make use of profanity. Eben if you cut yourself on da can opener! CAT 42,7
  13. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Yeah and there is settings which can turn off voices being heard through mics and TV speakers.
  14. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Are you really comparing lolcats to the bible? That is far worse than swearing.

    On topic: I swore in party chat with Waz, but I think I cleaned it up after he let me know.

    That being said, it's XBOX yo, get that headset so yo' family ain't sufferin'.
  15. Swamp Tony

    Swamp Tony New Member

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    If you don't want your family to hear people cursing, don't broadcast the MNC chat rooms to your household. Don't expect that by dropping pompous platitudes you can bend the world to your will.
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i remember when he was in my party. his request to stop swearing was as polite as possible, and i never saw a problem with it being "pompous"
  17. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    A member of the forum (I will not disclose who the person was for their own sake) said that several here on the forum had developed some sort of a negative opinion of me. He said that my requests to clean up language in-game were not right because it was not fair to change others' vocabulary because of my conviction on profanity.

    When reading the message, I kinda got the sense that this negative opinion of me had been formed for a while now, and that I had been talked about either through messages or party chat. He didn't actually say that, but I thought it was kind of implied by the way certain sentences were phrased.

    My question is, what is everyone's actual opinion of me? (be polite and no flame)
  18. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    God damn, wah. People swear. If you don't want your family to hear it, don't have play voice through TV enabled. If you don't want to hear it, mute them.
  19. Swamp Tony

    Swamp Tony New Member

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  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i personally think there is nothing at all wrong with him ont wanting people to swear. you really dont have enough self control to not do that?

    would you chain-swear in front of a family with a 5 year old if you were say, at the grocery store? if you cant control yourself enough to hold back on the swearing (ESPECIALLY if you are partied up) then i would say go find a different party.

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