F'ing Stars, how do they work?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, March 16, 2011.

  1. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    While you are correct that the game revolves around bots, the biggest factor of being able to push is that you also have control of the enemy pros. Rewarding a task that takes very little skill is a bad thing, becuase everyone would focus on this and you would see very little Pro vs. Pro action.

    Rewarding killing turrets would be unfair to certain classes and would benefit Assassins particular, so that would also be an unintelligent way to rank people.

    Pro vs. Pro is currently the best way to determine a players skills.
  2. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Just like rewarding turret kills is unfair to certain classes and gives benefit to other classes so too does rewarding pro kills.
    What should be done is rewarding you for bot kills, turret kills and pro kills at different amounts.

    Sure killing bots is easy but the guy who kills almost 200 bots has been defending / pushing the entire game. The guy who has 10 turret kills has been helping you win. The guy who has 20 pro kills is controlling the other team. It all helps win the game. Rewarding one aspect above all others is unfair.
    Idealy you'd be rewarded for all aspects at a different rate based on your played class.

    Alternatively: play the game and have fun. Maybe your stars will go up, maybe they won't. Does it really matter?
  3. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    It doesn't really matter if the system isn't optimal. As a competitive soul, I always aim to try and "improve" and score the highest amount possibly by the games ranking system. If it were bot kills, i'd probably go for bots, if it's K/D, i'll definately go for K/D. You are right, that you should involve all aspects of the game, if you can find an appropriate way of doing so. Winning a game should be the optimal score however, it is afterall the main purpose. Even if your stats aren't that great, you could easily have done alot for the team, ie. Moneyball damage, base defending and assist of pro kills. I think the task of creating such a ranking system is massive.
  4. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I don't think it's too difficult. They already track everything required. Just get a point for every $ picked up / earned. Get (i dunno) 10 points for every bot killed and 20 for every turret or pro kill. An extra 5 per assist and 25 for a jackbot.
    Multiply each category by a class specific multiplyer to reward certain classes doing certain jobs.
    The big problem is finding the right values for the points and for the multipliers. And that's probably roughly what they're already doing.
    Stars aren't too bad. It's a nice way to have a noob server, but they're not really that meaningfull.
  5. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    You know what, my previous point that with the star system certain people are going to be stuck with horrible teams withstanding, I throw my hands up.

    One of the best games of my life, Great bot control, assists out the wazoo, positive KD, and high kill death count, my scoring system doesn't move a point. More over, my team had 4 players, theirs had six.

    At that moment, I said screw it. It does not rob me of the great game I had.
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    How star rating is calculated is downright screwy.
    Went about 18/4, double digit assists, 100+ botkills, my team won(I delivered the final blow to the MB) and my rating went down? o_0
  7. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    You're playing too well. Obviously you need to let the rest of your team do something. Stop being so selfish!

    Either that or maybe you overflowed the rating system into negative numbers?
  8. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Not sure if they could have held out without me.
    Pretty much had the right lane of GrenadeIII pinned down by myself for most of the match
  9. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    How do you plan to kill bots while dead from enemy pros?
  10. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    avoid the enemy pros better
    if they are running around trying to kill you while you are killing bots then obviously they are not killing bots themselves therefore your bots will get the ball down and you will win

    im not saying dont kill pros but pros should not be the main focus

    the game can be won by a team with no pro kills
    it cannot be won by a team with no bot kills

    the easiest way to fix stars is to have them directly related to money earned (excluding taunts)
    either that or change the money system to better relate to how well you are playing, as stars are supposed to indicate how good you are in relation to the game as a whole
    not just for k/d whores
  11. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    Some of the people that play this game are ******* ridiculous, I just had a team where literally no one would leave the base, supports that wouldn't heal or put up firebases. It was pathetic and stupid. I rage a lot because I want to win just like everyone else but it seems like I always get put on the blue bus team. My team makes me drop points, it shouldn't work like that.
  12. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    Ah yes. The terrible curse of unbalanced teams. And I really, REALLY hate the scenario you mentioned.

  13. reciprocal

    reciprocal New Member

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    I don't think it has been mentioned in this thread as of yet but this was on the Steam forums a while ago:

    You'll need to go to the last few posts and you'll see that wins and losses don't count. The star ratings are more for sorting out people who are likely to butcher the opposition against those who are more passive players. Oh, and they take some time to change.

    My major complaint is how it sort of encourages rage quitting if you're losing. Otherwise, I think it's a reasonable system for the time being.
  14. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Eh, no. Most servers have a max star rating of five and balance is also pretty much non-existent in the setups most of the time.
    You can put me and 5 people who only kill bots and stay in their base against 6 average players and the enemy team will not be happy at the end of the round.

    One player can just change to much in pubs.
  15. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    The problem I have with this game is that there is literally no balance at all, there is no positive rewards for working as a team either because even if you lose but have a high KDR you still get points so people just play for that.

    I lost .8 points in 3 games because of my teams refusal to play properly, it's ******* retarded. This game doesn't encourage teamwork so why have teams, why not just do ******* FFA. Makes more ******* sense. Either get rid of the ******* stars or completely redo them because Uber, no offense, this system is more retarded than air grapples.
  16. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I'd like to see a Win / Loss ratio.

    Currently I think you can only see your wins. If you could see the number of games you lost maybe people would start obsessing over the W/L ratio instead of the K/D ratio and actually start playing together.
  17. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    Selfish cunts like I SMASH U and whoever else piss me the **** off, selfish greedy unhelpful little cunts. I was just on a team with high star people and they are all cunts and horribly egotistical. It's horrific, I would of rather been on the other team losing than be on the team with them being cunts.
  18. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Dude, take an anger management course.
  19. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Can't say I blame him. I too have had too many games with high-star/rank people that only played for themselves
  20. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Complaining once in a while is ok, but this guy does nothing but complain.

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