More ideas

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Coverop, April 6, 2011.

  1. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    Here is my ideas:

    1] Annihilator
    Normal-y you are using this to get advantage on enemy team by killing robots...
    But how about instead lights spawn money or bacons (from 5-12 maybe?).

    2] Bonus rounds
    We've seen Bullseye and Fruit I mean Juice-bot already.... but how about Pit Girl ?
    I mean anyone who will taunt near here will gain more money than usually (because It's not nice to shot girl).
    Usually when you do a taunt you'll get just 5$.... that's low... but near here It would like a 50$... and + Juice!

    But of course she could drop some bonuses like Churro , Bacon , "Perk" things (like a speed).

    3] A new item (similar to churro)
    A Cola Shake or Ice Shake.

    It gives:
    - Health sometimes over-health
    - A randomly selected "perk" to the max (any kind)

    Well. I hope someone will consider.
  2. Dead Meat

    Dead Meat New Member

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    I actually like those ideas, but to add to the Pit-Girl bit, there should be a penalty if you do hit Pit-Girl, like the current annihilator damage (around 10%). keeps you on your toes.
  3. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    I like idea 2 and 3, taunting in front of pit girl to show off and earn juice and money and the cola shake could make a random endorsement gold until you die or for x amount of time, sort of a weaker more common bacon.
  4. 1avatar1

    1avatar1 New Member

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    Woe betide the fool that dares to grapple her.
  5. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Result is a Tank falling from the sky and squashing the guilty player. :lol:
  6. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i don't understand what you mean so i'll assume you mean annihilator spawns bacon and coins instead? i don't find this workable as a full team being able to get bacon is pretty game-changing. and if you mean it spawns bacon at the same time it kills bots, the team paying for the annihilator shouldn't be put at a risk of giving the enemy team an advantage

    i like this idea, though the numbers would seriously need some tweaking

    i like this idea too, though would have to make an obvious visual difference from juice boxes

    could work, needs tweaking

    i don't know if that's a good idea if this itself could overheal
  7. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I can see it now, she gets pissed off, slaps the person then pulls a giant pipe wrench out of nowhere and cracks the player across the jaw with it
    Unless it's the Tank, then she'll give him a smooch on the cheek
  8. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    No, don't give them any ideas for compensation! We still want Pitgirl playable!!! or at least another female character, I feel like the Sin doesn't do that role very well and its always nice to change it up a bit by adding another female to the fray.
  9. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    The sin does play that role very well. They even made boob jiggling available for her.

    Also dash.
  10. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I'm not in it for the sex appeal, though it helps ;) . I feel like another not silent (go figure :roll: ) female would help with variation quite a bit.
  11. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    I think each class should have a bit upgraded robots when they upgrade their skills to max (level 3).

    For example:

    LVL 1 and 2
    Buzzers (default skin)
    Normal damage

    LVL 3
    Buzzers (with grey skins)
    + More damage
    + More speed
  12. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Fix'd that.
  13. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    fix'd again lol
  14. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    The best suggestion I've seen for an alternate annihilator so far was a universal stun and 10% damage. Entire enemy team gets disabled for a few seconds, turrets and bots, and the pros are under a slowdown effect. It would be an offensively bent annihilator(

    Double Mascots sound interesting, but I would think a map would need to be made with that in mind. The only map I could see two mascot being in different places at the moment is Steel Peel, and that's just because they enter bases.

    And the pit girl thing, genius. If she responded to the taunts(verbally) that would make it even better. And the Tank needs a LazeRazor taunt. "YEAH" while holding up the Razor for just such an occasion.

    As far as the milkshake/smoothie, why not just make it heal twice as much as a churro with overheal? Churros already bring you up a good amount of health, a pure healing pickup would be neat.

    Just imagine buzzers with creeper ai.
  15. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Add Pit Girl. First team to get to and pay her some amount of money gets her to upgrade their bots for a period of time, indicated by her standing near the bot spawns working on a Blackjack (ala the tutorial intro). She eventually finishes and vanishes in a small explosion and a shower of metal bits, somewhat like when a bot is destroyed.

    She'd have to drop in and remain at the center of the map until paid, though. Oh, and grappling her results in being thwacked with a giant wrench like the Sniper's grapple, knockback and all. As for incoming fire, she'll just have an impenetrable forcefield of some kind.


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