Yea so I need some people to play with who: a) Have mics b) Aren't idiots c) Aren't kids d) Don't bitch constantly If I could get people that fit that criteria it'd be great. I don't like having to play as the support (and the only person who actually watches the base and builds turrets). I love it when players see their base is under attack and just leave. I also love it when people who play sudden deathmatch blitz use the ever popular "Hey, let's not build ANY turrets whatsoever" approach. So If you fit the criteria, hit me up (GT: XERAXES, EST). Cheers
My gametag is Mutated Muskrat. I generally play as Assault and I usually set up turrets and defend one side from incoming bots/players. I spawn bots whenever possible as well. If the team is doing well, I may push towards the opponents base.
My Gamertag is Mattes55. I play as support and I heal, and protect the base when its under attack. I usually play some morning and some nights. It is sporadic, but I am looking for some people to play with so add me.
My GT is JBizzle I play an Assassin and focus on taking out support and turrets while trying to control the middle ground. I have a mic and am al about teamwork.
I was cool until you said D. I'm guilty of bitching when my team makes poor decisions (longshot on Steel Peel, no one upgrades turrets or lays any down, ignores annihilator. )
To be fair! Its only the door turret that is a fail longshot, the second turret node near the bot hanger is actually a decent placement for a longshot turret.
hi my gt is tomin83r and i am a sniper who goes on the offensive but will be defensive if team needs help and i have a mike and im very good with stratergys
Sorry to hear that man, I mean a a bit of bitching (a single comment) is fine, but constantly bitching (more than once a minute) is just counterproductive for the whole team. Um, actually it doesn't work on any of them, I've watched longshot turrets on every position and they all end up either hitting the side of the wall or the metal covers of the center.
I normally go as Tank, Support, Assault, Assassin, which one is needed. FiercelyFuzzy is my Gamertag.
if you need an assassin, sniper, or tank my gt is Boxxcarcadaver rank 30 so far mainly play as assassin but will play whatever needed k/d ratio is 1.0 i play for the team and help out who i can but getting sick of fighting premades so, help a brotha out. :lol:
never got the invite try again, make sure you spelled it right it should actually be BoxxcarCadaver dont know if the second caps makes a difference
Imsoooometal Play Support like you've never seen before. Seriously though...hit me up. Got a group of guys that roll matches all night. We're always needing a 6th.
My GT is Sole Divinity and I just sent u a message terminal. I usually just use which class is needed, I dont have a regular class i play with yet. I also need more people to add me so I can play this with team oriented players so please feel free guys.