Fresh players, what do?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Chucklehead, March 30, 2011.

  1. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead New Member

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    Every time I kill a player that is relatively new to the game, I feel a jab of guilt. I would like to stop and help them out but with the chatbox limit and horrid voicechat, it would require me to basically stop playing the game and become dead weight to my team.

    When I see that the team is mostly full of newbies, I try and restrain myself by not pursuing kills too hard and focus on bots/turrets more than pros. But I won't be an enabler. If one of them screws up, like chasing while spamming air hugs from the front as assassin, etc. I won't hesitate to kill them because nothing makes someone learn faster than destroying them if they are doing something terribly wrong.

    When I was a wee little nooblet, I was one of those assaults that thought charge 3 was the best thing in the world. I played against [6*]velo one day and he utterly destroyed me (and I seriously would love to thank him for it). During the few matches I played against him that day, I literally made a mental note every time he handed me my *** on a platter. Practically hunted him down so he could kill me. It made me a better player, however, I am aware that some people would not find this fun at all, and rather than learning from experiences like this, they would probably just think the game is bad, etc.

    I've been told that I make the game not fun for both teams when I usually try my hardest and stomp the other team, which lead me to trying to mostly restrain myself against new players. Going all out against someone that just bought the game seems like the quickest way to make the game lose potential players as it results in them thinking the game is stupidly unbalanced, etc. At this point, the best thing for me to do would be to stop playing in that server, but this is not a very good solution at all.

    How do you guys handle new players? Is there anything I could do short of playing a class that I am terrible at?
    I love playing this game but I feel terrible when I realize that I'm ruining someone's initial experience with MNC.

    Refrain from trolling w/ "stop playing pubs", etc. please, because isn't very constructive.

    (I apologize if this post seems as if I'm being an elitist ****, because I'm not trying to be.)
  2. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I feel your pain.

    Not having an effective way of talking to newbies or teaching them hurts teamwork on eigther side.

    There should be beginner channels or training videos or maybe even improved methods of communication.

    I would make an MNC training class server if it weren't for my hardware limitations.
  3. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Play a non-combat support ?

    That way you help your team win while not actively cmashing the other team?

    Randomize a lot if the players are sticking around so that you don't help 1 team beat the other all the time?

    Try new classes and new builds / techniques?

    Only have your eyes open while holding your breath. while breathing keep your eyes closed?
  4. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    If I see a new player I play a class I'm not good at, so assault or SMG sniper. Doesn't help much though.

    Better communication utilities would make things so much easier but then again new players rarely ask anything and just coast along without a care in the world.

    Or I just leave after knowing it won't be fun for other people.
  5. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    I don't think that you should be forced to play a class that you don't really want to play. Playing a class you are terrible at...and playing terribads...will not give you good practice.

    I guess the best thing you can do is play with your friends (Vidda, PKCheap, Yanderman, Rogueblades etc. amirite?) or make new friends with decent people :D.

    The game really isn't fun for me anymore unless I play against my friends =/.

    But if you do insist on playing with the fresh players, I guess the best thing to do would be to give advice at the end game screen or during the team selection menu. The problem with a lot of people who play this game is that they actually do not want help from you. I've been told "stfu noob" etc. SIGH.
  6. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    I think that was directed towards me so here goes:
    I like playing assault and SMG sniper. That's why I use a bomb build and play SMG sniper. It's more fun than a run of the mill "success" build. I'm not good at it but I don't care about that.
    Assassin is played for success.
  7. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    Ahh, I see. For me success = fun. Different values, that's all :).
  8. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I find the idea that the smg sniper doesn't lead to success a tad surprising. I mean you can seriously perma-lock people in their base with ice traps then flak the heck out of them. Supports also benefit from your backup TREMENDOUSLY, there is nothing like a flak/trap sniper keeping an eye on the firebase.

    Back on topic, when I play with new players, I go for nothing but bot kills. Lead by example, bot kills and turret kills win games. The lower my k/d is and the higher the margin I get mvp by, the better that impression.
  9. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Success also means fun for me, just on a smaller scale. WoW kind of taught me that. The other classes are played just for fun.

    SMG sniper is good against bad people. Against good people he is too vulnerable.
  10. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    WoW Arena PvP taught me success is EVERYTHING =(
  11. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    When you beat your head against a boss for almost two months (in WoW time that is like an eternity and I'm looking at you LK 25HC) it kind of gets not fun after a while. It was fun when we got our world second and I was happy but the way to that point was terrible and I always think of that.

    OT: Tone it down a bit. Give advice. Stuff I'd like to do but don't get the chance to.
  12. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    Well, I'm in an odd position because I'm one of those players that hates being treated with the "kid gloves". I'm of the opinion that you give me your best or GTFO. To be toyed with or throttled back on feels insulting. I'm somebody who's the type to note the position and effectiveness of certain turrets, abilities and techniques though. So I can't learn if your not giving me your best.

    So I find myself unable to do the same when the newer player is at the end of my gun. I give them my all in hopes that they can see how I play and learn from it. If they don't (especially kill whoring sins that treat bots like touching them will give them some sort of "uncool" disease), then I speak up and say "hey, try this". And usually I can get another experianced player to back me up on the statement. Sometimes they learn, sometimes they refuse to learn.

    In a nutshell - those who want to learn will learn from their defeat. Those who refuse to learn deserve to get stomped; if they quit we're better off anyway. So I give them my all regardless.

    EDIT - Just wanted to add. When facing a newbie that refuses to touch bots, I usually can convert them with two simple statements. Bots = wrecked moneyball. Bots = more money for you. They might not care about the moneyball, but when they realize it helps their personal income, they convert quickly!
  13. Demigod At Play

    Demigod At Play New Member

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    Yeah this is a predicament I find myself in. All of you have probably played with me at some point so you'll know I'm no expert. Huey is actually the Velo in my story. (Velo is also the Velo in my story, but that was even longer ago). His 100% domination over me as an assault (me playing assassin) taught me so much about how to pick my fights.

    When I see new players on MY team doing something they shouldn't (or not doing something they should) I usually take a minute to run back to my base and type out some tips. The way I picture a new player is them going into a fit of rage every time they die. It's just my general assumption based on years of experience with online gaming.

    That being said though, I usually won't hesitate to backgrapple someone who is just standing around picking their nose. If I sense that they're reeally new I'll sometimes be a little more obvious about it so they can learn to detect the signs of a nearby assassin (dust footsteps, cloak sound, shimmery effect etc).
  14. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Meh, I go with the standard "no mercy" rule that has applied to RL. Since it is just a game, I don't feel any sort of guilt in crushing a team of new players, nor do I expect or want mercy from an opposing team that is vastly superior to my own.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    WoW arena taught me that the only way to be successful is to have already been successful

    PVP gear was the one of the worst concepts ever
  16. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Eve Online > WoW

    It taught me to show no mercy to anyone in games. They'll all backstab you when they get the chance and steal all ur stuffz.

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