What happened + Support needs love

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by killien, March 29, 2011.

  1. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Ok, who broke the servers?
    Probably 2 days ago I could easily find 30 or so server at any unholy hour of the day/night
    Today/Yesterday there were barely 15 :(

    Also, Support really needs some lovin', especially in the areas of cash and stats
    Hopped onto a server that had class limits(I think Sniper was set to 0) and no custom classes. Assault was full and I wasn't really in the mood to run Tank/Gunner, so I went for Support
    I spent most of the game patching/hacking turrets, healing and overhealing teammates/bots and occasionally lobbing airstrikes into held up groups. Basically being the Medic/Mechanic, I doubt I even deployed my Firebase more than 3 times
    Didn't do too bad either. Probably 5/6 kills/deaths, a few dozen botkills and for all my work trying to keep my team alive I barely broke $2k and actually lost a few points off of my Star rating

    Support really needs to get more reward for healing/overhealing/hacking base turrets
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The Support has plenty of ways to make cash, and this is coming from a mainly XBox player were there is no such thing as bot streaks and various other changes.

    I will agree that he could use some kind of assist setup but w/out it he still makes enough money to be effective. I do believe that instead of getting $1 for every 1 or 2 seconds of healing it could be upped to something like $5 or $10.

    The main problem with Support income is that most players play for themself instead of supporting their teammates. Support players who don't aid their team are the ones who cry for more money. While money usually equals win in MNC, the Support is one of the classes which needs less money to upgrade himself to be useful.

    And my dumb drunk self forgot the direction of this post...
  3. killien

    killien Active Member

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    And I'm one of the oddballs that tries to support the team but could still use some cash, especially when the rest of the team expects the Support to buy all the turrets
  4. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    the only time im not on top of the table as support is when there are better players on my team. he does suffer on grenade 3 a bit with all the ejectors (plus good luck hacking your FB up top before getting sniped) but thats about it.

    spend money on yourself (and gapshots) and put your FB to work on a lane(s).

    really? airstrike, hack & FB are all pretty worthless un-upgraded, and FB is fairly average without hack too. compared to, say, gunner or tank i always felt support was pretty expensive if one was to remain competitive in the field. i could just suck though.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    $600 is all it takes for a Support to be useful. This is coming from a 360 player where a way to make money and the cooldown for certain skills are a bit lower. Where as on the 360 we have a longer cooldown for our Airstrikes and we don't have bot streaks. If I am able to make enough money under these setting just imagine if we had all the options as PC players.

    When playing Support on the 360 I find myself having 1000's of extra dollars. On the PC version that number is roughly the same.

    All the Gunner "needs" to be useful is Passive 3. Tank only needs Prod.Nade2 and Charge 2.
  6. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Really I think that if the supports hurt/heal gun got a little bit of love it the class would be fine.

    The gun could use about 10more DPS when using the Hurt part. And the heal part does need more money per second gain.

    At 1$ every 3 seconds it is literally faster to just repeatedly use the shotgun taunt over and over to make money. It should be 1$ every 0.5seconds. Thats a measly 10$ every 5seconds.
  7. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    Doesn't hacking in the Xbox version also give the support the turret for the duration of the hack? At least, that gave you money for turret kills that you didn't have to invest in. You get maybe 10 gold for overhealing your whole team and turrets. What's the point when you can just run off and shotgun 2 enemies while setting up your turret in a hard to reach position. Not only are you making at least 5 times more money with less time, but you are also potentially blocking a lane. This game promotes playing for yourself as a support in this current state.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Getting bot kills with your firebase is essential for the support to gain money
  9. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    Support is a tricky thing to balance. His Medic counterpart in TF2 works because he is so amazingly good that not choosing him is tantamount to failure. I think that is the wrong route to take, because it removes a degree of choice from the game, but support problem isn't useful enough. He certainly isn't rewarded well enough for healing. If the money he gained from heals was tripled I don't think it would be too much. He should also get assists when an overhealed target kills an enemy. With that extra income he would be able to upgrade turrets more often without having to rely on team mates to do so. It would also be really nice if he could take the bot buffs further than he currently does.
  10. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Assists for healed teammates, assists for hacked turrets, and assist streaks.

    Bot streaks were added to promote goal oriented gameplay. An assist buff would help push teamwork. Playing selfishly should not be the primary focus. Kills are important, pushing is important, teamwork is important. All of these things should be emphasized.
  11. Dead Meat

    Dead Meat New Member

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    As far as I know (and I play Support a lot) we get assists when healing a player. They added that a few patches back I think, I could be wrong though.

    Earning $ would be great like this ... Healing a below standard health should give triple $ per second, but Ovehealing should be the same as now ... it would be too easy to gain $ by letting the overheal fade and just re-overheal. That would keep the support in his base overhealing turrets instead instead of out in the field supporting his teamates.

    As for bot streaks, having to constantly keep an eye on your FB is a bad idea ... if your team pushes a lane ... your FB is left behind and you would have to go back and get it instead of supporting your heavies. Of course having it deap behind enemy lines is ideal, but they are weak and get destroyed too fast, even when being healed. That usually gets yourself killed as well (damn tanks.)

    The MAIN reason why Supports don't get any long range weapons is to keep him with someone to do his role as a Support, if we had LRW's, then we could earn cash just as fast as anyone else, but we don't. (mmmmm shotguns)


    As for the server count (the original question of the thread,) If you check the "show empty servers", you will notice a s*** load of empty servers, and probably some full ones too.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yeah when I play on the PC I always join an empty server. Usually before the first match is over it's full.
  13. NeriVal

    NeriVal New Member

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    There is no extra money. There is only Gap-a-Shot.
  14. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Stop building turrets. Go outside your base to win instead of passively losing in your base.
  15. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    Yeah, supports are at their best when theyre holding ground. The further away from your own moneyball the better.
  16. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Those still aren't that much money.

    $10 per second would be rediculous. That would be equal to a kill after 2.5 seconds, or 5 seconds at $5. Nobody kills someone every 5 seconds, nobody.
    60x15=900 seconds. 900/2.5 = 360, that would be 3600 for getting 0 kills, 0 bot kills, 0 assists and just playing sim city healing turrets in your base. I personally don't think going afk with a hammer on mouse1 healing a turret is worth $3600
    False! Playing for themselves is HOW they get more money, supporting your team mates is such a bad source of income that you suggested increasing it 5x over earlier in your post! MY CONTRADICTION SENSES ARE TINGLING

    Support is arguably the ONLY class which has substantial benefit from every skill, which makes support the most expensive class!
  17. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Yea, Support can be a rather pricey class if you want to go on the offensive
    A 1.1 Firebase is just about laughable, a 3.3 is not something you want to take idly, especially if placed right and unless you're not going to use them much, upgrading Airstrike to 3 is a good idea
  18. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    The way I usually go is upgrading 1 and 2, then upgrading passive to 3, then airstrike to 3, then 1 and 2 to 3.

    Reason is I like to be dureable, the more dureable I am the more shots I can land the more I can heal my teammates under fire without having to pull away.
  19. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I usually start off upgrading passive and one other skill, then upgrade everything else to their first. Passive again, then airstrikes again, then everything else if my team needs it. Last time I played was against a rather frustrating stack, but somehow in that match I managed to land two ground zeros and two double airstrike kills in the same match!

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