Balance Problems

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by DehydratedWater, March 26, 2011.

  1. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Headshots + AOE = dead bots. If the sway gave the rifle a gentle circular motion, skilled players could easily move the rifle in a figure-eight pattern. I don't think it would have too much impact on bot killing. The SMG is also quite effective alongside flak in my experience, though I did run silver RoF.
  2. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I believe one of the aims of the game is to not make the class unplayable.
    You define that a skilled sniper will be able to accurately headshot BOTS by moving the reticule in a circlular 8 pattern. A normal player who doesn't have those skills, but still manages to shoot bots effectively despite his bad aim as it is NOW, will probably not support such an add. Besides we don't need this game Call of Dutified.
  3. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    We also don't need people packing RoF and Clip Size in order to get lucky headshots. Sniper is a sharpshooter - it should play like one, and spam shouldn't be rewarded with a OHKO (especially given it typically comes from range and doesn't have to be in a direct confrontation with the target).

    The concept of circular sway is just one idea to prevent players from being able to spam shots in the general area of the target's head in hopes of a headshot without needing to correct their aim very much.
  4. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Do I not exist in this thread. :evil:

    I stated that Assassins are good at harassing snipers with shurikans while keeping a safe distance from Ice traps. There really is no need for a nerf as a Sniper who is busy trying to chase you off is not getting kills.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Oh it's this time again :roll:
  6. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Sway would be ridiculous even if there was a problem. No other class has a mechanic that removes their ability to aim accurately, they just have spread. His problem was spamming to kill dudes. Now it is fixed due to pitiful bodyshot damage. Hitting heads is the entire goddamn function of the class. If you take this away it makes him pointless. Accuracy scaling in to pinpoint during the scoping process would be the most reasonable solution if there was a problem, but there isn't.

    Terrible people on the other team is never an excuse to claim the class is overpowered.
  7. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I dunno, it feels like the product grenade goes to the left of where you aim it. I always pull out my railgun and aim for the left side of the circle instead of the center.

    That said, as much as I hate snipers(everyone hates good snipers, even other snipers), they need no nerf. They got nerfed hard enough as is and the sniper spam is significantly less effective now than it used to be. What's the max clip size? 8? I don't really know, I play ginger stepchild. Spam is much less prevalent than it used to be. It's fine as is.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    except for the gunner's big fat *** blocking the camera
  9. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Might not be Gunner, but Tank's still a wide load, and this vid is funny.
  10. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Making it rely on skill more than luck is not "taking it away" unless you're so bad that you can't line up a headshot at all.

    Until one of the shots dings, then it's massively effective.
    EDIT: Sway would potentially negate the need for the bodyshot nerf.

    What did you expect from a walking corndog?
  11. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    I mostly agree with this (assassins can kill with their blades and shurikens to avoid the cooldown after all). I think assassin is somewhat underpowered at the moment. Bad players can't really fight assassins very well at all if they are played correctly, but good players wreck them. The assassins grabs are a really pronounced weakness against a semi-awake team. It just so easy to punish an assassin that makes a kill anywhere near anyone else.
  12. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Yet somehow people seem to find them OP instead of a class that spams bullets from long ranges for a (nearly) free OHKO. :|
  13. Brick

    Brick New Member

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    the assualt (even after the nerf) is def not useless.

    learn to use your fly in battle and not be a mine throwing machine.

    the ar and gl are great weapons combined with the ability to hover.

    when i play assualt i barely even use charge or mines all that much at all so i was happy to see the nerf.
  14. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Just played against OD. He went 27-2 I believe. Somewhere around that.

    Granted I was playing sin therefore he was almost unkillable for me but point remains.
  15. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    It does rely on skill. An artificial handicap against people who can actually aim is retarded. I clearly said that removing his ability to get headshots by pointing at heads and shooting is removing the entire function of the class. Keep scope sway to super realistic games, I like my crosshair going where I point it, thanks. Oh and way to go with the lack of response to all the other points in the posts you quoted, as well as irrational statements like "Yet somehow people seem to find them OP instead of a class that spams bullets from long ranges for a (nearly) free OHKO."

    I don't think you need to nerf the sniper again since he can only really do well by getting headshots nowadays, and that is entirely skill dependant. If spamming bullets is your problem, try not moving in a straight line. It's not exactly anywhere near easy to track a moving tiny head. The fact of the matter is you can only spam bullets if you're running gold rate of fire, and if that's true you only have a maximum of 6 bullets. Most will have four if they run armor, and that's not much damage at all. If you do have six bullets, you have either bronze or no armor. You are paper and can be killed by nearly anything in one hit. If you're not running rate of fire, there is a significant pause between bullets which can be exploited to anyone's advantage. Unless the first hit by a sniper is a headshot or your entire team is ignoring him as he pounds his four bullets into you at a quick speed, he's not going to do much. If none of those hits is a headshot, he's going to do even less.

    I will say it once more; we do not need our computers conspiring against our ability to aim, especially when the game is so fast paced and the classes all move so fast and erratically.
  16. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    QFT. Skills/flying/random crap happening can make tracking with the scope quite challenging.
  17. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Compared to modern console crap like Halo and CoD maybe

    Compared to quake and other fast old games, MNC players look like they're crawling through mud and jumping on the moon.
  18. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    With the Assault, Charge 3 is now pretty decent if you air charge. I would rather change the mechanic of the whole level 3 so that you could choose to grapple with some other input afterward, like how the jump is used for the assassin after a smoke bomb. Like keep the skill button held in or something to grapple while letting go of it just does a normal charge. I think that would make people happy. Also allow the bomb to charge half way through it's cool down. It would make it a reasonable compromise because of how spammy and hard to remove bombs tend to be.

    I wouldn't mind tying sprint to lunge so that it's a more important skill to consider on the assassin. Not that I have a problem with it, but it seems like it's grounded in logic.

    I agree with reducing sniper accuracy in the air and disabling headshots while not scoped. But that's as far as I would go for now.

    So far I think the absolute worst balance issue in MNC so far is that the TF2 Pyro Tank is waaaaaaay underpowered without muffled Tank sounds.
  19. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    This man is a font of wisdom.
  20. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Oh god, I watched some competition vids of players with the Railgun in Quake. Talk about godly aim. What would the result be if I played nothing but Quake 3 Arena (now free) for the month, then picked up sniper in MNC?

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