The REAL Leaderboards

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by devorax, August 13, 2010.

  1. Fireyosh

    Fireyosh New Member

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    I enjoy working on my K/D ratio as it shows that I've been progressing in skill and ability, managing to rack up more than one kill for each life. But leaderboards, especially in XBLA games, are useless now. In Perfect Dark's leaderboards, there are just modders and hackers leading the top. In this game I'm glad to see people are trying to contest these modders and hackers but when it comes down to it, why do modders/hackers mod/hack for leaderboards?

    It all comes down to one thing, to feel good about themselves. Sometimes there are little motivations such as betting money they can beat somebody on the leaderboards or something but honestly, they just want to feel like they have accomplished something. This trait can be backtracked several different ways psychiologically but is normally coming from being disapproved by parents or never succeeding at much through effort. So I say we should just leave the guys alone, its not their fault they have to cheat to get somewhere in life.
  2. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Agreed, we really should take pity on these poor losers....even better, send them a friend request, then school their leaderboard hacking butts.
  3. Cousin Alex

    Cousin Alex New Member

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    Glad to know this thread is about should say that somewhere in the title
  4. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    I don't even care anymore. I'm right on top of ShadowStorm, and that's where I'll stay.. I hope. ^^ <3
  5. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Aspence and I got Reborn in a party and he boosted it. This happened on Day 1. So...
  6. Bamb00zlr

    Bamb00zlr New Member

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    At first I thought this thread was a huge waste of time. But, I realize now that it is a testament to the awesomeness that is gaming. Reading all the previous posts has opened my eyes to another benefit of being a gamer. Not only can you work on your junior investigatory skills (matching what posters say to what the facts say) you can call them out on it right here and they can in turn try and defend their honor. It's some pretty neat stuff. Someone should write a book about all the benefits of gaming, they're endless.

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