Pros Vs Pubbers

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Clans, Team, and Tournament' started by arseface, March 28, 2011.

  1. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Would anyone be interested in doing an event like this?

    EDIT: It appears as though some people are. Here are the teams thus far.

    RWM Pro Roster(we think, subject to change):
    TheWilder (if he manages to fix his pc) / RotanimPoet (if wilder fails)

    Pub Roster:
    Last edited: April 4, 2011
  2. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Official pubstomping?
    More explanation please?
  3. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Pubbers that like a challenge sign up to play a pro team. It's usually recorded by a spectator(do we have that in MNC). Great fun is usually had by all so long as both teams are good sports.
  4. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    Don't know if we're pro, but RWM is up :)
    Legal pubstomping! Yay!
    BTW no spectators. But me and Myst are capable of recording the game on video and RWM promises do be nice and not lack on defenses.
    Also, we can provide naked photos of us if needed to sign up for the event.
  5. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    You never fail to make me laugh...Looking forward to it, i hope you will wear your skill glove and be naked, so i can touch myself
  6. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    This thread needs more local RWM memes and sexual jokes.
    Latex Glove "Eye of the Falcon"
    +17 to aim
    +26 to sexiness
    Enables the use of lvl 3 aimbot.

    Works only if the user is naked.
  7. verden

    verden New Member

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    You'll have a hard time defeating Moose. His impenetrable armor on every class makes him divine at this game.

    I love you Moose :D
  8. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Don't know what the point would be. Every player who is halfway decent can pubstomp alone.
  9. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    That's the point, bringing those players in to play a comp team. Pubstomping isn't fun, good matches are. It wouldn't be a random pub match, the pubbers joining would know what they're getting into.

    Any other pubbers interested?
  10. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    But watch out for Verden behind the corner! Because he's gonna run at you with his maximum speed or spam bodyshots at you with incredible rate. Unless you throw a churro at him because he doesn't use any armor!

    I love you too, Verden :)
  11. verden

    verden New Member

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    Well as I told you, all of my classes are sins. :D
  12. Magic

    Magic New Member

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    The particularly interesting aspect of this thread, is the fact that out of the 10 replies posted on this thread, only 1 so far expresses interest. :lol:

    The idea is intriguing, however not enough information is given on how such an even will be organised. How will the pubers be informed? What will happen if someone leaves the match already in progress? What if there are not enough/ too many palyers?
  13. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    The pubbers post in this thread to sign up. When we hit capacity we schedule a time/server. I'm thinking a Saturday would be good, the time will be whenever works best, and the server I would assume to be hosted by the team(if they have their own server). If not, someone could always throw up a listen server.

    If this happens I would be sorely disappointed in the player that signed up unless they had a VERY good reason.

    If there aren't enough we wait for more to sign up. If there are too many, we set up another game.

    As a pubber, I don't know much about organizing games. I'm hoping the pros know what to do once interest is spurred.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I can neither confirm nor deny me touching myself! :|
  15. Jimster

    Jimster New Member

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    The pros that are interested don't need to post since it looks like he's after a clan/team to get involved - so only 1 member need speak for the team.

    As for the pubbers however - there is little incentive. Events like this are usually run for charity; if not for charity the unorganised side are offered a reward for winning/surviving to make it worth doing. It's hardly going to be entertaining to people if there's no risk, no reward and no challenge.

    I doubt anyone will bother dropping out if they know what they're getting into and still sign up.
  16. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    You will get a chance to play against naked person with Latex glove, thats just worth it
  17. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    A friendly challenging game isn't reason enough? I figured the pro/pub grudge was enough to spark some interest. Bragging rights is more than enough reward in my opinion, so long as nobody is a **** about it. I'm also going to mention a pubber initiated this discussion. I was hoping some other pubbers were looking for a way to pass the time until mod support came out.

    And this.

    Also, a few months after mod support I'm going to try to set up a game with the most popular mods. It's like a pubbers home game.
  18. Jimster

    Jimster New Member

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    Where is the fun without the challenge? The challenge being completely void for the pro team, and the challenge being almost (miracle worthy) insurmountable for the pubs team. You have agreed that entire pub teams can be pub stomped by just 1 pro - what is adding 5 doing besides making it worse?

    The original aspect I replied to is why there is so little pub interest in this game, and what I said pretty much covers it. Yes, there are people who will play on little incentive due to personal wishes - maybe some sense of prestige gained from stepping up to the plate in harsh circumstance - however for most pub players they either want to win or improve. Pubstomping of a massive scale offers neither.

    The bragging rights of which you speak are brief, if not non-existant; firstly because while it may be (I have no clue, guessing) customary to brag about "I got my *** handed to me by <Pro Team>, I still got 3 kills against <Pro Player>!" - it's almost certainly not going to be recognised by any more than a very elite few. Because the fact of the matter is, eSports for MNC is obscure (assuming it actually exists. I've certainly not seen it.) Because it's obscure it's not got the prestige, and therefore bragging rights, of which you speak of.

    I'm not telling you not to go ahead with an idea you're happy with, i'm just telling you why it may take time for the event to go ahead, especially if you're not advertising it anywhere else (are you?) I, personally, don't see why it has to be so imbalanced - i'm a pubber, my KD is slightly higher than 1, i'm not a good player.

    How is it fun when the event will not last long since the rounds will be so quick? There will be little chance to learn or improve, since the teams will be so unfair. And the players on my team are not gelled, we probably haven't met before, whereas the opponents have probably scrimmed and/or trained together and have good knowledge of eachothers' play styles.

    I don't get it. :cry:
  19. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    It is intended that the pubbers that sign up be that one player. A team of those is a force to be reckoned with.

    The pubbers joining are SUPPOSED to be the people used to zero help from their teammates. The reason pubs get stomped so hard is the prevalence of low level players. NOT that pubbers are innately worse.

    I'm advertising it in my sig, and I'm fairly active on these forums.

    On a final note it's really just there for some good fun. Sub-par players are welcome so long as they don't get huffy at losing(and don't mind pointers). Aimbot-level players are welcome so long as they aren't douches.
  20. Jimster

    Jimster New Member

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    So it's pros-in-a-clan vs. pros-not-in-a-clan. I was under the impression that you meant anyone could join on the pubs side, I didn't realise you were looking for a very specific niche of player. Sorry.

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