Endorsement Data [All Classes]

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by tlbww, August 14, 2010.

  1. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Data on affects of the more easily measured endorsements.
    -Rate of Fire
    -Running Speed
    -Skill Recovery
    -Clip Size
    -Reload Speed

    My result are from the xbox 360 version (PC version might have slight variation.) Some endorsements are be bit more laborious to test and are currently omitted.

    Gold: Gold Endorsement
    Silver: Silver Endorsement
    Bronze: Bronze Endorsement
    Default: Default skill (no endorsement boost)



    Rate of Fire (Sniper Rifle)
    Gold: 10 rounds per 6.6 secs or 91 rounds per/min
    Silver: 10 rounds per 7.6 secs or 79 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 10 rounds per 8.5 secs or roughly 71 rounds per/min
    Default: 10 rounds per 9.4 secs or 64 rounds per/min


    Rate of Fire (SMG)
    Gold: 10 rounds per 0.8 secs or 750 rounds per/min
    Silver: *10 rounds per 0.9 secs or roughly 667 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 10 rounds per 1.1 secs or roughly 545 rounds per/min
    Default: 10 rounds per 1.2 secs or 500 rounds per/min

    *Note: The actual result was 1 minute equaled 666.66666666 endless loop. The SMG is an evil gun indeed -_-'


    Gold: 229 steps per minute
    Silver: 205 steps per minute
    Bronze: 197 steps per minute
    Default: 189 steps per minute


    Skill Recovery (Flak Grenade and Freeze Traps)
    Gold:14 secs
    Silver: 15 secs
    Bronze: 16 secs
    Default: 20 secs

    *NOTE: With higher level freeze traps you can set out multiple traps, however, doing this subtracts from the refresh bar depending on what level the traps are. The speed at which the traps become refreshed remains the same regardless of level, but the rate of recovery is increased by the endorsement level. Furthermore, if you set out a new trap past the maximum # of traps based on your skill level (i.e. 1 trap at level 1, 2 at level 2, and so on) the oldest trap will be replaced.


    Skill Recovery (Grapple)
    Gold:8.1 secs
    Silver: 9.1 secs
    Bronze: 12.5 secs
    Default: 15.4 secs


    Clip Size (Sniper Rifle and SMG)
    Gold: 20 rounds
    Silver: 16 rounds
    Bronze: 14 rounds
    Default: 10 rounds


    Reload Speed (Sniper Rifle)
    Gold: 1.5 secs
    Silver: 1.6 secs
    Bronze: 2 secs
    Default: 2.5 secs


    Reload Speed (SMG)
    Gold: 0.9 secs
    Silver: 1.1 secs
    Bronze: 1.3 secs
    Default: 1.5 secs



    Rate of Fire (Minigun)
    Gold: 400 rounds in 10.6 secs or 2,264 rounds per/min
    Silver: 400 rounds in 10.9 secs or 2,202 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 400 rounds in 12.1 secs or roughly 1,983 rounds per/min
    Default 400 rounds in 13.2 secs or 1,818 rounds per/min

    *Note: The minigun has a slight warmup. The time notated to from a full clip of ammo fired till empty. This does not included Deploy fire rate.


    Rate of Fire (Mortar)
    Gold: 10 rounds in 9.9 secs or roughly 60 rounds per/min
    Silver: 10 rounds in 11.2 secs or roughly 54 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 10 rounds in 12.7 secs or 47 rounds per/min
    Default 10 rounds in 13.9 secs or 43 rounds per/min


    Gold: Roughly 188 steps per/min
    Silver: Roughly 175 steps per/min
    Bronze: 167 steps per/min
    Default 150 steps per/min


    Skill Recovery (Slam)
    Gold: 10.7 secs
    Silver: 11.8 secs
    Bronze: 12.8 secs
    Default 15.7 secs


    Skill Recovery (Deploy)
    Gold: 4.1 secs
    Silver: 4.6 secs
    Bronze: 4.9 secs
    Default: 6.2 secs

    Skill Recovery (Grapple)
    Gold: 8 secs
    Silver: 9.1 secs
    Bronze: 12.4 secs
    Default: 15.2 secs

    *Note: These numbers are more than likely the same for the Sniper grapple refresh times.


    Clip Size (Minigun)
    Gold: Shown 200x4=800 rounds
    Silver: Shown 160x4=640 rounds
    Bronze: Shown 140x4=560 rounds
    Default Shown 100x4= 400 rounds

    *NOTE: The hud shows X number of rounds , however each round, when fired, shoots 4 bullets, hence "x4" to all the numbers.


    Clip Size (Mortar)
    Gold: 20 rounds
    Silver: 16 rounds
    Bronze: 14 rounds
    Default: 10 rounds


    Reload Speed (Minigun)
    Gold: 3.3 secs
    Silver: 4 secs
    Bronze: 4.4 secs
    Default: 5.4 secs


    Reload Speed (Mortar)
    Gold: 1.7 secs
    Silver: 1.9 secs
    Bronze: 2.1 secs
    Default: 2.4 secs



    Rate of Fire (Dagger)
    Gold: 163 slashes per/min or 2.5 slashes per/sec
    Silver: 143 slashes per/min or roughly 2.5 slashes per/sec
    Bronze: 128 slashes per/min or 2 slashes per/sec
    Default: 118 slashes per/min or 1.9 slashes per/sec

    *NOTE: The sword slashes seems to happen at a different rate than dagger slashes making it more confusing to count. While the animations are the same, the timing occurs differently than dagger slashes. Continuous slashes occur in groups of three in a set time then reset on the next set. This also might be an illusions because of the longer sword animations. I imagine the numbers are more or less the same, but it will require a keen eye to count.

    Rate of Fire (Shuriken Launcher)
    Gold: 10 stars in 0.9 sec
    Silver: 10 stars in 0.9 secs
    Bronze: 10 stars in 1~1.1 secs
    Default: 10 stars in 1.2 secs


    Gold: 229~230 steps per/min
    Silver: 210 steps per/min
    Bronze: 197 steps per/min
    Default: 188 steps per/min

    *Note: Speed may or may not affect Dash speed. It doesn't seem to.


    Skill Recovery (Smoke Bomb)
    Gold: 14 secs
    Silver: 15.6 secs
    Bronze: 16.8 secs
    Default: 20.5 secs


    Skill Recovery (Cloak)
    Gold: 20 secs
    Silver: 22 secs
    Bronze: 24 secs
    Default:30 secs

    *NOTE: Skill recovery does not increase the rate of recovery for Sprint.

    Skill Recovery (Grapple or Assassination) Level 3 Katana
    Gold: 9.8 secs
    Silver: 11.2 secs
    Bronze: 12 secs
    Default: 15 secs

    *Note: Skill recovery DOES NOT affect daggers grappples(Assassination below level 3). The skill refresh for her grapples will always be 15 secs until you have Assassination level 3.


    Clip Size (Shuriken Launcher)
    Gold: 20 stars
    Silver: 16 stars
    Bronze: 14 stars
    Default:10 stars


    Reload Speed (Shuriken Launcher)
    Gold: 0.9 secs
    Silver: 1 sec
    Bronze: 1.1 secs
    Default: 1.4 secs



    Rate of Fire (Jet Gun)
    Gold: 50 bar flame jet in 4.1 secs or about 732 flame streams per/min
    Silver:50 bar flame jet in 4.2 secs or 714 flame streams per/min
    Bronze: 50 bar flame jet in 5 secs or 600 flame streams per/min
    Default:50 bar flame jet in 5.8 secs or 517 flame steams per/min


    Rate of Fire (Rail Gun)
    Gold: 10 rounds in 6.6 secs or about 91 rounds per/min
    Silver: 10 rounds in 7.5 secs or 80 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 10 rounds in 8.5 secs or about 71 rounds per/min
    Default: 10 rounds in 9.3 secs or roughly 65 rounds per/min


    Gold: 173 steps per/min
    Silver:158 steps per/min
    Bronze: 151 steps per/min
    Default: 146 steps per/min


    Skill Recovery (Product Grenade)
    Gold: 10 secs
    Silver: 11.2 secs
    Bronze: 12.1 secs
    Default: 15.3 secs


    Skill Recovery
    Gold: 4.6 secs
    Silver:4.6 secs
    Bronze: 4.6 secs
    Default: 6 secs


    Skill Recovery (Jet Charge Level 1)
    Gold: 10 secs
    Silver: 11.2 secs
    Bronze: 12.1 secs
    Default:15.2 secs


    Skill Recovery (Jet Charge Level 2)
    Gold: 5.8 secs
    Silver: 6.3 secs
    Bronze: 7 secs
    Default: 8.8 secs


    Skill Recovery (Jet Charge Level 3)
    Gold: 4.5 secs
    Silver: 5.1 secs
    Bronze: 5.4 secs
    Default: 6.8 secs


    Clip Size (Jet Gun)
    Gold: 100 fuel
    Silver: 80 fuel
    Bronze: 68 fuel
    Default: 50 fuel

    *Note: Fuel is just another word for amount of ammo shown.


    Clip Size (Rail Gun)
    Gold: 20 rounds
    Silver:16 rounds
    Bronze: 14 rounds
    Default:10 rounds


    Reload Speed (Jet Gun and Rail Gun)
    Gold: 1.5 secs
    Silver: 1.7 secs
    Bronze: 1.9 secs
    Default: 2.3 secs.



    *Note: Rate of Fire endorsements do NOT affect Hurt-Heal Gun

    Rate of Fire (Shotgun)
    Gold: 8 rounds in 5 secs or 96 rounds per/min
    Silver: 8 rounds in 5.9 secs or 81.4 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 8 rounds in 6.5 secs or 73.8 rounds per/min
    Default: 8 rounds in 7.3 secs or 65.8 rounds per/min


    Gold: 203~205 steps per/min
    Silver: 189 steps per/min
    Bronze: 180 steps per/min
    Default: 174 steps per/min


    Skill Recovery (Hack)
    Gold: 40 secs
    Silver: 44.8 secs
    Bronze: 48.4
    Default: 1 min


    Skill Recovery (Firebase Level 1)
    Gold: 31 secs
    Silver: 34.6 secs
    Bronze: 37 secs
    Default: 46.3 secs


    Skill Recovery (Firebase Level 2)
    Gold: 14.3 secs
    Silver: 15.8 secs
    Bronze: 16.8 secs
    Default: 20.7 secs


    Skill Recovery (Firebase Level 3)
    Gold: 6 secs
    Silver: 6.5 secs
    Bronze: 7 secs
    Default: 8.5 secs

    *Note: Firebase skill recovery won't recover until you pick up the firebase. This might vary if you die or your base is destroyed.


    Skill Recovery (Air strike)
    Gold: 40.5 secs
    Silver: 44.8 secs
    Bronze: 48.8 secs
    Default: 1 min

    *Note: Skill Recovery does not affect Support grapple (Alt fire with Shotgun)

    Clip Size (Shotgun)
    Gold: 16 rounds
    Silver: 12 rounds
    Bronze: 11 rounds
    Default: 8 rounds
    *Note: Seems silly that the silver endorsement here adds but one more shot =/.

    Reload Speed (Shotgun)
    Gold: 1.6 secs
    Silver: 1.8 secs
    Bronze: 2 secs
    Default: 2.3 secs



    Rate of Fire (Assault Rifle)
    Gold: *25 rounds in 2.1 secs or more than 714.3 rounds per/min
    Silver: *25 rounds in about 2.1 secs or no more than 714.3 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 25 rounds in 2.5 secs or 600 rounds per/min
    Default: 25 rounds in 2.9 secs or 517.2 rounds per/min

    *Note: The gold and silver rounds per/min results are more or less the same. There is a slight difference that when measured over a longer period of time (x>1 minute) the gold endorsement will fire more rounds. However, the difference is next to unnoticeable.


    Rate of Fire (Grenade Launcher)
    Gold: 10 rounds in 6.5 secs or 92.3 rounds per/min
    Silver: 10 rounds in 7.5 secs or 80 rounds per/min
    Bronze: 10 rounds in 8.4 secs or 71.4 rounds per/min
    Default: 10 rounds in 9.3 secs or 64.5 rounds per/min


    Gold: 203 steps per/min
    Silver: 189 steps per/min
    Bronze: 181 steps per/min
    Default: 174 steps per/min


    Skill Recovery (Mine Level 1)
    Gold: 13.7 secs
    Silver: 15.3 secs
    Bronze: 16.3 secs
    Default: 20 secs


    Skill Recovery (Mine Level 2)
    Gold: 10.3 secs
    Silver: 11.6 secs
    Bronze: 12.4 secs
    Default: 15.5 secs


    Skill Recovery (Mine Level 3)
    Gold: 6.9 secs
    Silver: 7.7 secs
    Bronze: 8.3 secs
    Default: 10.3 secs


    Skill Recovery (Fly)
    Gold: 8.2 secs
    Silver: 9.3 secs
    Bronze: 9.8 secs
    Default: 12.2 secs

    *Note: The skill recovery was recorded when Fly is emptied.


    Skill Recovery (Charge Level 1)
    Gold: 10.2 secs
    Silver: 11.2 secs
    Bronze: 12.1 secs
    Default: 15.2 secs


    Skill Recovery (Charge Level 2)
    Gold: 5.8 secs
    Silver: 6.6 secs
    Bronze: 7 secs
    Default: 8.8 secs


    Skill Recovery (Charge Level 3)
    Gold: 4.6 secs
    Silver: 5.1 secs
    Bronze: 5.5 secs
    Default: 6.8 secs


    Clip Size (Assault Rifle)
    Gold: 50 rounds
    Silver: 40 rounds
    Bronze: 35 rounds
    Default: 25 rounds


    Clip Size (Grenade Launcher)
    Gold: 20 rounds
    Silver: 16 rounds
    Bronze: 14 rounds
    Default: 10 rounds


    Reload Speed (Assault Rifle)
    Gold: 0.9 secs
    Silver: 1 sec
    Bronze: 1.1 secs
    Default: 1.3 secs


    Reload Speed (Grenade Launcher)
    Gold: 1.6 secs
    Silver: 1.7 secs
    Bronze: 1.9 secs
    Default: 2.2~2.3 secs


    Other endorsements that will be added are:

    Accuracy: It would need a standard based on the size of the tv or some kind of benchmark I am unaware. As far as I've seen, the reticle decreases as higher grades of endorsements are applied. Currently investigating.

    Juice: Juice seems to give you a starting amount of juice based on the quality of the endorsement. I'll post the numbers want I get them.

    Armor: HP based seems the way to go. Currently a work in progress thanks so some suggestions.

    Critical shot: The devs would have to post something about this.

    Health recovery: I just didn't get around to it. I'm not sure if one would need to be at 1 hp to get the best results. We can assume that it's makes it faster, but I would like to know more about this.

    This ends my results so far. Feel free to test my results. My method was a stopwatch for the duration abilities such as reload and skill while I used a timer for running speed and some basic math. For speed I recording a minute of running footage and viewed/counted it when played back at a slower pace. If you have data to contribute from other classes or even the sniper, pm me or post it here. I'll post updates and edits to the original post when needed. Thanks for the hope.

    ~ AKA Slimbot
    Last edited: August 25, 2010
  2. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data (Testers Needed)

  3. Infininja

    Infininja New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data (Testers Needed)

    Maybe you should mention this is for the sniper BEFORE the very end of the post...
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data (Testers Needed)

    It will ultimately be for all classes. I'm running gunner and assault right now.
  5. JerkinIsAHabitx

    JerkinIsAHabitx New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data (Testers Needed)

    It says sniper in the title of the thread
  6. Turnip

    Turnip New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper] Others to follow

    Thanks for the info!

    On the topic of armor, as a tip, a gold armor, (Gobi-numb) lets you survive all front-stabs, and I BELIEVE a level 1 back stab.
  7. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner] Others to follow

    Accuracy you can measure but from what I've seen the widest reticles (sniper rifle, shotgun) tend to shrink to nearly half their size while average sized ones like the chainguns tend to only decrease a bit (pulling this out of my *** but say 30%?)

    Juice only affects whether you start with juice or not, I'm not sure if it's different per class but even with gold it's not half a bar. When you hit overtime that perk is affected as well giving you what looks like 70% of a full bar if you die during O/T with gold.

    You could get a rough estimate of armor by having someone grapple you at 100% health.

    Once again this is just my own unscientific testing but I've found critical shot to be both very streaky and the actual rate seems to vary depending on weapon. The sniper rifle tends to never get a purple streak but I've had entire smg clips crit.

    Thank you for your work though, I love this type of stuff.
  8. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner] Others to follow

    With armor, we would just need a standard. I would like actual points of dmg (bullet or otherwise) else the endorsement scales will look something like:

    Gold: Survive some lvl 3 grapples and lvl 2 assassinations
    Silver: Halve lvl 2 grapples and lvl 1 assassinations
    Bronze: Survive lvl 2 grapples
    Default: None

    This is all just imaginary as I don't know the real statistics. If we knew points of dmg, things would be quite easy. Since we don't, a benchmark is necessary (best would be on that isn't relative such as bullet dmg and non-DoT skills.

    I'll probably use a certain classes hp at 100 and base dmg in percentage lost. Whatever class that when assassinated with a lvl 1 skill in assassinate and no armor endorsesment and survives with a portion of health will probably be the class unless it's only tank and gunner that could survive it.
  9. Chazzlemagne

    Chazzlemagne New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner] Others to follow

    The best way to do this would be to count the damage done by sniper rounds to the chest. Sniper rounds do enough damage that it can easily be compare, are accurate enough to always hit in the same spot, and can easily be counted.

    If you need a second person for this (either to get shot with varying levels of endorsements or do the shooting) I'll gladly help; my GT is Chazzlemagne.
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner] Others to follow

    Wow, thanks for the testing and I don't even play sniper. It's just nice to see what the difference between the endorsement levels are so I can go into my own class with at least an idea of some benchmark.
  11. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow


    AZAZN added and some display things tweaked.
  12. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

  13. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    Your numbers are close but not entirely accurate. ;)
  14. Cyris

    Cyris New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    Great work tlbww and thanx for the comments Scathis. Any chance we could get the specific numbers ^_^

    Barring that, I've always found expressing such bonuses mentally as %'s helps, and allows patterns to develop and be tested. This is under the assumption that Endorsements grant the the same % mods to all classes (confirm/deny?) I further assume that any test that has to be counted by timer is going to have bad numbers, so I tried to use the larger data sets (so, for rate of fire, the Gunner.) These numbers for entertainment purposes only.

    Here goes:

    Rate of Fire
    Gold: +21% fire rate
    Silver: +14% fire rate
    Bronze: +7% fire rate

    Gold: 33%
    Silver: 22%
    Bronze: 11%

    Skill Recovery
    Gold: 30%
    Silver: 25%
    Bronze: 20%

    Clip Size
    Gold: 100%
    Silver: 60%
    Bronze: 40%

    Reload Speed
    Gold: 38%
    Silver: 26%
    Bronze: 18%
  15. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    Posted some testing results myself awhile ago: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1228

    Looks like you filled in a lot of the stuff I didn't do, so I think we could work out a pretty complete list.

    Some details:

    For testing health, we used the Tank's railgun as a standard. With 2 shots fired at an Assassin/Sniper they will be left with about 1% health. From this, we figure that railgun is probably balanced to be a 3 hit kill and does 48 damage per shot. This figure carries across all the classes, with the health values listed above. Of course, there could be 1000 HP or even 10000000 HP, but the fact is that a base tank has exactly twice as much as an assassin. I imagine they did keep it simple and used the numbers I've listed above. We tested Armor the same way, and a game dev posted that Armor is simply extra health, so we worked out the exact HP amounts.

    For testing crits, we fired secondary weapons (assassin's stars and support shotgun) with no crit bonus. We got zero crits, meaning that those weapons do not crit by default (meaning 0% crit chance). Then we did each level bonus and fired off rounds, counting the crits (Purple tracer effect). We got the values listed above. The numbers seem real low but that is how it worked out. Couldn't think of a good primary gun to test since most of them are automatics which handle crits a bit differently (they fire an entire wave of crit bullets). And the sniper fires so slow to do large scale testing of crit %'ages.

    We believe a crit does 1.5x damage, but we aren't certain.

    Hope that helps :)
  16. Cyris

    Cyris New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    Thanx for the info and link Skyllus. I want to point out the data is all tlbww's, I only converted the raw data to apoxamite % shifts to get a better look. A few comments / questions:

    Do you have your raw data listed someplace? I'd like to have info like this make it's way to wiki's and such for public consumption.

    If tlbww's data is accurate, I think the clip size #'s I put forward are correct. (Gunner going from 100 to 200)

    I'm really happy to see the Skill Recharge numbers so close. Makes me confident we are in the right ballpark!

    Do all weapons have a chance of critting? I assume crits work something like TF2, where your crit rate is checked against every second or so of continuous fire, as opposed for each bullet.

    Per the wiki comment, would you mind if I migrated the info you are sharing to the MNC wiki (http://mondaynightcombat.wikia.com). Same question to you tlbww.
  17. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    I erased the raw data once I worked out the percentages for everything. One I remember is that Support air strike takes 1 minute to charge, so the math is pretty easy for the different Skill Recharge Speed endorsements. I'm 100% sure that Gold is 33% since it brings it down from 60 seconds to 40 seconds.

    I'm guessing his clip size numbers are right since it hold true across different classes. Could of sworn sniper was 10-12-14-16 when I tested though. Could have miscounted.

    Regarding crits, all we worked out is that secondary weapons do not crit without the endorsements, and then they crit very infrequently with even gold endorsement.

    And yeah, wiki'ing is fine by me.
  18. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    What do you expect from a guy with a stopwatch and better things to do. If anything, they give players a visual queue of the differences.

    I think everyone would like it if the devs posted this rather than a player as their numbers will be absolute.
  19. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    Isn't it more fun to try and find out for yourself?
  20. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Re: Endorsement Data [Sniper][Gunner][AZAZN] Others to follow

    It is. Especially when the research is crude but gives entirely accurate results =).

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