Bomb jumping. Do it! (mini-guide with videos)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Nerfed, February 22, 2011.

  1. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Updated, removed most of the post and replaced it with the new method I found out. For reference to what the old bomb jumps were like, as well as an example of jetpack tapping and bomb traps, click here (all jumps shown here can be done in about half the time with the different bombjump method).

    This is the new method of bomb jumping. In short, you charge glide into a bomb and detonate it. After that, you jetpack tap as well in case you really need to, to get where you want.

    How to charge glide:
    Jump, activate your jetpack, charge, and turn off the jetpack near the end of the charge. If done at the peak of your jump, this can take you about twice the distance you'd go when charging on the ground. In the case of charge gliding into a bomb, you don't have to turn off the jetpack at the end of the charge, but rather, a split second before detonating the bomb.

    How to jetpack tap:
    simply press the jump and skill2 buttons at the same time, while airborne. This activates, and immediately deactivates your jetpack. This will reset your vertical momentum, and if done right, your horizontal momentum remains unchanged.

    In other words, jetpack tapping after a bomb jump will look as if you suddenly lunge forward while airborne. And best of all, you can do it multiple times during a single bomb jump!

    The actual bomb jumps can be very useful. On all maps (this includes steel peel!), you are able to travel from your own to the enemy spawn in just a matter of seconds!

    There are many uses to this. At the beginning of a round, you can be at the enemy spawn without them even knowing of it, because barely anyone thinks it's possible to get to places that fast. Take advantage, and get some turrets down, camp a bot spawn, or just have fun being a show off. It's also very easy to burst in unexpected, getting an easy kill on someone, often without even taking damage at all (aside from your bomb).

    Ammo Mule
    Lazer Razor
    Steel Peel
    Last edited: February 28, 2011
  2. nSmoothCritical

    nSmoothCritical New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    Golden scattergun man, welcome. :D
    I liked Spunky's rollout, people should learn how to chargeslide.
  3. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    QQ if only....
  4. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    You don't actually need passive2/3 for those I believe. You have to adjust your jump location to be closer to the bomb though.

    How do you create maps that have no bots and a lot of cash for testing this?
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    You need to work on your bomb jumps. When done at the height of you jump you can go much further and higher.

    Also what is the point of Jetpack tapping? I don't get it. You do know that double-tapping jump as Assault is the same as jumping and using your yellow skill right?

    I mean on the XBox version if you tap on and off your Fly it can and will last a lot longer.
  6. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    I agree that passive 2/3 isn't necessary, but the boost that the bomb gives is higher the further you are away from the bomb. The way bombs work is really weird.

    I forgot the exact commands, but a friend linked me to a thread here on the uber forums where someone asks about it. The command is something like "open DLC [mapname] [some other stuff I forgot]". After typing it in the console, the game starts blitz mode on that map, but since the maps aren't designed for blitz, you start off with $800 and no bots will spawn. I'll try finding the thread again, it should be somewhere in my history.

    It prevents falling damage, and if done right, your forward momentum will remain unchanged, while the downward momentum is stopped. You can see it clearly on the video I included, at Spunky arena. Near the end of that jump I jetpack tap, and it seems as if the assault gets launched forward.
  7. Fojib270

    Fojib270 New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    Your like the pc version of me xD
    Its good to see people using bomb jumping and your quality is amazing.

    I made a similar video/guide in the 360 section you should check out.
  8. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    I've tried some bomb-jumping, but with a lack of visual guidance previously, most attempts screwed. Thanks, at least I'll know some more of the steady basics for effective jumps.

    The bomb-trap looks like it'll be fun to use, haven't seen enough players using either.
  9. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    Update! edited the details into the opening post. If you haven't yet, it is definitely worth reading (and watching; the vid will be up any time now)
  10. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    The charge jump is pretty impractical to use. It certainly is faster but it would be too risky to try in actual gameplay and not having any skills to use is very dangerous as an Assault.

    I did try messing around a bit with jump pad bomb jumps to see if there was anything worthwhile to doing them and was pretty disappointed. You certainly can go faster but no real interesting possibilities were evident. You can go from the lower level jump pad on one lane of GrenadeIII to the upper level opposite side lane in one jumppad+bombjump though. Pretty useless in general I think. You can get impressively far outside the GrenadeIII arena with the left or right jump pad from the annihilator island to the lanes though.

    On Ammomule you can gain an absurd height from the ground to arch jump pads on the side. Just as useless however.

    Didn't try Steelpeel, LazoRazor or Spunky. Only Steelpeel has non-upward jump pads, though the map doesn't really lend itself to having a bomb assisted jump pad jump.

    Can't even use the behind the moneyball to upper deck pads because they point backwards.

    I did find a semi-bug (I guess?) with bombs though... If you place a bomb directly on a turret nub it doesn't beep and does not display the AoE bubble. Pretty inconsequential bug. You can still build a turret on the nub and the bomb is still silent but is now invisible.
  11. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    On laserazor, I can get from the spawn all the way to the right of the enemy spawn (like, literally crash into that wall. You know, up there above the little tunnel. Really, if done right, you should
    1. come down unexpected, thus getting some free damage on whoever is there
    2. play your cards right, and the opponent won't have any skills either (after using and missing them).

    It's not like you NEED skills to kill someone. The assault rifle is great for quick, up close kills.
    Of course, you're at a disadvantage vs an assault who still has his bomb and charge, but most assaults just use both on sight.
  12. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    Expecting your opponents to be poor is not a good strategy to use.

    Your two justifications are not good. One says "hah they will try and miss to shooting me in the air" and the other says "nah they won't even notice me".

    Neither is very likely. It certainly is quick, but your risk is quite high and such a move would only be useful in practice to get some damage on the money ball.
  13. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    Re: Bomb jumping. Do it! (Example video included)

    It has happened multiple times now that I successfully ambushed opponents by bomb jumping across the map. In all cases, the opponent(s) have died from an ambush they never saw coming.

    In no cases so far have I been killed with actual skill, by someone who actually saw it coming. In other words; so far (out of well over 30 cases) nobody actually saw me coming at them in the first place, and the few who did, were too late at seeing me, and died shortly after (or killed me by grapplespamming, etc).

    Have another random vid.
  14. Nerfed

    Nerfed New Member

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    updated the op (and added a new vid I made on steel peel)
  15. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    I was wondering what the commands would be to launch a game such that it's Blitz on a Crossfire map, mainly to test this and other movement methods.
  16. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    In console: open map_name

    Mapnames are here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\monday night combat\HostileGame\CookedOriginal\Maps

    So open DLC1_AmmoMule.hmap for example.
  17. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Is this still as viable with the bomb skill revamp, and the loss of hp from endorsements?
  18. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    It can be still pretty useful, in case you have juice and you need to get to the moneyball ASAP

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