Match on Spunky Cola A Tank gets into our area to cause some havoc, managed to shave his health down to maybe 10% As he's retreating and me shooting at him, his health suddenly goes from that sliver to full Before you say anything, no, he did not deploy. He was retreating and reloading and didn't stop for even a moment
He Clutch Passived. Before you repeat "HE DIDN'T STOP YOU IDIOT!!!!11!!11!one," you can do it very quicky by using the number keys, and lag can appear to keep him moving.
Probably had it macro'd then because there was no stop, no jitter, nothing but a smooth walk and his ping was under 50 Hold on, wouldn't popping in/out of the upgrade menu have disrupted his reload? Eh, I'll just chalk it up to a macro'd upgrade
Churros taste good. It's a shame we couldn't give them to hospital patients, and have them walk out like spring chickens. :lol:
I doubt the churros as he ducked into the angled tunnel just before the left turret on Spunky and no bouncers had come thru there
I run gold health regen on the tank sometimes. It often freaks the hell out of people when they miss me for about a second and a half and I'm already regenerating. That said this indeed sounds like a clutch passive or churros. Could come from dead bouncers near the tunnel.
Using just keys to upgrade, you can do it pretty quick Using a macro, you can do it with just barely a stutter in your movement
You don't even need a macro to do it. It's three button presses, and if you have a keyboard with anti-ghost, you can pretty much dial it in without worry that the keyboard wont register it. Hell, I'm on an old IBM keyboard, and I can do it just as fast as a macro. I imagine that the macro would make it easier however. Speaking of which, it sounds oddly like you were fighting me. What was the guys name? I've done that before. Actually, I've clutch passived right in peoples face for big WTF moments. My favorite is during the reload of another tanks jet gun, or a supports shotgun blasts/reloads.