Assault's Lv3 charge was basically his only good way of dealing with the flood of bouncers on spunky arena. Now it does almost nothing to them. What gives?
Actually the grapple from the Assault SHOULD still kill bouncers in one hit. I dunno maybe its a bug? BAL_A_CHARGE_DMGVSFOD_C=1000 BAL_A_CHARGE_DMGVSFOD_GRAPPLE_C=5000 It does 1000 if it doesn't initiate the grapple, it does 5000 if it does. The bouncer has 5000 health so there is no logical reason it shouldn't be 1hitting the bouncers unless they are under the effects of an enemy supports aura.
I don't think it's even doing that much BAL_A_CHARGE_DMGVSFOD_C=1000 BAL_A_CHARGE_DMGVSFOD_GRAPPLE_C=5000 Based on that it SHOULD be doing 5000, but in-game it seems to be doing only 1000
does supports bot aura also reduce the dmg that your grapple skills would do against those bots? cause if so i could see charge lv3 only doing half dmg against the bouncer.
He still has his Grenade Launcher Grapple... I find all these Assault changes to be fantastic! Played a few games and it was great.
Read as: Now that assault is just a weaker less effective version of the tank and I am only countered by snipers now, it is so much easier to steamroll as a competent tank!
Assaults still trash moneyballs with great ease, and instead of charge, why not use your bomb more? Honestly been using him as of late, I found the bomb to be a great tool to use agents bots, more less other players, but for them I tend to use the charge a ton more. Beyond that yes tanks are mighty strong of a class. Assaults thought can still rape tanks good staying just out of their charge/flamethrower range and peppering them to death.
Yes, bad players are still easy to kill. Bomb cooldown actually takes longer now than it did before (because it no longer recharges while in midair, so their decrease was still a net increase) making it even less viable against bots.
Bomb was never a good bot killing tool. If you headcrab a black jack sure you'll kill that one black jack, but it only does 750dmg to everything else, and black jacks have 2000health. For sake of comparison, the product grenade does: (256*5)*4 = 4096dmg to a bot wave (assuming every grenade connects when it splits.) Even if only the main grenade hits and NONE of the split grenades hit, it still does more damage to bots than the assault bomb, and stuns them.
1) Use the grapple every other single class has to use against bouncers. Support sure doesn't have an easier way to deal with bouncers other than that. He has LESS ways than the assault does, since a headcrab on a bouncer works while an airstrike is just suicide. 2) The assault still DOES melt the moneyball better than a gunner at farther range than a tank and with more mobility. 3) All that said, instead of being mother ****ing Guile, the developers made him a hybrid class as he was intended. He has 2nd rate mobility, 2nd rate firepower, 2nd rate skills. His skills were one of the things that made him 1st rate in all those things, since charge boosted mobility and bomb boosted firepower and all those things are better than tank or gunner skills in combat. 4) As a hybrid class, he still has duties on a balanced team, strength against lights, and weakness against turrets and bots. I originally thought the nerf was going to be way too hard, but while being fairly hard, the assault still takes out targets easily, only with more wait time between targets and (either) less rushdown or less safety in doing so (because the charge cannot reliably both enter and exit battle anymore). Btw, why did people complain about smokebomb jump when assault ALWAYS have free escapes when they mess up, while collecting heaps of rewards.
He is less mobile than the tank now, his moneyball damage is lower than the tank using the jetgun (if every bomb hits the moneyball his dps would be SLIGHLTY above the tank with just jetgun, but far below the gunner using the dual minis.) People complained about the smokebomb jump because assassin also has a 2second cd lunge that gives her precisely what you are saying made the assault too hard to kill before he escapes. Except the assassin could do it 3-4x as often as the assault who is running gold skill regen. The thing is that almost all of the classes in the game are "hybrid" and capable of doing a little bit of everything. He is no longer "2nd rate at everything" he is 3rd. He was never the most mobile class, he was never the most damaging class, he was never the best bot killer (actually he is 2nd WORST) he was never the best class for killing light classes, or heavy classes. He was not the best at ANYTHING but he was GOOD at all of them. Now he is "ok" at everything and excels at nothing, whereas everyone else is "ok" at everything and tends to excel in one area.
??? Just a show of hands, anyone else actually lose with a base full of turrets to a single tank, gunner, assassin, or support juiced on their moneyball? It always seems to be only the damn assault I see. Is that just me? Also, anyone else ever have no trouble at all killing an assault with 1/4th health before they ran like some kind of coward? Lightweight-marathon n00bs in MW2 aren't as chicken-**** as most assaults, most assault just will not die because they have a free escape. Not an easy one, like the assassin that still gets caught with low armor and grappled out of smokebomb jump, but an absolutely free one. Lastly, how in hell is the assault less mobile than the tank? The tank has bursts of charge, a charge that once used takes away one of his major win tools. Overall, if he tries to walk away from a fight, the assault just runs and jumps circle around him while peppering him down. The assault does that to EVERYONE. The assault is almost mobile enough to escape some fights without charge, just bunnyhop and speed.
This topic is one of the reasons why I overhealed bouncers as support. Wouldn't be surprised if you were facing somebody that does that, too. They're a walking damage sponge. EDIT: HA HA NEVERMIND I tried this out for myself. Weakened a bouncer to roughly 3/4 health, used the charge grapple, and it didn't even bring it down to half health. Another bouncer, it was slightly overhealed, the charge barely takes away a chip of health, then I follow up with a hit from the grenade launcher grapple and it just snaps in half. What the hell.
Let's dissect this in pieces. Because those classes can all effectively kill turrets with juice, allowing the entire team juiced or not to attack the moneyball, whereas an assault can't do jacksh*t to turrets. Also, it is more difficult for those classes to safely get in the enemy base. Assault jetpack makes it possible for him to get in around the turrets on some maps. You forget the part where assassin has lunge, the fastest move in the game, on the fastest cooldown in the game, which can be followed up by any (or all) of her 3 escape skills? Tank has charge too, on a faster cooldown. Perhaps if you aimed better, you could hit that assault with 1/4 hp. Assault is only that fast with gold boot pickup (or boots in past 15 seconds). otherwise his base speed is only 1/5 higher than tank, who gets charge 4/3 the speed of assault, meaning that if neither have boots the tank actually can travel faster. Also, if you are complaining that "the assault just rns and jumps circles around him" then perhaps if you were better at aiming, your massively greater DPS weapon which has a burn so it continues to do damage even when you miss, you would kill the assault. and you also have the railgun, which makes the tank effective range the entire map, so you know, if you don't see him coming, you kind of deserve to die anyway.
I don't know how long they comp. players have been playing but if you look at most high ranking assaults they tend to only use the charge as a form of mobility and rarley ever charge as a means of damage. The bomb is by far his most effective skill and this update basically made it less of a trap and area denial tool, all of which is the snipers job, to the offensive weapon that most xbox players see it as. It has emence ring out cababities, high damage, 1HKO capabilities, prevents player health regen for another 5 seconds plus burn damdage, can be thrown of walls, can deroute any camping enemies,massive hit box, and a fast respawn making it a great killing tool. All of the assaults that used charge as a main means of attack and barley used the bomb now just have to rely on the bomb more.