Instant class changing within spawn room

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Sayed Stafa, March 19, 2011.

  1. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    Here's the problem. Right now, the only way to change classes is between spawn times. Lets say the game is starting, I pick a class and 3 people on my team haven't chosen yet. Then when the game actually starts and everyone spawns, two of those people pick the same class as me. Or let's say people leave right before the match begins, and it shows me on one of the teams and I pick my class, then when I spawn it autobalances me to the other team, and I now realize there are too many of us playing as the same class. I have a big problem with playing the same class as two other people on the team, because I'm a firm believer of having a well balanced team. The only way for me to change classes in one of those situations is to leave the spawn room, jump off the side of the map, and wait to respawn as a new class. I think it would be a lot more helpful to just allow anyone in the spawn room to press V (or whatever assigned key) to view the class selection menu and just change from that way.
  2. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Sounds good. But I would like to change the class everytime and then you start as that class after your next death too.
  3. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    both above are reasonable and i agree these should be implemented. but maybe have a notice box when ur dead telling you which class you will spawn as if (using Kel's suggestion) you chose another class before your death, in case someone loses track
  4. Solipcyst

    Solipcyst New Member

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    Fourthed. I like both ideas.
  5. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I would support this.
  6. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I'm in favor of this.
  7. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    This is something I did not think of but now I find quite some value in.
  8. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Yeah, this'd be nice.
  9. azure

    azure Member

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    I agree, but I also think that a limit of one class change per life should be included, if only to prevent people from going back and forth between the most proficient classes in every situation.
  10. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Why? It works very fine in TF2 and I like their system.
  11. azure

    azure Member

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    I'm mainly talking about switching classes every 30 seconds or so, ie. start the game as Support, hack a turret, switch to Assassin, destroy their turrets, switch to Gunner when the Moneyball is under attack. Another problem, depending on how it could be implemented, would be skill exploits, avoiding long recharges on powerful skills like the Airstrike by using it and switching classes.
    I have no problem with people being able to switch classes because they want a change of pace mid-match or to alleviate class stacking, but the reasonably quick travel times, combined with the fact that classes can be very powerful in specific roles could make unlimited instant class changes a major strategic point.
  12. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    Your examples aren't anything that can't be done with the current system. I can choose Support, hack a turret, jump off the the map to kill myself, spawn as an Assault. And let's say my suggestion of changing classes within bot spawn is implemented, how is that any different from jumping off and killing myself? I would still have to run all the way back to the spawn to change classes. The only difference is that I don't have to kill myself and have a death counted against me. In fact, jumping off the map might even be faster to getting to the spawn depending on where on the map you where.

    The ability to change classes within the spawn room would not be exploitable. You know why? Cuz no one is exploiting the current class changing system. My examples as to why this system would be helpful are more realistic situations than your examples of exploitation.
  13. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Exploitation is the immediate result of anything exploitable. If something becomes exploitable, it becomes a realistic situation for it to be exploited.

    THAT SAID, I don't think it would be exploitable. With the fact that skill upgrades are on a per-class basis, changing classes regularly would require a SIGNIFICANT financial investment. Money is everything in this game. Unless you are dominating you wouldn't be able to abuse such a system, and if you ARE dominating, the situations where class changes would be useful are generally less useful than juice purchases.

    The one switch per life thing would ruin(or at least make less viable) the strategy for people who wanted to use it, and the people who are "exploiting" it would be spending way too much time/money near their base.
  14. azure

    azure Member

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    The primary difference between jumping off the edge and having unlimited free class changes is the fact that you don't die. Whenever you decide to jump off the edge to kill yourself, you lose any juice, streaks, etc. If you were simply able to switch, there would be literally no downside. Each class really comes into their own at a certain point in the game, either when they gets enough cash for an important skill, or juice, or Gapshot spam. Allowing switches with no downside essentially encourages players to play the classes that need a smaller investment in the early game, build up streaks and switch to a more expensive class in the late game.
    Now that I'm thinking about this, I would have no problem with it if there were unlimited changes, but you lost juice and streaks, so it was essentially as though you had died, but without actually dying.
  15. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Yes, this would be reasonable.
  16. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I can agree with this.
  17. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    The biggest exploit would be the healing one when your moneyball is under attack.
    Go out -> rush -> go in respawn, change class with full health. TF2 avoids this exploit because it takes time to go from spawn to must-defend area though in MNC, the money ball is just too close from the spawns.

    But, look at it, in TF2 there's always 3 snipers or 3 spies, even if ppl can instantly change class... So I don't think it'd be useful. Moreover, ther is the startup screen to avoid taking the same class as other and some server have class restrictions.

    The simple suicidal way you use is almost senseless. Just do your best, you'll get money on class change and even an big big game advantage. It is not because your team is full of commandos or supports that your team must lose. By the way, I never take Assassin or Sniper at the very start of a map because there is always someone to take it already.

    The idea is quiet cool actually, but may not be essential.
  18. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Of course you die. Do you even know the TF2-system? :?
  19. azure

    azure Member

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    When did this become about TF2? Even so, in TF2, you only die if you change class outside of spawn (and there's an option not to suicide as well), while class changes inside the spawn area are instant. If you misinterpreted me as suggesting instant class change outside spawn, that is not what I meant.
  20. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Is there a kill command in mnc? I wouldn't use it very often, but it may be useful for class changing.

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