Seeing Teammate's Current On-hand Cash & Cash Transfer

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by DelBoy, March 16, 2011.

  1. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    I'll try to keep this short to avoid wall of text syndrome.


    Basically, it would be nice to be able to see how much cash your team mates are currently holding instead of the accumulated grand total. It would be in the form of a simple figure beneath their name instead of on the scoreboard where it would just introduce more clutter.



    This one can be taken with a much bigger grain of salt, but builds a reason to have the idea above. This idea is like what the title implies. The ability of being able to transfer cash between people in your team can bring a new sort of flow into the game, encouraging a new sort of teamwork.

    How it can work is that the player just needs to point at a nearby teammate he/she wishes to transfer money to and use a set key to transfer, say, $50, or something along those lines to that person's coffers.

    Advantages of this can be obvious, and all amounts to funding people to let them purchase things when they were just short of the needed amount. It's like being a medic, except instead of feeding health, you're feeding bling bling.


    Well, that's it. I hope there can at least be some discussion regarding these ideas. :mrgreen:
  2. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Person joins, gives one player starting cash then leaves. Rinse & repeat.
  3. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    In that case, a rule can be set where a player has to earn a certain amount of cash before being able to transfer anything. Otherwise, you'll also start seeing very early juice rushes as well.
  4. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    One advantage is that a player joining late can be given cash to get up to speed.
  5. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Not so sure I like it. Though I would like more player to player interactions in-game.
  6. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    seeing on-hand cash doesn't really matter to me but i'd disagree to being able to transfer cash
  7. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Basically this.

    Transferring money would break the flow of the game. Allowing a person to fund something that they could not normally afford, like a lv3 rockit, which can then be hacked. Or buying juice. Lots of juice. Feed the top player on your team so he can juice rush like a boss.
  8. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Which would be amusing if the other team did exactly the same, and you see these team-sponsored heroic clashes in each match. :lol:

    It's an experimental idea that came up really. As Runie mentioned, just finding ways to make the team actually work more as one unit instead of seperate lone wolves.
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I say you should be able to press the "use" key on a person, and it transfers $50 to that person. You can do this once a minute.

    Joining in and out of a game is very unreliable most of the time. You'd end up with no room to return, that wouldn't be worth it.

    Limiting it to 50 would bar a lot of things. Everyone on the team would have to chip in for a lvl 2 rokkit, or a juice, and it wouldn't allow it for the first minute of the game. Even if it did allow in first minute, and the person waited for the first 50 from time to kick in, that would cripple the entire team. Then imagine if the juice fails, LOL.

    The game needs a bigger delay on juice machines anyway, they should double the cooldown on juice machines before adding this anyway.

    But I thought of this before and it was a good idea then. You brought a really good balance point up, so that was worth it in itself. Great ideas and ways to make them work.
  10. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    In Killing Floor, there is a key that lets you throw cash on the ground, and your team mates pick it up or if no one picks it up you can pick it back up. I suggest maybe something similar, a key that lets you throw coins. Throw it directly at someone, throw it on the ground, or just "make it rain" as the support would say.
  11. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Transferring money in large quantities will tip the scales. No.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Like I said, just limit it to $50. Make it to where you have to "use" a teammate, that way there isn't no confusion about where the money goes (teammates griefing, enemies getting it).

    I like the idea, because how much money you get at start means you would be screwed if you donated early, but late in the game you can transfer cash where it can be used. Not everyone can spawn gapshots you know, and players just joining in can use it, and turrets and the annihilator won't go without because someone is $12 away.
  13. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    should be a server option instead, hosts may choose to enable it

    or not do this at all :p
  14. Demystificator

    Demystificator New Member

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    The server option is the best idea.

    To avoid the deco/reco exploit, server can keep the name of players and their cash. In that cas, you connect, you give all your money away, you leave, you reconnect, you'll got 0 because server has recognized you.

    Working on autoshare is a good idea too. I mean, instead of a key that gives hardly 50$ (u gonna spam it if you want to give 500$), just leave the server manages the donations.
    Whenever a new player connects or when a player get over an amount of money, server takes some money from all mates and give it to the poorest player. The server should not take money if the remaining cash of a player is too low. From 500$ seems good to me and takes automatically money from 1000$ ?
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    If you leave it as the "Use" key on a teammate to give $50, you can limit the ammt per minute to $50. I like limiting it to $50 a minute per person because it prevents a lot of exploitation. You can still give join-ins 250 with a full team.

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