40 hours played aswell, I don't play for pro kills I play for team wins hence the even K ratio. I was 5 star yesterday aswell but I dropped to 2 star today after a weird series of events which I won't rant about here. Show your stats if you want.
I would post my stats but I don't want to be compared to everyone else . (Not that I suck or anything, I'm decent but can't compete with those that are like kd of 3 and 10000000 cash earned)
I guess you're right. These are my stats. K/d could've been higher, but like you I also play for the objective (even when nobody else does).
Money #1: 5985248 Kills #1: 21603 Wins #1: 1306 My K-D is terrible. I am about one of the most suicidal players ever. I also like to go for the comical kills which gets me killed constantly. I shopped in my bot to go with my level. Gremlin goodness.
i think i need to play more defensively, but chasing people down and being an annoying clem is too much fun
MVP: 455 Wins: 603 Player Level: 60 (one prestige) Lifetime Earnings: 2,401,894 Pro-Kills: 5850 Pro-Assists: 2086 Deaths: 4438 Kills/Deaths: 1.318 Slims: 23,990 Black Jack: 15192 Jackbot: 346
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005336292/screenshot/560903948156051292?tab=public Don't know about leaderboards but I only care about the kill one though.
I apparently do not play this enough compared to the rest of you guys. Also I LOL that most of my bot kills outrank most other players, chances are because I end up playing allot of Blitz.