To kill or not to kill? That is the question.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Orion, August 15, 2010.

  1. Orion

    Orion New Member

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    Alright so I was just reading through some posts on here and came across something that has sort have shaken my playstyle to the core. They said that the game wasn't about killing. And I have realized that this is true, yet, everyone I see is doing nothing but trying to get kills- especially randoms. Only whenever I encounter a coordinated team do I ever see anyone make a rush to the other teams moneyball before Overtime- and even then it seems to only be the Assassins rushing it with juice.

    So you see, my problem is that I play to kill, but not just to kill, I play the defense. I kill to prevent enemies from getting close to my bots and my base. To make an utterly shameful TF2 reference: "I do not like Spys in mah base."

    Thus I hang back on my side of the color border and murder anything that moves.

    But you see, while I know I am playing defence for the moneyball and any snipers we have, I still feel as if I am losing part of the experience by doing so, like I'm just playing to raise my K/D which I, in all honesty, care way more about than I would care to care!

    So tell me, noble members of the Uber Entertainment forums, do you have a similar problem? Do you care to much about your K/D ratio? Are you to serious of a competitor in this fairly light hearted game?!

  2. Anthoron

    Anthoron New Member

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    i relate to this so much it wouldn't have been worded much differently if i'd have wrote it.

    the real question is, are you having fun doing what you're doing? because i do. i love hanging back on our side of the map and watching infurated attackers rush forward time after time after time just to feed me kills and know that while they're doing it my team is on the other part of the map being met with no resistance.
  3. Gibbs

    Gibbs New Member

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    In most games i play with objectives I am usually the slayer of the team. I try purposely to make myself known so the other team starts focusing more on me than the objective which also helps the team.

    In MNC I sit up front killing pros, bots and turrets all at the same time. So I go for kills but it benefits the team for sure.
  4. Chompzilla

    Chompzilla New Member

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    I play to win. I don't care about K/D. I care about W/L.
  5. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    I'm always taking out turrets and helping other players win duels all while still pushing our bots forwards i guess I try to do everything i don't focus on killing other people but i maintain a 2 k/d but i don't want to brag.
  6. Orion

    Orion New Member

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    You see that's all well and good Sir Chompzilla but you see here's the thing: I'm playing with randoms, and as we all know, most randoms are disjointed, voiceless, and often have their own objectives at heart (I'm talking to you thousands of assassins!). As such I care more about my K/D as one person cannot win a game with incompetent teammates as no one man is an army.

    Now once I get my friends together I'll start caring more about winning and losing.

    In other news I'm glad that I am not the only one who has quams with this.

    First of all, when you say you don't want to brag, its because you do. And even if its not, it makes it sound that way. So I would refrain from doing it in the future. Anyway my K/D is 3.545.
  7. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    First of all, when you say you don't want to brag, its because you do. And even if its not, it makes it sound that way. So I would refrain from doing it in the future. Anyway my K/D is 3.545.[/quote]
    :shock: i really don't want to brag a 2 k/d is not good in my opinion your k/d is sweet :p
  8. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    I feel disappointed when the match ends so quickly. I will help my team mates if they rush the Money Ball but I like to spend the first 10 minutes killing, Not because of K/D I just like to get some actual gameplay in before the round ends.

    The game is too heavily based on rushing the Money Ball.
  9. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    I've never seen this game as TDM and I'm quite glad it's not. If I wanted to just go out and kill people I could play any other shooter out there. MNC at least offers a somewhat unique experience and you have to think a litle more about it lol.

    K/D ratio literally means nothing in this game. Even the current match rankings are based on money earned. As a Support with few kills of my own I've gotten MVP a number of times.

    As an Assault it's incredibly easy to push the line forward and take out defenses. I'm fairly certain the only reason the grenade launcher is there is to take out bots and turrets as it does such a fantastic job of it. With a few friends we can take out the enemy's rockit turrets within minutes and keep the team occupied on that one side.
  10. Orion

    Orion New Member

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    You may think so but in a game where I easily can average 11 kills a life a 3.545 is kinda terrible.

    Arcell am glad you understand the game the same way I do. However the problem with me is is that I have an inherent care about my K/D and it really, really, bugs me. For instance when I played MW2 I made trial XBL accounts just so I could screw around because I didn't want to mess up my K/D on there. Sure its quite fun to have a high K/D but it gets old having to watch my back all the time worried about getting ninja'd by someone who has a negative K/D.

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