Support is a 1 man army. And gunner talk. Remove steel peel.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by itz mr gaga, August 15, 2010.

  1. itz mr gaga

    itz mr gaga New Member

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    About the Support class, Seriously. I feel bad when I just one shot an assassin in the face the second I see them. Or when I'm gunning getting two shotted before I can let loose 2 rounds of my minigun to a lurking camping Support player around every corner. All my assault class seems to do is play with him a little bit. As he spam heals EVERYTHING. The primary weapon needs to have an over heating meter for both sides, respectively. As does Gunner spray. Or make a consequence when ou use every round in the Minigun. Such as an overheat. The spray a gunner can nonstop do is retarded.

    Oh yeah and we need new maps now. And Steel Peel is just terrible.
  2. TangerineMoney

    TangerineMoney New Member

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    yea the supports shotty needs to be nerfed because I my self have wreaked gunners before with the shotgun lol. and steel peel is not terrible its just easy to spawn camp.
  3. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    Wow, balance is FINE!
    Shotgun is powerful, yes.. But only in extremely close range. The turret is easily taken out by your teams support airstrike or a deployed gunner from out of it's range.
  4. chaosangel09

    chaosangel09 New Member

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    Are you serious i hope your joking its a SHOTGUN it does alot of dam a close range like it suppose to.what the heck do you want it to do shoot rainbows and fairys. as a gunner use the X button on your controller follow up with a grapple or hose em down with the mini sheeeeeeeeh.
  5. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    DLC please! :D (Don't mod the damage though.. Just add more rainbow!)
  6. MethTicalSR

    MethTicalSR New Member

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    An overheat function sounds like a good idea, most miniguns in videogames have overheat to keep things balanced.
  7. DevilAir

    DevilAir New Member

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    lolwhiners. If you're a bucking gunner, you EAT a bucking support, if you know how to play, end of the story :D
  8. SuperEvilDOOM

    SuperEvilDOOM New Member

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    Overheat? The consequence is reloading.

    There are better ways to balance the Gunner. He should have less accuracy and move slower. Hell, the Heavy in TF2 has a minigun that doesn't overheat OR reload and people think the Heavy is ****.
  9. toxn54

    toxn54 New Member

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    If anything needs to be nerfed on the support it is their level 3 air strike, the shot gun is perfectly adjusted for their class, because they have no long range gun, so if someone is dumb enough to get next to an support, then they better be prepared for the close range combat. Even hiding behind a wall a gunner can go to their alternate and deploy and just shoot the ground next to the person, there is no reason a gunner should be next to an assault unless the assault has run to the gunner, and if that's the case then the team needs work. The game is a team game, it isn't a one-man-show no-matter what your title says. No one kit can do every thing, it's up to the team to use their strengths to cover others.

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