Ability to play with friends.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Micah71381, March 21, 2011.

  1. Micah71381

    Micah71381 New Member

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    I have been playing since the free weekend started and me and a few friends bought the game because we enjoyed it. However, none of us really feel we can recommend the game to anyone because it's next to impossible to actually play *with* each other. We can feebly try to join a server that has enough slots open, which seems to rarely work and once we do get into a match the chances of us getting on the same team is next to none.

    When we join a game in progress we are put on random teams and can't change (even if the teams are uneven and switching to the underdog team).

    Once the map ends and the next map starts we can all choose the same color but if any other players also choose that color one of the people with that color will get booted to the other. It seems that people know this and grief the system because when me and a couple friends pick a color several other people also pick that color.

    Ideally, a matchmaking system. It still baffles me that in this day games still don't come stock with basic team based matchmaking. Second best, allow players to mutually mark each other as friends in a game and have the game automatically try to put friends on a team together (as best it can). Lastly, allow team switching in game when the teams are not even.
  2. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    Whenever I play with my mates we generally go "Icemen (or Hotshot) at 11". We pick our side just before the 10 second countdown starts. That hinders other players from stacking alongside us.

    However, we generally stay random. 'Cause it's just as fun to kill your friends as it is to play alongside, especially if you're sitting over a third party VOIP software. In fact I prefer to play against my mates, as it adds another level of intensity. It becomes a friendly competition rather than just "another game".

    But I definitely see the need for an easier way for friends to play together.

    I recently tried the Crysis 2 demo out and it really got a knack for allowing friends to play with each other by "squading" up. And then the squad leader picks a server with plenty of space and everyone joins said server automatically. I hope this becomes a standard!

    And being able to switch teams would indeed be helpful! Especially when the enemy team ragequits and the teams are just blown out of balance.
  3. beeavenger

    beeavenger New Member

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    Agreed. Several friends and I checked the game out during the free play weekend and loved the gameplay. However, the matchmaking is straight out of 1995. Very clunky and cumbersome just to play with your friends.

    Improve the matchmaking and you will have a five star game.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Actually, no matter how matchmaking is handled in future, this seems like a good idea.
  5. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    what!? are they implementing matchmaking!?!? :D

    and for people who disagree this because of "team stacking", IF match-making was implemented, these people could just be matched against other pre-made players" 6-man premade against 6-man premade, duo-queue against other duo queues etc :D
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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  7. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    you play too? lol
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    rarely play it anymore
  9. Timon

    Timon Member

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