At the beginning of each match, it seems you're allowed 3 endorsements, and then whatever upgrades you purchase during the actual match. Is that it? In other words, does your experience or wins-to-date gradually make you tougher, or are you starting from scratch every time?
you're starting from scratch every match. every match is a new "round" and which skills to upgrade is part of the thinking. you get to keep your custom classes' endorsements and protags though, which don't affect gameplay well your wins-to-date don't make you stronger, nor does your level; but your own experience will make you know more and be better (or tougher) at the game
you get to keep your money made, so then you can buy custom characters and upgrade them with the endorsements of your choice. Check the strategy section for good endorsement builds
Ya, at the end of every round you get a certain amount of money. With that money, you go to your locker room and by tags(which do nothing) or spend it on custom classes. With the custom classes, this is wear your character will be different amongst everyone else. Your classes you can have your assault guy faster with more accuracy and ammo, or you can make him have more armor more health and something else.
Id strongly reccomend unlocking custom classes asap and speccing your class how you like. The default setups are do-able but most of the time not the best to use.
This. Custom classes allow you to fine tune every class to your playstyle and are not as static as the standard classes are. I'd never ever play gunner again without gold accuracy <3