[Devorax Z] Sniper Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by devorax, August 14, 2010.

  1. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    Just throwing this out there.. If Devorax is using Armor as a crutch, I'd say you're using your extended mags as a crutch.

    Devorax will stay alive longer and still do as much damage as you if he's hitting all of his shots. Considering you're using RoF, you'll probably miss more.

    Sometimes, encountering an assassin can't be helped. Coming from someone who plays nothing but assassin at this point, I can almost ALWAYS find a way around traps using smoke bomb. If the sniper isn't using Armor at that point I get a free kill. Usually, I don't even have to grapple, because Lunge + 1 Melee Swing is a kill.

    If I really can't get within range, I just pull out my Shurikens... It's easy pickings, considering one clip does MORE than enough damage to kill an unarmored Sniper.

    You state that full offense is the best idea, but if Devorax goes full offense, he'll end up surviving far longer due to his Gold Armor. The difference that Gold Armor makes against Assault and other classes is simply invaluable. It makes 2v1 situations possible that would otherwise kill you. Basically, I believe you're wrong, and you shouldn't be insulting Devorax. He's obviously experienced, and he's simply trying to debate. He's not trying to disprove you, he's just discussing ideas.

    The fact that you're interpreting his posts as hostile is your own problem. This is just how competitive gamers talk.
  2. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    ^ Cute

    -_-' If you couldn't pull anything out of that 8th grade level monologue I wrote, God be with you b/c lord knows I don't possess the ability to draw a picture book for you to grasp basic sentence structure, concepts, and theory. I can only assume that this was targeted to me, and I reply simply: I stated my points and won't bother your brain parade. I wasn't mad at you and thought we were discussing difference of opinion. I didn't sick any hounds on you. I don't even know the other poster, so believe for real I'm not in cahoots with him and won't agree/disagree with whatever he said.

    You can call off you dogs since the above poster was completely off base with his attack thread. Maybe if you calmly read my thread you will find that I don't completely disagree with you. If you truly don't understand it, I would be glad to discuss this further in pms since I would rather not litter this thread is such matters.
  3. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    Dude pms could make this intense!

    lawlz! I was just reading that and I couldn't resist!

    Anyways i dont think it was a personal attack tbh.
  4. devorax

    devorax Member

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    First off, the fact that you think that post was an "attack" is really quite hilarious... but i'll go ahead and leave that alone.

    I wasn't meaning I couldn't understand your English. But I couldn't understand why you were saying half of the stuff you did.

    You either proved my point for me, or missed my point entirely in half of the things you responded to.

    And I wasn't really saying you disagree with me. But the things you said just made very little sense in terms of what you believe to be true and what is actually true.

    And lastly, Feel free to go make a sniper strategy thread of your own, rather then nit-picking in my thread which was not intended for you anyways.

    Thanks broski.
  5. tyler251

    tyler251 New Member

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    Thanks devorax this build is awesome I have found it useful for almost any situation again thanks for the build you have helped me a ton. :D
  6. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Glad I could help
    Enjoy sniping =]
  7. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I'm quite sure from your standpoint, someone telling that you're right and that someone else is wrong is quite humorous. If your ego was any higher you would have to ask God to make room. When you decide that you wish to explain your statements rather than say "You make no sense.. kthxbai" I would gladly entertain them.

    But I won't bother you anymore rapaz.
  8. devorax

    devorax Member

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    I wasn't saying your views on the sniper were wrong. Because you cant go wrong in a game if your having fun.

    But what you were saying about me when picking through my words were wrong.

    Although my ego is quite big it did not influence the creation of this guide, or anything I've said in this thread.

    You lack a purpose for even posting here in the first place, let alone continuing to post. Need I say more?
  9. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    k back to topic, I tried your sniper endorsements, they really work well. So what's the best way to get better at headshots? just play pugs or is there a method? I don't hit them as often as I'd like to.
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Let's keep it civil, everyone. I'd hate to have to lock your thread Devorax.
  11. devorax

    devorax Member

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    The best way for this is just practice. I would recommend scoping in, addressing how far away the scope is from there head, then if you are used to you're sensitivity, just quickly drag the scope over towards their head and shoot.

    This is much easier when you are used to your sensitivity and you know the proper ratio of how much time holding the right control stick : how far the aimer goes.

    So just practice
  12. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I for one just read that guide and am about to go back to my Xbox and try it out. Every custom sniper class I make fails to perform to my expectations (faster firing-rate leads to more misses, increased speed isn't that great, no scoping seems to deal less damage... my failures are limitless).

    I will return hours hence with a full report.

    UPDATE: Well that didn't take nearly as long as I was hoping... my Xbox froze after a few rounds of glitches where shots wouldn't register and my ice traps would go off without anyone nearby...

    Other than that the class worked fine, and I definitely enjoy being able to take more damage before I have to retreat. At the right range I even managed to damage race a gunner. Ice traps and flak grenades are still a great combination, but I was having a really hard time landing the grapple. Can you grapple frozen pros?
  13. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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  14. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    does the final passive upgrade increase sniper rifle damage?
  15. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    As near as I can tell, yes. I wonder if the pro/bot you shoot actually takes splash damage from the explosion.
  16. Jason Miles

    Jason Miles New Member

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    lol this guys full of him self. i see him all over threads.. talkin bout him self. but anyways.on the sniper topic. i always play snipe and i always upgrade my passive and my freeze traps up to 3 and i spend rest of money to help my team. im a true sniper. headshots galore. but in crunch time i agree, sniper is good for game win. i also agree with gold armor, silver rate of fire, but. bronze is the clip. just for the oh **** moments with the uzi.
  17. devorax

    devorax Member

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  18. Jason Miles

    Jason Miles New Member

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  19. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    I hear that Murdok taught you how to snipe in a 6v6 is that true?
  20. Rolos

    Rolos New Member

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    Heyy thanks Devorax for the guide, found it very useful.
    Any tips on dealing with juiced Sins? Im finding them hard to deal with. :cry:

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