Ive had quite a problem with Jackbots having double health, and in some cases cant take damage. I play support alot and i cant see a way to heal a jackbot double health. (even juiced just for it) Anyone else having these types of problems
I seen one a couple times. Ive tried and am unable. Ive also recently had problems where an air strike graphic will be FAR away. And I'm completely out of range and still die. :/. Problems is pluraral as in it's happened more then once.
jackbots are hard enough to take down with out double health..I could see ubers reasons for not including double health jackbots.
There was one match I had where the enemy jackbot was glitching out a little bit, every 20 seconds or so it's HP would reset back to full WITH overheal, it happened for about 4 minutes before me as a sniper and an assassin slapped it around a bit with grapples, but it was a pain before we all realised it's hp was filling up instantly.
Jackbot overhealing shouldn't be possible as far as I know.. Nevertheless, I've seen it, and done it myself. Either it's a glitch, or they didn't change their ProTips after they made it possible. Also, assassin make short work of jackbots.
I have experienced an invincible Jackbot glitch and a Jackbot health reset glitch, Me and a few other Gunners couldn't take it down so eventually we tried to rush the enemies Money Ball but it was too late. I have seen 2 invincible Jackbots and 1 Jackbot that's health kept resetting, All the Jackbots came from the right side on LazorRazor arena that result in the end of the match in 3 different matches. Seems to be a rare glitch on LazorRazor arena.