F'ing Stars, how do they work?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, March 16, 2011.

  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Nah, you're not. I still got more kills and money then you.
    Go, come at me bro!
  2. MasterXC

    MasterXC New Member

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    It took me a couple hours of playing to finally hit 5 stars (going like 20-1 most matches)...only to be knocked down to 4 when we were absolutely slaughtered in an unbalanced game (6v3 anyone?). :(
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I'm back to 4 stars but it took some serious MVP-ing to get there. So the system seems to work, it's probably just a little too harsh. It should allow for the odd bad game too imo. Sometimes you just have a bad day or want to learn a new class...
  4. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    I've been stuck at four stars for the last week. I made my way up to five stars after going to a noob-server and slaughterhousing them 30-0 for three games or so. It's entirely based on k/d, which is lame - I'd rather play against good players, and I'm sure newbies would rather not play against me. Ended up leaving shortly after getting the fifth star since yeah - it dawned on me that I'm probably discouraging folks from buying the game =/

    And I got bumped right when I joined a high-level-play server and went 5-8 one game. It's nonsense.
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i play gunner and assault mainly so being based off K/D is good for me in that aspect mine finally got 5 stars after i went 50-2, they had 5 assaults and lost to 1 assault (me) in overtime i laughed, also gold armor silver skill bronze RoF gunner, is amazing......that grapple
  6. [Knovocaine]

    [Knovocaine] New Member

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  7. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    Also, does the stats only update after a match?

    Ive played some 5-star guys yesterday and i pretty much raped them but they all raged before the match ended.

    Encountered them again with 5 stars 2day, if they really that bad vs anyone they shouldnt even be 5 to start with, so i was wondering about when it updates and if raging really saves your rating.

    Not that i care much, ive been stuck for ages on my 4 star rating, find the system a bit meh.
  8. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I think you have to stay until the team selection screen to get stats to save
  9. T7CP

    T7CP New Member

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    I was at five stars when I went to bed yesterday, woke up this morning, started MNC, and found that my rating had gone down to four in the server selection lobby.

    Then I joined a game and it went up to five. When the game ended with me 18-4, the server lobby showed me as five, and the multiplayer server selection lobby showed me as four when I left.

    Perhaps the server selection lobby rating display doesn't update correctly.

    Or this system is just trying to be confusing.
  10. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I finally got my 5* after a 40-1 match with ~150 bots kills, and it has not moved since then.

    All good :D
  11. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    I just got my hard earned fourth star Four games ago. It was nice and shiny. Since then, I haven't lost a game, my kills have still been in the double digits while my deaths are only in single digits. We won my last game, with the stats of 21k, 10A, 6D, 80 bots, Just under 6000... and I go back to three?

    ~Edited to say I think it is also based on the rating of the people who killed you. With the free weekend, there are a lot of noobs running around who can get a lucky shot at you when you already killed three people and are week.
  12. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i was at 5 stars, didnt play for 2 days went down to 4 stars.

    I think the worst thing about the stars is that now i do not want to give the other classes a try, i am pretty good assault and would like to try sin now for a bit saying that i know the game pretty well now and also i feel like a change, however i will just keep playing assault as i know if i play sin my stars will go down.
  13. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I'm not sure how it works, but I think your older games scroll off based on how long they were ago. I remember killing myself repeatedly with airstrikes for lolz and being stuck at 3 stars, then all of a sudden going straight up to 5.
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I just did badly for one match. Join as Sin, switched to Support accidentally (long story). So now here I am, $50, no skill and we get stomped. No money to buy turrets or skills. All I have is a 1.1 firebase. We lose, my K/D 4:10 or something. I go from 4 to 3 stars.

    Back to Minecraft...
  15. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I think it was yesterday when I played the game for the first time in almost a month and first time playing gunner for over two months. I did decently on the first game went from two to four stars, and consistently decent for the next two and stayed at four. Problem is, I don't feel like I'm good enough at the PC version to be four stars.
  16. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    I got 4 star in less than a day, I started off pretty badly but starting winning with ease and now I'm aiming for 5 star :D
  17. vassus

    vassus New Member

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    Played several games with a 4+ K/D to get promoted from 4 to 5 stars, next I know I join late and get put in the bad team. Got a pretty shitty k/d 1.5-ish and we loose. -> 4 stars..
  18. at0m1sk

    at0m1sk New Member

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    I am really suprised you people haven't figured it out that the stars are win based...infact the way you get a star promotion is if you win a certain game number in a row. Honestly , debating K:D , you are all tools who don't know how to play this game...please to back to COD:MW/BO(wtfever). I am a top 400 player and I am sick of playing w/ people who just play for K:D, it makes me do the same because no one ever understands team dynamics. Very few people that I have played with understand the point of this game.

    A plea to Uber: Please figure out how to hammer the idea of team play into people's heads, please! I wish I had some ideas for you but I don't get paid to do that, nor am i willing to work for free. My understanding is that the Star system is a step in that direction, but I cannot say that with certainty. Made an account just to post this!

    P.S. Game balance > accessories , if this is your main focus I think you will make something great (w/ itteration ofcourse :) ).
  19. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    No offense but you need to get off your high horse, I've only been playing for one day and know it's all about the result not the K:D ratio, I'll sacrifice myself more times than not to take down turrets/open up lanes. I've never played any of the games you mentioned like BO etc so I'm suppose I learnt playing as a team quicker than most who were used to going solo.
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    *points to assault, gunner and sniper* KD does mean something, but only to certain classes

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